Orrin Woodward on LIFE & Leadership

Inc Magazine Top 20 Leader shares his personal, professional, and financial secrets.

  • Orrin Woodward

    Former Guinness World Record Holder for largest book signing ever, Orrin Woodward is a NY Times bestselling author of And Justice For All along with RESOLVED & coauthor of LeaderShift and Launching a Leadership Revolution. His books have sold over one million copies in the financial, leadership and liberty fields. RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions For LIFE made the Top 100 All-Time Best Leadership Books and the 13 Resolutions are the framework for the top selling Mental Fitness Challenge personal development program.

    Orrin made the Top 20 Inc. Magazine Leadership list & has co-founded two multi-million dollar leadership companies. Currently, he serves as the Chairman of the Board of the LIFE. He has a B.S. degree from GMI-EMI (now Kettering University) in manufacturing systems engineering. He holds four U.S. patents, and won an exclusive National Technical Benchmarking Award.

    This blog is an Alltop selection and ranked in HR's Top 100 Blogs for Management & Leadership.

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Archive for the ‘Freedom/Liberty’ Category

Without freedom, there is no leadership.

End the Financial Matrix: The Free Banking and Money Solution

Posted by Orrin Woodward on April 28, 2021

This is an excerpt from my new book EXPOSED: The Financial Matrix. Free Banking, along with free money (Bitcoin), has the ability to revolutionize the world economy by ending the monopoly of Big Banks and Big Government over the people. Get educated to set yourself free. Sincerely, Orrin Woodward 

Although a book could be written on how the free market system applied to money and banking would end the Financial Matrix, for now let’s zoom out to address the key steps and how they are interrelated. Fortunately, people do not have to understand all the technical minutiae of free market banking and money to play a part in the Financial Justice movement. However, I want to cover enough details so that anyone interested can do further research. 

The first step is to end legal tender laws and state-mandated money. This allows the free market to determine what is money again, rather than the Financial Matrix. Real money is the most marketable commodity, and whether the market chooses precious metal money, Bitcoin (see Appendix II), or some other alternative, the key is that it is money chosen freely by the market, not coercively by the financial elites. Legitimate money, unlike today’s fiat currency, is a store of value that endures, just as ancient Egypt’s gold still has enduring value today. In contrast, no State fiat money system has ever survived, not even one of the many hundreds attempted. The difference between real and fiat money is one has legitimate demand in the marketplace and the other is used only because the State coerces people to use it. The path to freedom must begin with the restoration of free market money by eliminating the central banks, the banking cartel, and the fraudulent FRB system, operating a free banking system under the general commercial laws other businesses must follow. This will reestablish free money in a free banking system with FRB permanently outlawed. 

Central Banks vs. Free Banking

The second step is to end central banks designed to protect the fractional reserve banking system by creating fiat money, and thereby plundering the people. Vera Smith, in her thesis approved by Nobel Prize–winning Austrian economist Friedrich von Hayek, gave the classic definition of free banking as opposed to central banking:

A régime where note-issuing banks are allowed to set up in the same way as any other type of business enterprise, so long as they comply with the general company law. The requirement for their establishment is not special conditional authorization from a Government authority, but the ability to raise sufficient capital, and public confidence, to gain acceptance for their notes and ensure the profitability of the undertaking. Under such a system all banks would not only be allowed the same rights, but would also be subjected to the same responsibilities as other business enterprises. If they failed to meet their obligations they would be declared bankrupt and put into liquidation, and their assets used to meet the claims of their creditors, in which case the shareholders would lose the whole or part of their capital, and the penalty for failure would be paid, at least for the most part, by those responsible for the policy of the bank. . . . No bank would have the right to call on the Government or on any other institution for special help in time of need. No bank would be able to give its notes forced currency by declaring them to be legal tender for all payments. . . . A central bank, on the other hand, being founded with the aid either direct or indirect of the Government, is able to fall back on the Government for protection from the disagreeable consequences of its acts. The central bank, which cannot meet its obligations, is allowed to suspend payment . . . while its notes are given forced currency.

Free Banking with 100% Reserves 

Free banking is not a new concept. In fact, before central banks, there was much more competition among banks. Without competition, the banking system has been allowed to join forces in a cartel that benefits themselves at the people’s expense. Free banking advocate Kevin Dowd noted: “Free banking is—or at least ought to be—one of the key economic issues of our time. There is mounting evidence that the monetary instability created by the Federal Reserve—persistent and often erratic inflation, the unpredictable shifts of Federal Reserve monetary policy, and the gyrating interest rates that accompany both inflation and the monetary policy that creates it—have inflicted colossal damage on the US economy and on the fabric of American society more generally.” Free banking, in other words, is free market competition in the banking field and breaks the central bank control over the money supply. This ensures the banks must compete to serve customers like other businesses must do. Ludwig von Mises explained in Human Action: “What is needed to prevent any further credit expansion is to place the banking business under the general rules of commercial and civil laws compelling every individual and firm to fulfill all obligations in full compliance with the terms of the contract.” Whereas Mises emphasized the importance of bank competition under general commercial law, Murray Rothbard went one step further, suggesting that fractional reserve, since it is fraud against the consumer, should also be protected under the commercial code, explaining: “The answer to fraud, then, is not administrative regulation, but prohibition of tort and fraud under general law.” By combining these two great economic minds’ thinking, we arrive at free market banking with 100% mandated reserves operating under general commercial law. 

Mises explained the benefits of free banking over the fractional reserve system supported by central banks: “Free banking is the only method available for the prevention of the dangers inherent in credit expansion. It would, it is true, not hinder a slow credit expansion, kept within very narrow limits, on the part of cautious banks which provide the public with all information required about their financial status. But under free banking it would have been impossible for credit expansion with all its inevitable consequences to have developed into a regular—one is tempted to say normal—feature of the economic system. Only free banking would have rendered the market economy secure against crises and depressions.” 

Under the free market banking system, there would be no need for central banks because there would no longer be any FRB monetary instability that led to the boom/bust cycles in the first place. The banks would then compete and prosper by gaining the trust of customers and other banks to settle all customer transactions. Banks would be mandated not only to keep 100% money reserves on hand by law, but also to ensure they remain solvent. After all, when one of their customers writes a large check to one of the customers of a rival bank, the money reserve is moved from the first bank to the second bank. If the bank cannot make one of its customers checks good, then the bank has lost trust with its customers and other banks, not to mention it is now in legal trouble for violating the 100% reserve clause. Naturally, the free banking network would only do business with other banks with proven track records, and any bank suspected of fraudulent practices will have its banknotes, checks, and credit cards rejected by the other banks, similar to how businesses reject personal checks from suspected sources. Trust is similarly the key ingredient with the bank’s customers because, if customers suspect the bank of practicing FRB, they will demand their deposits back and seek a more trustworthy bank. A free market would punish banks for violating trust even before the government was aware FRB fraud was committed, and the misbehaving institutions would be essentially excommunicated from the banking profession. 

Thus, FRB, for all practical purposes, would be eliminated under free banking competition, even without the 100% reserve requirement. However, like legal suspenders to go along with the free competition belt, even if some wily banker discovered a novel method of using fractional reserve banking, i’’s doubtful many bankers would risk prison sentences to do so. In 1994, after he had retired, former Federal Reserve Chair Paul Volcker, perhaps the most fiscally conservative person ever to hold the position, admitted: “It is a sobering fact that the prominence of central banks in this century has coincided with a general tendency towards more inflation, not less. [I]f the overriding objective is price stability, we did better with the nineteenth-century gold standard and passive central banks, with currency boards, or even with ‘free banking.’ The truly unique power of a central bank, after all, is the power to create money, and ultimately the power to create is the power to destroy.”

With free market banking and the end of central banks, however, the banks would then have to convince customers to forego access to their money in order to loan it to others. After all, in a free banking system, banks would make money by paying one interest rate to secure funds from depositors while charging a higher interest rate to loan out those same funds. In banking parlance, the idea is to “borrow short and lend long.” Under a system such as the one just described, the money supply would not have expanded. This is because the depositor and borrower do not have access to the same money at the same time. Additionally, free banking would be much more efficient, performed at a fraction of the cost, and with reasonable instead of exorbitant profits because the banks would no longer be able to plunder the people. 

Depositor money would always be secure (without the need for a central bank lender of last resort), the money supply would be stable (and selected by the free market), and inflation would be a thing of the past (banks no longer expanding the money supply). As such, the free-banking structure would allow banks to pursue whatever business ventures they deem profitable so long as they have 100% reserves to protect customer deposits. Of course, this would legally be part of the general prohibition against fraud and breach of contract. Moreover, anyone would then be able to enter into the field of banking because it is one of the pillars of free markets. To do so, they must earn customer deposits by building trust. The interest rates on loans and securities would be determined by the supply and demand for money on the free market, which would then determine the market price (the market interest rate) of money. Free banking would allow independent banks to open and close branches wherever they believed they could or couldn’t compete effectively. Finally, there would be no need for FDIC insurance or any other excessive regulations since FRB is illegal, and the competition among banks would ensure that building trust would be the only way banks could stay in business. To compete, the banks would have to impress upon customers that their deposits were secure and impress upon competitive banking institutions that their banknotes were as good as gold. 

Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty | 2 Comments »

2020 Money

Posted by Orrin Woodward on March 26, 2020

The Midas touch of the Financial Matrix proclaims it can turn debt into money. In reality, however, this so called debt-money creates inflation and an unnatural scarcity of money because interest money must be paid on the debts, but no money was created to pay the interest. This, not surprisingly, causes an imbalance between the amount of debt money created and the amount of debt money owed. In consequence, the people, companies, and governments must seek further debt, which leads to higher inflation and an even more unstable money supply as the gap between debt money owed and debt money created is exacerbated. The Financial Matrix has hijacked the world’s money supply, creating a perverse game of musical chairs, a monetary game where debt owed always outruns the money supply, until the exhausted and broke people can no longer service the debt. Another fraudulent boom that always goes bust.

Indeed, George Santayana, the profound American philosopher said it best, “The only thing we learn from history is that we do not learn from history. “ The modern world must learn this lesson – the boom/bust cycles will repeat with even greater devastation, unless debt is rejected as an illegitimate source for society’s money due to its inherently unstable nature.

Debt, in point of fact, is the least stable of all potential monies, for it can be created and destroyed with a simple ledger entry, adding or subtracting to society’s total debt load. In other words, the instability caused by the boom/bust cycle is directly attributable to the instability inherent within the debt-money system. The modern money curse simply cannot end until society refuses to allow the Financial Matrix to casts its debt spells any longer. The failure of our modern economy, in turn, is not a failure of free markets as the communist allege, but rather a failure to demand free market money in the highly centralized cartel banking system, aka the Financial Matrix.

Perhaps 2020 is the year Americans learn the lesson and demand a return to legitimate money, a money which cannot be easily created nor destroyed, and thus have a stable money supply. Bitcoin, Gold, or Silver, could all work because they meet the three functions of real money, namely, 1) a convenient medium of exchange, 2) a consistent measure of value, and 3) a safe store of value. Debt, in contrast, only met the first function but wholly failed the other two and is thus disqualified as legitimate money. Only when our money meets all three criteria can entrepreneurs in a free market enjoy the challenges, the risks, and the rewards of creation, creations that bless society with better products, lower prices, and an increased quality of life, without the fear of another boom/bust cycle hanging over them like Damocles’ sword.

Orrin Woodward

Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty | 5 Comments »

Net Worth versus Net Impact

Posted by Orrin Woodward on August 10, 2017

So many believe financial success is about maximizing net worth, but in the LIFE Community, we feel differently. What if, instead of maximizing financial net worth, people focused on maximizing financial net impact? After all, we aren’t taking any money with us anyway when we leave this world, so why not focus on making a net impact rather than building net worth?

This is the purpose of All Grace Outreach (AGO), a foundation designed to help the LIFE Community have an impact by making a difference. In fact, 100% of the corporate profits for the AGO series (one Christian-based book and CD per month) flow into the foundation to be given away to charities who serve others. For example, at our Des Moines Leadership Convention, Chris Swanson, our All Grace Outreach (AGO) Spokesman, invited Tim Ballard, the founder and CEO of Underground Railroad, to share his mission. Operation Underground Railroad (OUR) is an organization developed to help free children from sex slavery, a slavery that is growing yearly. Shockingly, Ballard stated that there are nearly as many people in slavery (the Physical Matrix) today as at any time in recorded history.

Whereas the Financial Matrix is the biggest system of control, the Physical Matrix is also growing and Operation Underground Railroad is helping set the children free. Tim Ballard, to say the least, is a rare gem. Frustrated by his inability to truly make a difference in the lives of the sex-abused children, he resigned from his cozy, comfortable, and compensated Department of Homeland Security government job, to do the unthinkable – start a charity to free the children.  Most of his associates thought he was nuts to leave his secure job to launch such a demanding and dangerous undertaking, designed to work with foreign governments to break up the child sex slave rings.

Ballard, however, ignored the critics and pursued his calling with impressive resolve. He is a modern day hero and it’s vital that the men and women who desire to make a difference hear his story. The men and women in LIFE have committed to help. Following our three rules – Have Fun, Make Money, and Make a Difference – LIFE desires to help those unable to help themselves. Not only do we set people free from the Financial Matrix, but we can also help set children free from the Physical Matrix. Ballard shared why and how he started Underground Railroad and Laurie and I, along with thousands of others, were deeply moved. How has something so vile and oppressive been allowed to grow around the world with so few even being aware, let alone seeking to stop it?

Chris Swanson, after becoming aware of Ballard’s work through members of the LIFE community, asked and answered this question. Indeed, not only is Chris Swanson my good friend and the human energizer bunny, but he also gives us his time and money like few others. As a result, he launched an AGO fund-raising campaign, where people can support others push-up efforts to help raise awareness and money for the Underground Railroad. The money is used at OUR, not only to set children free from slavery, but also to provide ongoing support in the abuse recovery process.  Laurie and I watched Ballard become emotional as thousands of people gave him a standing ovation to honor the work he has done, and we vowed to help. When leaders have the courage to stand for truth and justice, others must stand with them.

Laurie and I have decided to up the ante in this worthy endeavor, for several years back we launched our personal charity, the Woodward Foundation, to complement our corporate charity, AGO.  We can think of no better way to shine Light into the children’s darkness than to support the AGO efforts by matching whatever funds AGO can raise with a personal contribution. The Woodward family will match dollar-per-dollar donations of up to $500k for this campaign. In other words, if Chris Swanson, Chris Brady’s corporate staff (UPDATE: Chris and Terri just messaged me saying they will match the corporate staff funds raised!), and the LIFE field leaders can raise $500k between them, the Woodward Foundation will match this gift and in total provide one million or more dollars to Operation Underground Railroad (OUR)!

Orrin Woodward & Tim Ballard at LIFE Convention

Can you imagine the impact $1 million dollars can have in OUR as they raise teams that risk their lives to bring the oppressors to justice and shine LIGHT into the children by freeing them from slavery?  This is something that everyone in LIFE can contribute to. Whether it’s doing push-ups, supporting others who do push-ups, or simply cheering them on, 100% of the proceeds from this fund raiser will be matched up to $500k so everyone’s efforts are effectively doubled.

This is our opportunity to pay forward our blessing into those who truly need it. Thank you, Tim Ballard, for answering the call to help those who cannot help themselves. You are shining LIGHT in a dark world and you have many friends who are with you physically, mentally, and spiritually. Jesus said it best in 1 John 3:17-18 ESV – But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

What part will you play in setting the children free?


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Freedom/Liberty | 27 Comments »

The Financial Fitness Program: Dreams and Debt

Posted by Orrin Woodward on July 3, 2017

The Financial Matrix, a system of control through debt and dreams to enslave people, is growing larger every day. In fact, the Washington Post recently reported on a study by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that revealed the debts of governments, households and non-financial businesses had reached a record $152 trillion in 2015, an amount much higher than before the 2008-2009 financial crisis. What is going on?

Perhaps a comparison to nature illustrates the principles at work, for parasites never stop consuming the host, even if by killing the host they kill themselves. The Financial Matrix, similarly, is a parasite attached to the world’s monetary system, siphoning off massive profits through massive power, which results in hundreds of millions of fully capable people unable to support themselves. How is this possible in the wealthiest societies in recorded history? I won’t elaborate too much on why politicians avoid the root cause of our woes, but the old aphorism, “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you,” sums it up nicely. The Financial Matrix is the predictable Biblical outcome when control is taken away from the free market and placed into fallen human beings direction.  Naturally, the money controllers, with access to practically unlimited funds, purchased the Mass Media, and these two combined to purchase politicians obedient to their whims to run the Military State. This is the  Money, Media, and Military  structure of the Financial Matrix that I have discussed previously. 

Few politicians seem to speak out upon this injustice. This isn’t too surprising when one considers that politicians who speak too harshly about the Financial Matrix system are swept under the rug.  Through a process of eliminating funding (politicians win or lose on marketing), launching negative media campaigns (politicians are ineffective without popular support), and grooming potential competitors (those who puppet the company line), the Financial Matrix ensures obedience to its plan. Most politicians, because they seek public approval, have concluded that knowing too much about the Financial Matrix can be hazardous to their careers, confirming Upton Sinclair’s insight, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” 🙂 Needless to say, the main reason the Financial Matrix is not mainstream news is because mainstream news is owned by the Financial Matrix.

I said all of this to drive a vital point home – each person must develop a plan to defend himself against the Financial Matrix forces and not rely on the compromised State, Media, and Educational systems. Indeed, each family is on their own until they  hear about the Green Box Revolution, a community of other like-minded people who are tired of surrendering to the Financial Matrix. In reality, there are only four distinct choices a person can make when confronted with the Financial Matrix. Unfortunately, most people, however, are not making the right choices. For instance, in the developed world, the wealthiest nations in recorded history, just above 50% of the people, when their expenses are deducted from their assets, have no net worth, not even a penny’s worth!  I cannot emphasize this point enough, for half of the people in the developed world, a world that created ten times the wealth of any other civilization, still has half of its people with ZERO net wealth – dead broke. How did they get here? The fault, as Shakespeare so aptly stated, “is not in our stars, but in ourselves.”

To be sure, people did not plan to drown in debt, but in an effort to live their dreams, most have become expendable pawns on the Financial Matrix chess board. They simply followed the messaging learned in advertisements, schools, and financial institutions, surrendering freedom for life within the Financial Matrix, a matrix set up to fool people into believing they must choose between dreams and debt. The Tightwad Quadrant, for example, surrenders his dreams to live in debt freedom. Is it any wonder so many people are trapped in the Financial Matrix when nearly every financial pundit teaches financial budgeting, which is simply surrendering dreams to hopefully live debt free someday. How absurd, especially when one considers it will take decades for most people to achieve this, if they can stay disciplined for the entire duration, before they will live in debt freedom. 

The Status Quadrant, in contrast, chooses dream freedom by surrendering to debt. They believe they seek to live their dreams by living in debt, hoping that with time, they can pay off their debts and still have their dreams. However, adding debt for dreams is like playing Russian Roulette financially, for every time the debt trigger is pulled, one risk losing everything. The bankruptcy statistics are alarming, to put it mildly, and with the bankruptcy, the once successful person slides into the Broke Quadrant. Both quadrants, in a sense, are half-right, knowing they must work and plan to achieve results, but anything that involves surrender is not part of freedom. In other words, asking a person to either surrender to debt or surrender their dreams is a bogus question, the false dichotomy between the two setting a person up for financial failure. 

If a person is going to work and plan anyway, why not work and plan for Financial Freedom, enjoying both dream and debt freedom. “No surrender” is the mantra for the Financially Free Quadrant. Whereas the 50% in the Broke Quadrant get the worst deal (surrendered to debt and surrendered their dreams), the Tightwad and Status Quadrants are both sub-optimized as well since they do not enjoy Dream and Debt Freedom. Thankfully, half of solving any challenge is accurately defining it and the Financial Matrix wins so much because few properly define the challenge, the challenge of living dream while remaining debt free.  This is why sharing the Financial Matrix Quadrants is so important, for it give a person an opportunity to identify the problem (trapped in the Financial Matrix) and a choice on how he want to respond to it.  

This is where the Financially Free Quadrant comes in, the only quadrant that asks and answers a better question – how do I live my dreams without debt? Unbelievably, while 50% of the people live in the Broke Quadrant and 99% live in one of the sub-optimized ones, only 1% live in the Financially Free Quadrant. If this doesn’t wake a person up from the debt-induced dream state, I don’t know what will. We live in a capitalist world, where money is the medium for nearly all transactions, and the lack of Financial Literacy robs people of FREEDOM. I may not have the time, money, or resources to become a political leader and take on the Financial Matrix directly, but I can help individuals, who are willing to learn Financial Literacy using the Financial Fitness Program, escape the Financial Matrix.

Like the young boy, mocked by the old man for throwing starfish dying on the beach back into the ocean, who when told he couldn’t possibly save them all, merely threw another one it into the ocean and said, “I saved that one.” Likewise, with billions of people enslaved in debt, I may not be able to save them all, but I can save the next one. Furthermore, by creating a company that message Green Box financial truths, the reader, too, can save the next one.  Who knows how far God can take this message of hope to help people live in Dream and Debt Freedom?

Stirling Castle – Scotland

On a personal note, Laurie and I recently returned from our yearly European vacation, a vacation we once only dreamed about when trapped in the Financial Matrix. We toured Edinburgh and other places in Scotland while celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary. Interestingly, one of the places we visited was Stirling Castle, where William Wallace fought for Scottish liberty against English oppression. Hearing the tour guide describe the battle scene was inspirational, for the Scottish were outnumbered 3 to 1, but had a reason to fight despite the odds against them.  In the movie, Braveheart, William Wallace said a line people should ponder, “Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you’ll live — at least a while. And, dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!?!” 

I watched this movie shortly after I launched my journey to personal journey to freedom and it affected me greatly. Maybe this July 4th, others will learn the meaning of freedom and learn they do not have to live with the lies and false promises in the Financial Matrix. FREE people can still can live their dreams and do so debt free. Perhaps the reader, while celebrating July 4th Independence Day, will reflect upon what life would be like with real independence without dream or debt bondage. If Laurie and I, along with thousands of others, have changed our financial destinies, so can you. Like William Wallace, I don’t promise easy, but I do promise worth it. Dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade a few years, years that go by so quickly anyway, for that one chance, that one chance to be part of something special, to escape the Financial Matrix and lead the Green Box Revolution!?!


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty | 33 Comments »

Shocking Secrets of Rob and Kenyon Robson

Posted by Orrin Woodward on May 4, 2017

Rob and Kenyon Robson speak on stages throughout the world revealing truths on the Financial Matrix Scam. Sure they are knowledgeable, dynamic, and personable speakers, but what the rest of the story on this couple?  That’s the purpose of this article because it reveals the inside story on Rob and Kenyon Robson, a couple who have exploded onto the leadership scene in the last few years.

The first big secret about the Robson’s is the amount of time and effort it took to get on the same page.  Despite a deep and abiding love for one another, the newlyweds struggled to communicate properly. This led to numerous high-volume discussions with little positive progress for several years. Thankfully, however, Rob and Kenyon Robson are not quitters, and they stayed committed to the relationship while reading, listening, and associating with those who had fruit in the marriage area to help them. One of the biggest blessing couples experience within a community is working models of marriages, which not only survive, but thrive.

The second big secret about the Robson’s is their giving hearts. I personally learned how the Robson’s, after noticing the many unpaid lunch bill balances, asked to pay in full the late bills for every student that was financially struggling at their children’s school. This example one of many examples I could cite as these two are constantly looking for ways to bless others with the financial blessings they have received. Perhaps because Rob and Kenyon struggled financially themselves, knowing the stress and pain associated with missing bills, they have developed a level of empathy extremely in this self-centered age. How can we help seems to be one of the first questions this couple asks in every situation. Furthermore, Kenyon has volunteered endless hours to serve orphaned children without shining light upon her actions and deeds. Simply stated, these two are some of the biggest givers I know.

Above all, however, I would say the biggest secret to the Robson’s success is they treated their business like a multi-million dollar business before it was even a thousand dollar one. The old saying, “treat a person as he is and he will remain so, but treat a person as he can be, and he will grow into it,” has an equivalent saying in business, namely, “treat a business as it is and it will remain so, but treat a business as it can be and it will grow into it.” Rob and Kenyon dreamed big, acted big, and now have produced big time results. Through the Green Box Financial Fitness Program, the Robson’s have helped thousands move toward Financial Literacy and Financial Freedom. Naturally, the best is still to come as this couple is still reading, listening, associating, and applying the principles to serve even more people.

Today, the Robson’s live in a stunning 8,000 plus square-foot mansion in the suburbs of Phoenix, Arizona, with resort-like amenities. Yes, they are living their dreams, but its important to remember that they have done so by helping others escape the Financial Matrix. This is the essence of win-win business. Rob and Kenyon have proven the radical transformation that is possible when a couple acts upon their dreams. If the reader has not heard this couple speak, he is missing something amazing, for the Robson’s are some of the real speakers one will ever hear and they reach people like few speakers can.

Please share how Rob and Kenyon have impacted your life below.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty, Leadership/Personal Development | 69 Comments »

Trim Tabs, Tug-of-Wars, and Ocean Ships

Posted by Orrin Woodward on March 31, 2017

To ensure the safety of the passengers and cargo, the captain of the ship must somehow steer his vessel, a vessel that can weigh upwards of 150,000 metric tons, to ensure it stays in deep water. For this reason, every large ocean going ship has a steering system, consisting of several parts working within a system, including a Trim Tab, designed as a rudder for the rudder which then turns the craft.  The Trim Tab is designed to allow the captain to do systematically what is impossible to do physically, apply enough force to turn the megaton ships and fulfill his role efficiently and effectively in a predictable fashion.After all, not only is the amount of force it would take to turn one of the large ships beyond the strength of the strongest person, even the force to turn the rudder of one of these ships is beyond his strength. And yet, due to the leverage of systems, the ship turns on the Captain’s command.  

In a similar vein, every successful business applies a Trim Tab designed to produce results systematically that are impossible individually. As discussed more fully in the systems chapter of RESOLVED, the concept of Trim Tabs allows what appears to be unbelievable to become predictable, if not even mundane.  In LIFE, for instance, the leader (captain) steers his ship by growing numbers, numbers that expand by running the play that scores every time (Power Player), a play made possible by the leaders building depth. If no depth is built, however, no one goes Power Player, and thus, numbers do not grow within the community.  A non-depth building leader, referring back to the ship analogy, is like a non-steering captain of a ship, practically worthless because the craft is beached somewhere in the shallows going nowhere.

In consequence, the true objective in any profession is to determine the Trim Tab activities and master them. To be sure, the captain could have many other great qualities, friendly, loyal, and a communication skills, but he will still run the ship aground if he does not use the trim tab to turn the rudder to steer the ship. Indeed, this is why I disagree with the statement, “Don’t sweat the small stuff and it is all small stuff,” for this is a recipe for disaster. Instead, I suggest, “Don’t sweat the small stuff, but sweat every detail of the important stuff (the Trim Tab actions).” Success hinges upon nothing less than identifying and mastering the Tim Tab activities.

Several months back, I did a talk where I explained depth building to be like pulling the rope in a tug-of-war – the winning side must want it so bad that he/she will do everything legally, morally, and ethically, to obtain victory. Then, last week, a video surfaced from a tug-of-war contest that highlighted the importance of knowing the Trim Tab behaviors (pulling the rope) and staying focused. There was a young boy who simply refused to surrender, encouraging his whole team by his example to keep fighting and stay focused regardless of the setbacks and later exhaustion. This is impressive Trim Tab tenacity, to say the least.

Where is this type of focus, determination, and drive today that this young boy displays? Why do so many people, even those who know the proper Trim Tab activities, simply give up when the going gets tough? Laziness is not the proper response when one’s dreams are on the line; unfortunately, in contrast to the young boys persistence, quitting seems to be the most popular response in today’s pampered age. Nevertheless, as the video teaches, there is a point in every person’s life where he has to determine whether he will do whatever it takes to win or simply be content with losing.

Perhaps this is why basketball great, Kobe Bryant, minced no words when he stated, “I can’t relate to lazy people. We don’t speak the same language. I don’t understand you. I don’t want to understand you.”  The Green Box community has declared war on lazy (lazy habits, lazy excuses, lazy thinking) and replaced it with winning habits, winning reasons, and winning thinking. I simply cannot comprehend why a person would make excuses when others are counting on him. While the movie Bleed is mediocre at best, near the end it had one of the best lines on success I have ever heard. Below is the dialog between the reporter and the three-time world boxing champ, Vinny Pazienza, on the biggest lie ever told about success:

Reporter: So what would you say the biggest deception was? What was the biggest lie you were told?

Vinny Pazienza: It is not that simple.

Reporter: Why not?

Vinny Pazienza: No that is the biggest lie I was ever told.” It is not that simple” and it is a lie they tell you over and over again.

Reporter: What is not simple?

Vinny Pazienza: Any of it. All of it. It is how they get you to give up, they say, “It is not that simple”

Reporter: So what is the truth?

Vinny Pazienza: That it is. That if you just do the thing that they tell you “you cannot” then it is done. and you realize it is that simple and that it always was.

This is IT! Vinny, in a nutshell, is saying find the Trim Tab and do it regardless of how many failed captains, the ones who refuse to steer their ships, tell you bad advice. When Laurie and I discovered the Trim Tab we simply did it – we did it when everyone told us we were crazy; we did it when we physically didn’t feel like it; we did it when no one else believed. We simply did what others said could not be done and then realized how much easier doing it was than thinking about doing it while justifying why it wasn’t working.

The difference between winners and wannabes is captured in the two quotes above, namely, quit listening to those who haven’t gone where you are going and then start (and never stop) walking while everyone else is talking. No wonder why my favorite action quote is, “When all is said and done, much more is said than is ever done.” 🙂


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty, Leadership/Personal Development, LIFE Leadership, Orrin Woodward | 27 Comments »

Why the Green Box Matters

Posted by Orrin Woodward on March 23, 2017

Life without purpose, a purpose that gives meaning to the mundane tasks of life, is merely endless ennui, a meaningless series of Sisyphean tasks where one rolls a rock uphill only to watch it roll back down. Thankfully, however, Christians are told that everything they do has meaning because it ties into the greater purpose of giving God glory through reflecting the Light of Christ in everything we do. Christians, after all, are called to be like Christ and when our actions mirror those of Christ Himself, we know we are on the right track.

Perhaps nothing drove this point home to me more than the Biblical verses in Luke where Jesus announced his public ministry. Although I have read and studied these verses before, these verses speak to me like never before now that I see them through the Financial Matrix lens. Whereas I started community building to live financially free, and kept doing it because I realized I could help others, I now realize that every Christians is called to serve others in this fashion. In other words, I realized that what I do matters, not just financially, but also mentally, and spiritually, because Christ came to set the captives free.

When people ask me why Laurie and I do what we do, I answer by turning them to Luke 4:18-20, which reads:

The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
Because He has anointed Me
To preach the gospel to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed

Financial Fitness Pack

These verses are stunning to me. First, just as Christ has the Spirit of the Lord, so too do Christians receive the Holy Spirit to lead and guide them; similarly, just as Jesus was anointed by God to fulfill his purpose, so too are we anointed to fulfill ours. Second, Jesus proclaimed spiritual “good news” to the poor and healed the brokenhearted, and the Financial Fitness Program (the Green Box) proclaims financial “good news” to the poor and helps heal those brokenhearted under debt and stress. Of course, the trust gained by serving in the financial area leads to great conversations in the spiritual areas as well.

Third, Jesus proclaimed spiritual liberty to the captives and recovery of sight (both physical and spiritual) to the blind; in a similar fashion, the Green Box sets financial captives free and gives sight to those who were blind and bound in the Financial Matrix. Finally, Jesus came to set at liberty those who are oppressed and what better purpose can LIFE have than to do similarly by setting at liberty those who are oppressed in the debt and depression of the Financial Matrix, trapped without hopes and dreams.  I know of no vehicle that allows servants to interact with the world in such a win-win way to lead people to truth financially, mentally, and spiritually.

I say all this to communicate one simple truth, namely, what we do matters. Certainly, a person doesn’t have to be a Christian to participate in LIFE, but it certainly helps when he sees a bigger picture than just making money and getting out of debt personally. Indeed, one of the greatest lessons that leaders learn is that the treasures built in heaven, by fulfilling their purpose, matter much more than the profits, praise, and promotions they accumulate on earth.  The Green Box community is unlike any other because it isn’t just about reducing one’s debt, making more money, or even living one’s dreams – it’s about modeling, messaging, and mentoring to others who seek to escape financial bondage. Needless to say, so long as the Banking elites are intent upon enslaving billions of people within the Financial Matrix system, we will always have people to serve. 

This is the foremost reason, among many others, why Laurie and I do what we do. I cannot imagine anything more enjoyable than fulfilling my destiny by helping set the captives free from the financial, political, and spiritual matrices. How about you? I believe every month you are a Green Box Go-Getter, you are not only restoring your treasures on earth, but also building treasures in heaven.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty, Orrin Woodward | 25 Comments »

Two Surefire Ways to Fail Financially

Posted by Orrin Woodward on March 16, 2017

There are two surefire methods to fail financially elaborated upon within the Financial Fitness Program, affectionately called the Green Box.  The first is to spend when one should be saving and the second is to save when one should be investing. The two key principles of financial success (Defense and Offense) are captured within that sentence.  Nonetheless, while financial success may sound simple, it certainly isn’t easy, especially when one studies the financial results of the average household. Why, in other words, if the principles to financial success can be taught within one sentence, are so many people failing financially? This question quickly leads a person down the Financial Matrix rabbit hole and how the elites have purposefully dumbed-down the masses in order to control them through financial illiteracy, which, as the Bible states, makes the borrower slave to the lender.

Whereas some may see my last sentence as a ticket to play the victim card, this is the last thing I have in mind. Rather, I believe society, thanks to the Green Box, has the greatest opportunity to fight back against the elites that we’ve ever had, not with sit ins, walk outs or violence, but instead through shining the Light of education, encouragement, and execution to live proper financial principles. Sure, the financial elites have the right to create money out of thin air and loan it to people, who must then work a lifetimes to repay it, and this is highly egregious – but moaning and complaining about it will get us nowhere. In contrast, education, encouragement, and execution of the winning financial principles can take a person anywhere he wants to go. The real question is which path the readers will take when confronted with the truth of the Financial Matrix? For those choosing to take the path of education, it’s time to start the lesson.

I’m not going to delve too far into the specifics of spending when you should be saving because anyone reading the first several chapters of Financial Fitness will quickly grasp the principles. Still, knowing the principles does not create change until one applies them. This is where the Green Box community plays such an impactful part because like-minded people, who associate together, help to hold one another accountable to apply the principles they profess to know. The community, in essence, helps a person turn his emotions, from the opponent working against the financial plan, into an ally working with him to achieve his financial goals and dreams. Remember, advertisers are paid millions to turn the elephant mind (subconscious) against the ant (conscious) one, causing a mental civil war where people know the right financial thing to do and yet do the opposite because their emotions overcome their logic. Being a logical engineer, I was stunned when I realized my emotions were overcoming my logic! Perhaps, the reader has realized a similar truth. Thankfully, the community aligns desires by recognizing those who follow the financial principles and achieve success. To date, over 10 million dollars in savings has been documented in the last 18 months! In short, use the Green Box to develop your financial plan, plug into the Green Box community to maintain accountability, and align the ant and elephant minds to spend less than one makes.

The second principle, paradoxically, emphasizes that even if a person begins spending less than he makes, he still has decades ahead of him to achieve true financial success, unless he also learns to invest in himself. Ironically, this seems to be difficult for many recovering over-spenders. For on one hand they had to develop the discipline to stop spending money on themselves; now, on the other hand, they have to develop the discipline to start investing money in themselves. Indeed, instead of wasteful self-consumptions, leaders make helpful self-investments. Mastery of this concept, needless to say, is essential for people to move from the JOB, the Just Over Broke mindset of the Kiyosaki’s E and S quadrants, to the FREE, the Freedom Requires Entrepreneurial Excellence mindset of the B and I quadrants. Buffett emphatically states one must learn more before he can earn more, but many struggle to do so. What is up here? Why, to put it bluntly, will people spend thousands of dollars a year on personal entertainment, but quibble when investing half that amount on personal education?

I speak from personal experience here because I suffered from this irrational condition on my way to developing the FREE mindset. Although I had stopped entertaining myself to death, I still struggled with educating myself to life. Finally, I realized that low self-esteem was the root cause because I did not believe I was worth investing in, having embarrassed myself when attempting to lead in the past. Fortunately, through the power of reading, listening, and associating, I began to understand that if I didn’t invest in changing myself, then I would never provide a model for others to inspire them to change. I vowed to turn my former entertainment money into investment money and transformed myself, and subsequently, the Green Box community. I became a student to learn the trim tab (see my book RESOLVED for further information) vital behaviors to succeed. Reflecting back, after having achieved a litany of public achievements in leadership, speaking, and writing, I am astounded that I nearly blew my future by believing lies from my past, for a person too cheap to invest in himself has nothing to enrich others with.

The reader must ask and answer similar questions. Are you spending when you should be saving? If so, then join the Green Box Revolution and start living below one’s means. Furthermore, once this is in place, start investing self to improve one’s leadership skills. If the reader does the first, but not the second, then he is stuck in no-man’s land, no longer having a JOB mindset, but also not having a FREE mindset either, merely stuck in the middle until he invests in his education as much as he used to invest in his entertainment. It’s your life; it’s your choice; and, it’s your result. As for Laurie and I, the best choice we ever made is taking the money we started saving and turning it into an investment into our future, because we realized the results were worth so much more than the investment.

What choices does the reader need to make to live his dreams debt free? Choose wisely.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty | 78 Comments »

The Green Box Revolution

Posted by Orrin Woodward on March 7, 2017

Have you heard about the Green Box Revolution? If you haven’t, you will because it’s transforming the finances of so many of your friends and family. The Green Box contains the plan to play Financial Defense and Offense to escape the Financial Matrix. In my completely revised version of The Financial Matrix book, I describe the four responses each family makes to finances, termed the Financial Matrix Quadrants. In short, it boils down to the household’s response to playing Financial Defense and Offense and the consequences of those decisions. To change one’s financial results, in other words, a person must change his financial responses on Defense, Offense, or more likely, both.

In less than two years, the Green Box Revolution has eliminated over $10 million in debt and flowed that previously lost income back into the household.  That’s a ton of debt wiped out in a short time, merely by applying the principles captured in the Green Box. Now the reader understands why we have termed it a revolution.  The old saying, “if you want some things to change, you are going to have to change some things,” has never been truer than today. Finances don’t just change, a person’s financial habits change and this changes everything. Thankfully, the Green Box Revolution comes with a community of like-minded people, who also want to change financially. This creates a positive environment for people to dare to do something different and the encouragement to continue, even if at first, it’s not comfortable.

Financial Fitness Pack

Regrettably, this message infuriates the financial elites, for they do not want anything to change financially because they benefit from the status quo. Indeed, the Financial Matrix is designed for elite profits through leveraging the financial illiteracy of the masses. The elites gain wealth, power, and control while the masses lose wealth, liberty, and peace of mind. The real question is why do the masses allow this egregious situation to continue, some even fighting for their own enslavement, instead of simply demanding financial justice? As absurd as this sounds, the elites have made the masses complicit in their own slavery, selling them pots of porridge (trinkets on credit) for their birthright to liberty. Whereas many have no idea the system is rigged against them and need to read The Financial Matrix (or other books on the Fractional Reserve Banking (FRB) system) to comprehend the fraudulent nature of the money system, the worst part is many others know it is wrong, and yet, strangely, still solicit the Financial system’s services.

While this seems insane, it is, nonetheless, the truth. (Caution: a truth bomb is coming, and since only the truth will set the captives free, please brace yourself) How does a person fight against a fraudulent financial injustice when he has borrowed money from it?  This is hardly less hypocritical than demanding an end to prostitution while still seeking its services?  If the financial system is fraudulent, after all, then why should we borrow from it at all? The goal should be to end our association with this financial entity as quickly as possible. Needless to say, this is why we launched the Green Box Revolution, a revolution that allows people to make moral stands without being complicity in the immoral behavior, a behavior that enslaves themselves and others.

If someone hasn’t shared with you the plan to financial freedom through the Green Box Revolution, then feel free to reach out and I will ensure you are in the know. The only thing you have to lose is your debt and the invisible chains that come with it.



Orrin Woodward

Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty, Orrin Woodward | 20 Comments »

Financial Fitness is a System

Posted by Orrin Woodward on January 26, 2017

There are two major paths to financial failure, paths that trap a person in increasing debt and decreasing dreams. The first is to spend money when one should be saving. The second, paradoxically, is to save money when one should be investing. Indeed, practically every financial fitness principle taught in the Financial Fitness Program (FFP) is summarized within these two principles. These concepts that are simple to comprehend, yet much more difficult to implement consistently, for financial fitness isn’t as simple as reading a blog article. In reality, only 1 out of 100 people live financially free (no debts with paid for assets) even though the concepts are straightforward and only demand the discipline to implement. The process of creating wealth (spend less than one makes and accumulate it over time) has been readily available, if not intuitively obvious, since Ben Franklin spelled it out in Poor Richards Almanac. More recently, Warren Buffett, the world’s greatest investor, has taught his principles of financial success (which are captured under the Defense and Offense headings of the FFP) –  1) Defense: “I think the biggest mistake is not learning the habits of saving properly early b/c saving is a habit . . . if you’re smart you’re going to make a lot of money without borrowing,” and 2) Offense:  “The best investment you can make is in yourself . . . the more you learn, the more you’ll earn.”

Financial Fitness Pack

Simple, practical, and available principles from the best of the best and yet repeatedly ignored by 99 out of 100 people, leaving most more financially upside down today than ever before. What is the root of this fiscal malaise?  The answer, after 25 years of mentoring people, and teaching thousands of families how to live their dreams debt free, has become clear to me. For one thing, information without inspiration simply won’t do the job, a job that demands consistent and persistent financial effort, similar to the focus a marathon runner has on the finish line. To make matters worse, for a person who wishes to escape the Financial Matrix, he must run against the grain, enduring the disapproval, mockery, and laughter of the crowd glorifying in their financial enslavement. Perhaps boxer Mike Tyson, although not usually thought of as a philosophical thinker, shared the best wisdom on the subject when he stated, “everyone has a strategy until he is punched in the face.”  Wow! Tyson’s message is spot on to most people’s financial situations, where they have a strategy until life punches them in the face.  Then, the strategy is thrown out the window and debt is used as a drug to temporarily alleviate the financial pain; however, since the debt drug is highly-addictive, before the person realizes it, he is drowning in debt and despair with little hope of realizing his dreams.

Fortunately, the reader does not have to follow the crowd over the financial cliff, nor does one have to live without dreams to stay out of debt; instead, he can pick up the Financial Fitness Program “Green Box” and learn how to escape the Financial Matrix (the playing field designed to profit banks and pauper the people) by playing Defense (spend less than one makes), Offense (increase leadership to make more money) and join a community of like-minded people who follow the “Green Box” principles to financial freedom. There is NO other program on earth that provides all four essential features to achieve financial freedom. After all, most financial programs only teach the Defensive principles, selling tons of programs but falling short of the advertised results because partial information, insufficient inspiration, and a non-existent community is a recipe for failure. As a matter of fact, even if another program did exist that taught the Financial Matrix playing field and the Defense/Offense, it would still fall way short of the mark because it lacks the “secret sauce” essential for any programs that requires habit changes, namely, a community of like-minded people going in the same direction.

Think about it. Why is Weight-Watchers so effective? Does anyone truly think they have discovered the philosopher’s stone of weight loss? Practically everyone understands that if a person burns more calories than he consumes, he will lose weight. Nevertheless, millions struggle to lose the extra weight and this is where Weight-Watchers comes in, providing a community for association, accountability, and acclamation to build hope that people can complete the process together that overwhelm them alone. Community, in other words, is the secret to success in any information program that demands discipline to follow through consistently. Sadly, many organizations fail, who have good programs, but lack the leadership necessary to build and sustain the proper culture within the community to produce the desired results. This is why information must be supported with daily inspiration and weekly association to help the people maintain accountability to their dreams and goals.

To be sure, there are examples of highly-disciplined people going it alone and achieving results, but they would miss out on one of the greatest blessings in life, namely, the joy of community and the association, accountability, and acclamation that is included when connected with others on a similar journey. While a person can achieve independence by himself, he only achieves the leadership level of interdependence through community involvement. What make the Financial Fitness Program so effective is it’s the only program that has an ongoing community, where one can set financial goals with mentors, attend get-togethers to gain more information and celebrate each other’s achievements to fuel the inspiration to apply the principles. This is the power behind the “Green Box” financial revolution that is setting people free! Why live life in quiet financial desperation when one can purchase the “Green Box” and learn the information, live the inspiration, and love the association within the community escaping the Financial Matrix.


Orrin Woodward: LIFE Chairman of Board

LIFE Financial Convention

Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty, Orrin Woodward | 14 Comments »