Optimism is Earned by Overcoming Obstacles
Posted by Orrin Woodward on February 16, 2009
Here is a super 5 minute video by Dr. Terry Paulson. There are enough nuggets in this video to help anyone move on in their life and businesses. Success is success is success regardless of the field of your endeavor. Please get a piece of paper and take some notes on this video! Are you applying these principles in your life? If you are not, chances are you are playing a victim role not the victor role. A positive can do attitude will make the difference between trying and doing! Are you trying or doing? On the MonaVie Team we have chosen not to participate in the recession. The Team knows that there are difficulties and opportunites. We choose to focus more on our opportunities in our difficulties and less on the difficulties in our opportunities! God Bless, Orrin Woodward
Don’t make it easy on people, make it tougher. Make them earn their maturity and strength of character.
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