Orrin Woodward on LIFE & Leadership

Inc Magazine Top 20 Leader shares his personal, professional, and financial secrets.

  • Orrin Woodward

    Former Guinness World Record Holder for largest book signing ever, Orrin Woodward is a NY Times bestselling author of And Justice For All along with RESOLVED & coauthor of LeaderShift and Launching a Leadership Revolution. His books have sold over one million copies in the financial, leadership and liberty fields. RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions For LIFE made the Top 100 All-Time Best Leadership Books and the 13 Resolutions are the framework for the top selling Mental Fitness Challenge personal development program.

    Orrin made the Top 20 Inc. Magazine Leadership list & has co-founded two multi-million dollar leadership companies. Currently, he serves as the Chairman of the Board of the LIFE. He has a B.S. degree from GMI-EMI (now Kettering University) in manufacturing systems engineering. He holds four U.S. patents, and won an exclusive National Technical Benchmarking Award.

    This blog is an Alltop selection and ranked in HR's Top 100 Blogs for Management & Leadership.

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Archive for September, 2010

Murray Rothbard – The Discipline of Liberty

Posted by Orrin Woodward on September 8, 2010

Welfare Spending pictureI am sitting in my hotel suite, overlooking the blue ocean as the sunrises, pondering the meaning of liberty.  Yesterday, Laurie and I, plus three of our children (Jeremy lectured me on why he needed to stay home to fulfill his soccer commitments), enjoyed the freedom to hop on an airplane and travel to Hawaii.  This is our 10th time to Hawaii in 11 years.  We have been blessed to enjoy the liberty to build our own business, to enjoy the fruits of our labors and to share our experiences and knowledge with others to help others prosper.  Underlying all of these blessing is our Creator’s blessings and a system of free enterprise that rewards people based upon their individual contributions.  Anyone that isn’t hiding in a hole is well aware that our liberties are waning as Big Government attempts to solve issues that it cannot solve and wasn’t created to solve.  The more government spends on items that it cannot solve, the less freedom all citizens have.

I am sometimes criticized for mixing faith, politics, and leadership together, but without combined columns of spiritual freedom, economic freedom, and political freedom, our freedom edifice will fall.  If any leader allows one of these planks to be attacked and does nothing, the whole edifice of liberty will fall.  The blood will be on our hands for not only, not improving, but allowing the rot of our liberty based systems.  Are you a leader?  Then you have a responsibility to learn why spiritual, economic and political freedoms rise and fall together, because you have enjoyed the fruits of the labor of the many who have led before us.  Freedom isn’t free and must be defended with a vigilance against all would be tyrants, even if the tyrant is an out of control democracy.  We have met the enemy and the enemy is us.  Here is a portion of an introduction by Murray Rothbard from his book Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature, who is fast becoming one of my favorite economists.  Rothbard teaches the importance of economists branching out into the fields of politics, leadership, philosophy etc, as all areas tie together to create our endangered liberties.  Read the post and ask yourself what role you can play to defend liberty. God Bess, Orrin Woodward

Probably the most common question that has been hurled at me—in some exasperation—over the years is: “Why don’t you stick to economics?” For different reasons, this question has been thrown at me by fellow economists and by political thinkers and activists of many different persuasions: Conservatives, Liberals, and Libertarians who have disagreed with me over political doctrine and are annoyed that an economist should venture “outside of his discipline.”

Among economists, such a question is a sad reflection of the hyper-specialization among intellectuals of the present age. I think it manifestly true that very few of even the most dedicated economic technicians began their interest in economics because they were fascinated by cost curves, indifference classes, and the rest of the paraphernalia of modern economic theory. Almost to a man, they became interested in economics because they were interested in social and political problems and because they realized that the really hard political problems cannot be solved without an understanding of economics. After all, if they were really interested mainly in equations and tangencies on graphs, they would have become professional mathematicians and not have devoted their energies to an economic theory that is, at best, a third-rate application of mathematics. Unfortunately, what usually happens to these people is that as they learn the often imposing structure and apparatus of economic theory, they become so fascinated by the minutiae of technique that they lose sight of the political and social problems that sparked their interest in the first place. This fascination is also reinforced by the economic structure of the economics profession (and all other academic professions) itself: namely, that prestige, rewards, and brownie points are garnered not by pondering the larger problems but by sticking to one’s narrow last and becoming a leading expert on a picayune technical problem.

 Among some economists, this syndrome has been carried so far that they scorn any attention to politico-economic problems as a demeaning and unclean impurity, even when such attention is given by economists who have made their mark in the world of specialized technique. And even among those economists who do deal with political problems, any consideration devoted to such larger extra-economic matters as property rights, the nature of government, or the importance of justice is scorned as hopelessly “metaphysical” and beyond the pale.

It is no accident, however, that the economists of this century of the broadest vision and the keenest insight, men such as Ludwig von Mises, Frank H. Knight, and FA. Hayek, came early to the conclusion that mastery of pure economic theory was not enough, and that it was vital to explore related and fundamental problems of philosophy, political theory, and history. In particular, they realized that it was possible and crucially important to construct a broader systematic theory encompassing human action as a whole, in which economics could take its place as a consistent but subsidiary part.

In my own particular case, the major focus of my interest and my writings over the last three decades has been a part of this broader approach—libertarianism—the discipline of liberty. For I have come to believe that libertarianism is indeed a discipline, a “science,” if you will, of its own, even though it has been only barely developed over the generations. Libertarianism is a new and emerging discipline which touches closely on many other areas of the study of human action: economics, philosophy, political theory, history, even—and not least—biology. For all of these provide in varying ways the groundwork, the elaboration, and the application of libertarianism. Some day, perhaps, liberty and “libertarian studies” will be recognized as an independent, though related, part of the academic curriculum.

Posted in Freedom/Liberty | 1 Comment »

Leaders Produce Long-Term Results

Posted by Orrin Woodward on September 5, 2010

I just read a snippet online that I believe is from a Peter Schiff’s book called CrashProof written in 2006.  It was a parable describing why consumerism and debt are bad habits to develop for individuals, companies, and nations.  America became a great nation by its disciplined people who saved, produced, and then enjoyed the fruits of their labors.  Today, many are taught the alleged joys of debt, consumerism, and the right to live off our American birthrights.  The reason I am so passionate about leadership is because it is so lacking in our culture today.  Leaders get results, not just talk, not just pose, not just run to government to protect them!  Leaders get results through serving their customers.  

St Louis Fed Chart pictureDo you want to help restore the American Dream?  Then start dreaming, learning, leading, and producing results.  When you lose ask yourself this question.  Do you hate losing bad enough to change or do you hate changing bad enough to lose?  Everyone hates losing, but most are adept at sidestepping the responsibility for the loss and thus never change. Don’t pass the buck, don’t blame your parentage, your environment, your spouse etc.  Accept responsibility for losing, learn to really absorb the loss and hate it enough to change.  Those who are willing to change ultimately win and those who are willing to blame perpetually lose.  Here is the snippet, are you one of the producers or one of the writers of IOU’s.  America cannot stand government IOU’s and needs leaders to lead a revival of true production.  God Bless, Orrin Woodward

A Tale of Two Farmers

Farmer Chang grows only oranges. Farmer Jones grows only apples. Each grows only the fruit he produces most efficiently, trading his surplus for the fruit grown by the other. Both farmers benefit from comparative advantage and free trade. The sole reason that Farmer Chang “exports” oranges is so that he can afford to “import” apples, and vice versa. Suppose that one year a flood wipes out Farmer Jones’ apple crop. Not having any fruit to trade, but hungry nevertheless, he proposes to trade apple IOUs for Farmer Chang’s oranges. Since Farmer Chang cannot eat all the oranges he grows anyway, and since Farmer Jones’ IOUs will pay 10 percent interest (in extra apples, of course), he accepts. Farmer Chang accepts Farmer Jones’ offer only because of the apples that Farmer Jones’ IOUs promise to pay. By themselves, the IOUs have no intrinsic value. Farmer Chang cannot eat them. It is the promise to pay additional apples that gives the IOUs their value.

When Farmer Jones issues his apple IOUs in exchange for real oranges, he does not actually pay for the oranges. Payment will not really be made until the following year when Farmer Jones redeems his notes by giving Farmer Chang all the apples his IOUs obligate him to pay. Only then can the notes be retired and the transaction be completed. Now suppose that the following year Farmer Jones’ crop is again destroyed, this time by a hurricane. He and Farmer Chang once again make the same deal, with Farmer Jones getting more of Farmer Chang’s oranges, and Farmer Chang accepting more of Farmer Jones’ IOUs. Further suppose that similar natural disasters continue to besiege Farmer Jones for several more years, until it finally dawns on him that he is eating pretty well, without actually farming. He therefore decides to turn his apple orchard into a golf course and simply play golf all day while enjoying farmer Chang’s oranges.

In other words, Farmer Jones now operates as a service economy. Farmer Chang, by contrast, is so busy growing all those oranges that he never gets a chance to play Farmer Jones’ course. In fact, he has been accepting Farmer Jones’ IOUs for so long that he no longer remembers his original reason for doing so. He now counts his wealth based solely on his accumulation of Farmer Jones’ IOUs. Farmer Jones actually enjoys such a good reputation within the farming community that Farmer Chang is able to trade some of Farmer Jones’ IOUs for goods and services provided by other farmers and merchants. However, as a result of Farmer Jones’ good reputation, no one notices that his apple orchard has been turned into a golf course. His IOUs are now worthless since Farmer Jones no longer possesses the ability to redeem them with actual apples.

Some might argue that the entire community now depends on Farmer Jones and his worthless IOUs and that Farmer Chang and the others will simply accept them indefinitely to avoid acknowledging the reality of their folly. Of course, were these revelations to occur, any unfortunate holders of Farmer Jones’ IOUs would officially be forced to realize their losses. However, their true financial situations would improve, as any further accumulation of worthless IOUs would end. As for Farmer Chang, he would once again, literally, enjoy all the fruits of his labor. The real loser, of course, would be Farmer Jones, for without a viable apple orchard or the ability to buy oranges on credit, he would starve. It would take years to transform his golf course back into an orchard, regain his lost knowledge of farming, and replace his obsolete and dilapidated farming equipment (provided he hadn’t already traded it in for golf carts and titanium clubs). In the end, Farmer Jones’ only alternative might be to sell his golf course to Farmer Chang and take a job picking fruit in his orange grove.

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Destiny Restored from Above

Posted by Orrin Woodward on September 3, 2010

The following is a poem that I wrote several months ago to describe the incredible lessons taught to me over the last couple of years.  I am not a poem guy, but the words literally planted themselves in my brain. God has been merciful to me and has blessed me with a super wife, super kids, super mentors like Dallin Larsen, and the most loyal community known as TEAM.  Every Christian must go though his or her dark days to see the vanity of worldly success before they see the Truth in God’s Son, Jesus Christ.  I decided to share this to help people who are walking through their own valley of the shadow of death to know that God remains faithful, even when we struggle with our own faith.  The last six months feel like I have been re-born all over again and I can clearly see my purpose, my calling and my mission.  Get ready TEAM, we are on our way to 1 million people! God Bless, Orrin Woodward

Shattered by broken decisions,
trusting in man no more,
people perish through lack of vision,
my heart is broken to the core.

Honor & character viciously assailed,
faith cast to the ground,
my courage & strength nearly failed,
I am lost, groping to be found.

I stared into the dark abyss,
searching for relief,
finding nothing but hopelessness,
in my doubting unbelief.

Perplexed without a clue,
burdened by my loss,
one answer rings tried and true,
the Son of Man, on the cross.

Lost & infected with sins disease,
satan mocking me blow after blow,
I surrender self upon my knees,
feel Jesus blood begin to flow.

Blinded by His light,
His glory powerfully revealed,
death conquered by His might,
God’s plan mercifully unsealed.

Good overcomes evil with a fight,
Nobodies to somebodies in His love,
Jesus Christ, what a precious sight,
My destiny restored from above.

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Creating a Winning Culture Current

Posted by Orrin Woodward on September 2, 2010

During the summer at our Michigan residence, my good friend Dan Hawkins recorded a video of me teaching the analogy of culture as compared to a pool current.  What is the culture current you ask? By calling the same play and having everyone in your organization running in the same direction, a current is created that carries people to success.  Notice what happens in the video when you change the play too often in the pool. 🙂 The pool analogy is an excellent example of the power of culture to create a winning organization, when the leader understands the effect of the culture current.  Proper culture carries people in the winning direction and new people quickly adopt the principles and philosophies of the community.  Watch the video and determine how you can have the culture current work for you and not against you.  God Bless, Orrin Woodward[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYi11i9SusI&w=480&h=385]

Posted in All News | 2 Comments »

Summer Thoughts and Growth

Posted by Orrin Woodward on September 1, 2010

As the Woodward family headed back to Florida, I had plenty of time to
think about life, business, and success.  Several key points kept coming
back to my mind and I felt that they were worthy to be shared with
all.  I haven’t written on my blog much this summer as I was actively building and helping other people build their businesses.  I will share more thoughts at the upcoming Majors, but here is a sneak

First, this summer Laurie and I came back to Michigan with a specific
intent to dream more, work more, and produce more results than any other
summer.  With at least 8 new Round Table members in the last 90 days, I would
say it has been a smashing success. 🙂  I have never been prouder of the
TEAM as I witnessed many leaders jump back in the pool and start the
current flowing again.  One of the keys to growth is to shut down all
negative inputs and replacing with CD’s, Books, and Seminars.  If that
means, shutting off your TV, getting off FaceBook, stop associating with
negative people (even if that’s someone on the TEAM), etc, then so be
it.  I have never met a successful person that wasn’t willing to
sacrifice short term pleasure for long term results.  Numbers and volume
are growing because leaders are dreaming and doing again.

Second, one of the principles that has helped Laurie and I achieve in
life is to get going where you are at.  So many people are waiting for
their circumstances to change before they make their run.  There will
always be circumstances, there will always be problems in business, that
is why they pay leaders so much, because they solve problems.  Leaders
are problem solvers and non-leaders are problem creators.  Laurie and I
decided early on to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Third, Dallin Larsen has been such a positive influence in my life.
Being mentored in business by the entrepreneur of the year is not a bad
deal. 🙂  Our relationship has allowed both of us to speak freely where
we see we can improve our businesses and this has created an environment
of trust and unity.  No networking company has a better relationship
with its top field leaders than Dallin does with the TEAM leaders.  The
future is bright because Dallin recognizes the power of community and is
actively encouraging us to focus more on leading people to truth in all
areas through community building.  I love the products, but I know
communities move products, products do not move communities.

Fourth, the PC leaders have committed to work harder than any group on
the TEAM until the current is going so fast that anyone with a dream
will achieve more here than anywhere else.  That is our specific
intent.  Entrepreneurs have many choices on what to do with their time
and money, we want Team to be their best choice because of our community
and the super products offered by Dallin with a world class compensation plan.  The TEAM is rolling and we
are now about to take our business to the next level.  Get a dream, get
going, and get free!

When historians look back at this time in the world’s history, it will
be easy for them to see gloom and doom, but there is a glimmer of hope
on the horizon, a group of men and women who have had enough of
negativity, a group that has vowed to make a difference, a group that
cares enough to get involved, a community called TEAM that is Having Fun, Making Money and Making a Difference! God Bless, Orrin Woodward

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