Orrin Woodward on LIFE & Leadership

Inc Magazine Top 20 Leader shares his personal, professional, and financial secrets.

  • Orrin Woodward

    Former Guinness World Record Holder for largest book signing ever, Orrin Woodward is a NY Times bestselling author of And Justice For All along with RESOLVED & coauthor of LeaderShift and Launching a Leadership Revolution. His books have sold over one million copies in the financial, leadership and liberty fields. RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions For LIFE made the Top 100 All-Time Best Leadership Books and the 13 Resolutions are the framework for the top selling Mental Fitness Challenge personal development program.

    Orrin made the Top 20 Inc. Magazine Leadership list & has co-founded two multi-million dollar leadership companies. Currently, he serves as the Chairman of the Board of the LIFE. He has a B.S. degree from GMI-EMI (now Kettering University) in manufacturing systems engineering. He holds four U.S. patents, and won an exclusive National Technical Benchmarking Award.

    This blog is an Alltop selection and ranked in HR's Top 100 Blogs for Management & Leadership.

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Archive for the ‘Faith’ Category

Know why you believe what you believe.

Merry Christmas: Spiritual, Economic, and Political Freedom

Posted by Orrin Woodward on December 24, 2016

From my perspective, a perspective developed over twenty-five years of leading communities, mankind’s thirst for freedom is unquenchable. Unfortunately, however, in an effort to quench this thirst, most people grab the freedom glass from the wrong end, inadvertently losing the liberties they long for. The people, in a nutshell, chase political freedom through political messiahs rather than start with the root ingredients, namely, spiritual and economic (financial) freedom. Despite repeated political failures, the undaunted people merely double-down, pursuing the prize with more zeal (a zeal without knowledge) until society’s freedom is poured out in an orgy of political Statism. While I am all for an honorable and just political system, I do not believe any politician, regardless of their specific political affiliation, can ensure my (or the readers) spiritual and financial freedoms. In fact, I would argue that these freedoms are precursors to political freedom and where people are enslaved spiritually and financially, inevitably, they will be in political bondage as well. 

5342dbee172190c875477beb4f0e0b91Be that as it may, the Christmas season is about Light shining into darkness, a season where people should pause and ponder the message of Jesus Christ. In essence, Jesus Christ is God’s Christmas gift to us, a gift of Peace with God and Freedom from Sin – the two greatest blessings God could offer mankind. Indeed, the story of Christmas is about God intervening in history to send his Son (the God-man) to earth to fulfill the law’s punishment and free ruined sinners like us. This is the true revolution unfolding within the world and it produces real change that makes society great again. It has turned the world upside down (providing freedom for mankind) everywhere Jesus Christ is worshipped as Lord and Savior.

One of the greatest questions a person ponders in life is his accountability to an Almighty God. On one hand, because God is justice, He cannot simply ignore violations against His Law, and still be just. On the other hand, because God is love, how do we experience that love if we receive what we deserve (darkness and death) rather than the mercy we need? How, in short, can God be both just and loving at the same time. The answer, an answer that turned the tide of history, is the Holiness, Grace, and Mercy of Jesus Christ, the true reason for the Christmas season. I pray that every reader, during the hustle and bustle of the CHRISTmas season, experiences the peace that surpasses understanding along with the corresponding freedom to become what God intended us to be.

This is the Gospel message – we end our rebellion against God and accept the unmerited favor of Christ’s act of grace where He freely takes our sins and we accept his righteousness through faith in Him. Who has ever heard of a love so grand, a peace so sweet, a gift of mercy so undeserved? 

Not surprisingly, the anti-Christ spirit does not want people to hear this truth. Instead, it encourages enslavement through its ubiquitous glorification of sinful passions, rather than Godly principles. Satan understands that people cannot endure conscious inconsistencies between their stated beliefs and actual behavior. Predictably, as a result, when a person’s behaviors become sinful, his beliefs will soon follow. In contrast, when a person accepts by faith the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, he repents from sinful actions to follow his new world-view, sanctifying his life by following his Savior’s example.  

This is the war between the Christ and anti-Christ spirits in the world. A person is either following Light or groping in darkness. Don’t be fooled by the media’s anti-Christian lies; instead, read the Bible for yourself, preferably starting with the book of John. See for yourself how Light shined into darkness and freed the enslaved from sin. True freedom, in other words, begins with the freedom to serve God and others without guilt or shame, knowing we are sons and daughters of the King.

Needless to say, however, just because Christians have grabbed the freedom glass from the proper end, does not, by itself, indicate the war is won. If anything, the real war has just begun, for now the person must live his Faith before a watching world. After all, now that he is spiritually free, it’s time to tackle the next freedom – economic (financial) freedom. Curiously, many Christians behave as if the gift of spiritual freedom does not come with corresponding responsibilities, but the Bible teaches to whom much is given, much is required. Certainly, a spiritually free person should progress to economic and eventually political freedom, for what is the purpose of freedom if it doesn’t glorify God and serve others?

Christians must live their faith by applying Biblical principles into their personal finances and achieve financial freedom, giving them a bigger platform to serve God and man. Indeed, I believe one of the greatest indictments against the Christian church today is its failure to be Salt and Light in the world possibly because it is too much in love with the world.  The Bible does not teach Christians to immerse themselves in the world’s ways, but rather says to be in the world but not of the world, shining Light into the darkness. Sadly, many Christians have surrendered their Light to the anti-Christ agenda and entrapped themselves in the Financial Matrix despite the Biblical admonition that borrowers are slaves to the lender. Does anyone think the world will take Christians serious when the talk about Christian liberty when they sold themselves into financial slavery for material things? 

How can a spiritually free person, a Christian, believe God wants him to sell himself into the anti-Christ financial system that enslaves billions of people? This is the absurd and the epitome of the double-minded hypocritical person James reproached as unstable in all his ways. What material thing, after all, is so important that one should become a slave to own (or should I say borrow) it?  Let each reader examine himself. Debt is nothing less than a financial cancer eating away at the household’s financial health and anyone who willingly introduces cancer into his family is not leading in a Biblical fashion.

To be sure, a mortgage may be necessary temporarily to obtain a housing, but why compound the debt further by leasing cars, accumulating credit card debt, and buying other toys on credit. To be fair, I don’t believe most Christians intend to be hypocritical; instead they simply have not studied the good Book enough to realize they are violating many of the financial principles present.  Christian pastors, as a result, must not only share the good news of spiritual freedom, but also how the spiritual freedoms lead to economic freedoms, which finally produce society’s political freedoms. This is the historical path to political freedoms and repeated attempts to grab the freedom glass from the wrong end will inexorably lead to more Statist’s tyranny until the people repent of their folly.

Unfortunately, today’s Statist anti-Christ rulers have no interest in people seeing the Light and escaping the darkness because it’s the people’s uncontrolled passions that lead to the elites absolute power. This shouldn’t shock Christians, for the Bible clearly describes how the rulers conspire against God and His anointed One. Thankfully, their plans will be foiled as they break themselves upon the Rock that cannot be broken. The world, in reality, is a great cosmic drama where history unfolds between the powers of Light defeating the powers of darkness in a war with no-quarter. Each person must identify which side he is on in this war and then determine the role he has been called to play.

As for me and my family, we have been called to set people free (spiritually, economically, and politically), knowing that spiritual freedom is the ultimate freedom. With that said, however, we have found the easiest place to start is by teaching people financial freedom. For once trusts is gained in the area by showing the effectiveness of the financial principles, the door is open to share the truths of freedom in all areas. We spend our lives teaching people about spiritual, economic, and political freedoms while encouraging others, others who are tired of living lives of quiet desperation, to do the same by coming into the Light. When enough people turn to Light spiritually and financially, the political changes needed will occur as the spiritually and financially free people demand to live politically free.

LIFE teaches people how to live financially free through utilizing our best selling product, the Financial Fitness Pack. The information inside the green box revolutionizes a person’s finances, and in the process, exposes him to truths in others areas. The goal is to set him free so he can then help others get free. Indeed, LIFE is not our business built on purpose, but rather our purpose built on business. This Christmas season, don’t just open up gifts; instead, open up the gift that endures forever, the saving faith in Jesus Christ. By grabbing the freedom glass from the proper end, freedom will prosper in all areas as we spend the rest of our lives reflecting His Light in a dark world.

The Woodward family wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and proclaims Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Faith, Freedom/Liberty, Orrin Woodward | 33 Comments »

Shining Light into a Dark World

Posted by Orrin Woodward on September 21, 2016

Historically, Christians have been the “Salt and Light” within society, tempering the process of decay (salt), while renewing the world with the gospel of Christ (Light). Over the last fifty years, however, a radical change has occurred. Christians today, instead of living “Salt and Light,” practice a peculiar “halt and hide” methodology. Fearful of standing out from the crowd, desiring instead to “fit in” with non-believers, Christians “halt” any efforts to share truth to a lost world, hiding their light as if ashamed. Dismally, rather than seeking to make a difference in the world by being different than the world, most Christians today outdo one other in silly attempts to be relevant to a world rotting away in darkness.

I know this sounds strong, but this isn’t just my opinion. The data backs up the bold statements and then some. According to the United States Census Bureau Records and various denominational reports:

1. Every year more than 4000 churches close their doors compared to just over 1000 new church starts.

2. Every year, 2.7 million church members fall into inactivity.

3. From 1990 to 2000, the combined membership of all Protestant denominations in the USA declined by almost 5 million members (9.5 percent), while the US population increased by 24 million (11 percent).

4. At the start of the twentieth century (1900), there was a ratio of 27 churches per 10,000 people, as compared to the close of this century (2000) where we have 11 churches per 10,000 people in America.

5. Given the declining numbers and closures of Churches as compared to new church starts, there should have been over 38,000 new churches commissioned to keep up with the population growth.

6. The United States now ranks third (3rd) following China and India in the number of people who are not professing Christians; in other words, the U.S. is becoming an ever increasing “un-reached people group.”

7. And the worst one of all, half of all churches in the US did not add any new members to their ranks in the last two years.

If over half of existing churches in the USA have not brought one new member into its congregation in over two years, then “Houston” we have a problem. Without being “Salt and Light” in the world, the Church, simply stated, is not relevant. The Church is supposed to be a rescue mission where saved “ruined sinners” go into the dark world and reflect the Light of Christ onto others’ lives so they can be transformed by the Light. Christians are to be “in the world, but not of the world.” Instead most are hiding out in Christian ghettos, sniping at each other and anyone who dares to leave the ghetto behind to fulfill our calling. Imagine how much better our world would be if Christians shined more Light and shot less messengers!?! Having mentored fifty plus pastors over the years, I know the challenges they face first-hand and respect greatly those who seek to confront them Biblically. Still, Christianity is about service to God and others; thus, any church that cannot grow one member in two years has, to put it bluntly, descended into darkness. How is it possible for a team of rescue workers to not rescue even one new person in over two years time in the locality they allegedly serve? Furthermore, how can even one church be that ineffective, let alone over half of them?  A shameful lack of Christ-centered leadership is the only possible answer. 

Be the "Salt and Light" of the world

Be the “Salt and Light” of the world

While I realize the God is sovereign and “works on whom he will” perhaps Christians can begin to work as God’s servants as we are commanded, shining Light rather than cursing darkness. This reminds me of the statement I read daily for years, “Work as if everything depended upon you and pray as if everything depended upon God.” Christians, after all, are God’s hands and feet on earth and its time to get the feet and hands into action by reflecting Light into the darkness. To be sure, the best way for a person to start the process is to model before he messages. The world is filled with people whose message is better than the model, but Christians, while not perfect, should seek to model the love and grace of Christ through their actions. A word of caution here: although the church is woefully ineffective today, if a Christian actually seeks to live Biblical principles, he must be prepared to be shot at, shot at not only by non-believers, but also, depressingly, by hypocritical “halt and hide” Christians. Just as Christ had unjust mud slung at him by non-believers and the religious establishment of his day, so too, not surprisingly, will today’s Light-shining Christians receive unjust abuse from vitriolic unbelievers and the lukewarm religious establishment. For when a person is in darkness, any person who dares to shine Light will either draw him out of the darkness or arouse him to destroy the Light.  Of course, since throwing mud on others is more comfortable than seeing the dirt within, hypocrites always end up throwing mud. Nonetheless, shine your received Light anyway because Christians would rather be criticized by man than disapproved by God.

Personally, I will turn fifty years old next year and I thank God for his many blessings in my life. I no longer am driven to build communities for personal success of financial reasons, but I have a bigger dream than ever before from a spiritual yearning. Through studying the Bible, I realize God has prepared footsteps for me and I intend to walk in them. Regardless of how many Christians have chosen to “halt and hide,” I am on a mission to find the remaining few who will fulfill The Great Commission, becoming the  “Salt and Light” to a lost world groping in darkness. Indeed, the darker the world becomes, the more Light impacts those it reaches. For example, I have had the blessing of seeing my wife (Laurie Woodward) display the Light of Christ into thousands of lives and her example inspires me to do similarly. Quit playing it small; quit fearing rejection, and start serving God and others. Even if everyone else in your church is hiding out, it’s time for you to lift Christ’s Light up. Be the example and start real change in your community.

Christians should understand they are living life before God’s watchful gaze. It doesn’t matter how many approve you in the world if Christ disapproves and it doesn’t matter how disapproved by the world you are if God approves. The following story tugs at my heart every time I read it:

“There was a concert pianist in the last century that longed to play in the great concert hall in Vienna.

When he finished his first concert before thousands, the people gave him a standing ovation.

Afterwards, he was asked, “Was it the greatest moment in your life to receive this long applause?”

The concert pianist replied, “No! I liked it, but it was not the most important thing to me.”

He said, “When the people all sat down, an elderly man who sat in the top corner of the balcony simply nodded his head at me. That was the greatest moment of my life because he is the master who taught me for 30 years. One nod from him was worth much more than the long applause of the masses.”

Needless to say, God is the “Audience of One”. Our life is His gift to us and what we do with it is our gift back to God. One nod from God is worth a thousand boos from the crowd; conversely, one thousand cheers will not be worth God’s disapproval. Therefore, quit seeking man’s approval and start seeking God’s. In a world filled with darkness, the Light of Christ shines brighter than ever before. Despite one of Satan’s biggest insinuations being how little one person can do to make a difference, the fact is that leaders (anyone remember the impact of Joseph, David, or Paul?) make a huge difference when following God’s calling. For instance, imagine a stadium of people filled with 80,000 people in complete darkness. If one more person becomes discouraged and joins them in darkness, nothing much has changed. It was dark before and its still dark now. Darkness and Light, in other words, are not co-equal forces battling it out in some cosmic drama. Rather, darkness is merely the absence of Light, not its opposite. As such, it has no power to do anything, because it’s simply the lack of something. One person, then, who enters the stadium and lifts Light can change everything because 80,001 sets of eyes are now staring at the only thing different in the stadium – the person who had the courage to lift Christ’s Light.

This is the difference a person living his faith can do. Whereas many Church leaders are failing to do what they are called to do, focusing instead on nasty disputes of arcane doctrine and personal vendettas, while the people drown in darkness, perhaps its time for ordinary men and women to do what God commands by showing our love for God by serving people. Maybe its time Christians start meeting non-Christian’s needs, helping serve in their local charities (LIFE on LIFE), helping serve local people by setting them free from the Financial Matrix, and ultimately, helping them see Light in an increasingly dark world. This is a life worth living and a purpose worth pursuing.


Orrin Woodward: LIFE Chairman of the Board

Posted in Faith | 24 Comments »

A Tribute to Denny Smith

Posted by Orrin Woodward on June 27, 2016

Today, Laurie and I headed up to Pennsylvania to see some of our best friends and to celebrate Denny Smith’s life. I first met Denny speaking at a conference back in 2006, his hunger to learn was evident from our first conversation, a conversation that would turn into a lifelong friendship. 

Rhino Leaders

Denny, Greg, Orrin, & Tony

Denny soon became a trusted confidante, one who could be relied upon to do the right thing because it was the right thing. He modeled the character, tasks, and relationships necessary for great leadership, leadership strengthened by mentoring with Greg Johnson. In many ways, the relationship these two formed reminded me of the partnership I have enjoyed with Chris Brady, built upon respect, trust, and loyalty.

Greg and Denny joined forces when neither one of them had a nickel to their name. Nonetheless, through the power of dreams, work-ethic, and persistence, these two forged an amazing lifestyle for their families. Denny, the muscular Marine, and Greg, the intellectual Ivy Leaguer, may have started in different fields, but they quickly united around the principles of the American Dream, a dream focused on life, liberty, and the pursuit of their goals and dreams.

These two men accomplished so much and their example has inspired thousands of others to do similarly. Needless to say, I am one of those countless others and one of my greatest joys was spending time with these two men, hearing their crazy stories of how they persisted, despite the pain of the process, to achieve their dreams. Between globetrotting around the world, living in beautiful mansions, and enjoying the time/money to spend with friends and family, these two experienced life like few others. 

Dreams, however, this side of heaven, do not last forever. For every person, whether rich or poor, is appointed to die. Death, in a word, is the great equalizer. Perhaps, no single event turns a person’s perspective from this life to the next faster than the loss of a loved one. Denny’s cancer and death caught all of us by surprise. To say we are going to miss him is a huge understatement. Thankfully, Denny was a Christian who knew his Lord and Savior and even though he enjoyed this life, he also prepared for the next one. I will miss Denny greatly, but I rest in the fact that I will meet him again. This is why I am going up to Pennsylvania, not to mourn, but rather to celebrate Denny’s life.

Denny seemed the picture of health, not only was he the poster-child of positivity, but he also regularly exercised and lived a moral life. Last year, however, he simply could not shake off a bad cough. I remember the day Denny and Donna picked me up in Philadelphia because we had scheduled a morning tour through Independence Hall. Denny and I both loved liberty and history so we did what we always did when we hung out – we laughed and learned. In reality, this was true anytime Laurie and I spent time with Denny and Donna, for both of these two loved to learn and laugh. This is what made them so special to so many.

Denny and Donna Smith

Denny and Donna Smith

Still, something was amiss, I couldn’t help but notice that Denny’s laugh ended in coughing fits. Finally, after practically prying it out of him – Denny never like to talk negatively about anything, especially himself – he admitted he was having difficulty shaking this “cold”. Donna said she had been on him to go to the doctor for over a month, but Denny, the tough Marine, believed he would beat it on his own. I took Donna’s side and asked Denny to get this checked out immediately. Denny agreed and we resumed enjoying the rest of the day.

Several weeks later, I received a call from Denny. He said the doctor had run test confirmed his cough was from an aggressive form of lung cancer and the odds did not look good. Denny’s attitude through all of this was amazing. He spent most of the phone call encouraging me! This is the type of man Denny was. He received bad news and yet he called to encourage me? Who does this? I asked Denny how he was doing and he said he was going to fight with everything he had. I told him if anyone could beat this, it would be Denny Smith, the tough as nails Marine. We prayed together and asked God to intervene for His Glory, no matter what the outcome. Denny then began the fight for his life, knowing, through his faith in Jesus Christ, he would win either way.

I have many great people in our leadership community, but what Denny accomplished the last 6 months of his life is amazing. Despite investing time to catch up with friends and family, undergoing exhausting chemo-therapy session, and endless hours researching lung cancer, Denny grew his community. Incredibly, while fighting for his life, he went CAB Coordinator, qualified for Operation Advance, and the prestigious Fun-in-the-Sun trip. In fact, the day before he passed away, he was in our hotel suite with 25 other guys. I asked Greg Johnson to give Denny a proper introduction because many of the younger leaders did not know his story. Greg’s introduction made many of them tear up as they realized what Denny had overcome to be there. Not surprisingly, Denny, although short of breath, proceeded to build the dream like few people can. He encouraged everyone to dream bigger and chase down the dream within the time each of us is allotted. 

In my mind, this moment perfectly encapsulated Denny Smith, the quintessential dreamer and doer, who refused to give up. He didn’t wait for life to happen but rather went out and made it happen. One may wonder why a man, so close to death, would share about the power of the dream, but I knew what Denny was doing and I couldn’t help but notice the juxtaposition.  While most people breathe without difficulty, they struggle to dream; Denny, in contrast, struggled to breathe, but dreamed without difficulty. Denny never stopped dreaming. This is his enduring legacy – Denny dreamed while others slept, worked while others recreated, and accomplished while others excused.

Later that day, he was admitted to the Cape Coral hospital and the following day Denny went home to be with the Lord. I know I speak for the tens of thousands of people Denny touched when I say – thank you, Denny, for teaching us how press toward the mark and leave it all on the field even to the last second. And I do mean the last second, for as the doctors hooked Denny’s body up to a breathing ventilator, his lungs shutting down from his lost war against cancer, Denny looked at his friends and family one more time and gave them a thumbs up. What a man and leader. Only a person who was sure of his destiny would, even at this crucial juncture, still maintain his love for others over himself.

This is why I love Denny Smith and this is why Laurie and I are traveling up to Pennsylvania to celebrate his life. If you knew or heard Denny Smith share the dream, I would love to hear how he touched your heart.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Faith, Family, Freedom/Liberty, LIFE Leadership | 37 Comments »

All Grace Outreach: LIFE on Life

Posted by Orrin Woodward on May 24, 2015

Chris Swanson is new Spokesman for All Grace Outreach

I am so excited to share with you this announcement: All Grace Outreach (AGO) has appointed Chris Swanson as its new spokesman. Chris Swanson is a dynamic Christian leader and servant who has faithfully served communities in need for decades. He has spoken as a guest speaker on LIFE Leadership’s stage and tore it up with his engaging and enthusiastic speaking style. Indeed, few speak as passionately from the heart as well as Chris Swanson.

AGO runs a very tight ship with the LIFE Coaches and office staff volunteering their time so that over 97% of available funds flow directly to charities, rather than be eaten up in overhead costs. LIFE Leadership gives 100% of the corporate profits from its AGO subscription series (which includes a Christian book and CD) to AGO, but now it has decided to go even further. LIFE CEO Chris Brady and Chris Swanson announce in the video below that LIFE Leadership has committed to give one dollar for every LIFE Leadership subscription sold every month across across the world!

This is significant, for as LIFE Leadership grows, this will flow millions of dollars into AGO to impact the world. LIFE Leadership is about having fun, making money, and making a difference and the following video describes a key aspect in making our vision a reality. What role are you going to play in having fun, making money, and making a difference in LIFE Leadership?


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Faith, Freedom/Liberty | 26 Comments »

Unspeakable by Os Guinness

Posted by Orrin Woodward on August 28, 2014

As the Chairman of LIFE Leadership, I have made reading a life-long habit. Nonetheless, this year’s summer season reading regimen was particularly productive. In fact, I read so many challenging books at my Michigan house that it is difficult to choose which one was the most impactful. However, if I was pressed to choose, it would have to be Unspeakable by Os Guinness. This book tackles the question of evil and how the Judeo/Christian, Hindu/Buddhist, and secular humanist world views respond to it. Through following Guinness’s line of reasoning I was left appreciating the strengths and weakness of each worldview while still bolstering my belief that Christianity has the most consistent answers to the problem of, and the response to, evil in the world. 

Most people see themselves as fighters against evil, but what happens after they realize that the biggest battle they fight against evil is the war within their own hearts? Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn described the dilemma human beings face in his classic The Gulag Archipelago when he wrote, “But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being? And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?” To destroy evil we must either destroy our heart or transform it through God’s grace.

The Lord's Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer

In his chapter on second chances, Guinness takes no prisoners. He explains how nearly everyone has said the Lord’s Prayer at some time in his/her life. However, few realize exactly what they are praying when they say, “and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Indeed, most of us mouth the words blissfully ignorant of the prayers meaning. For when a person prays this, he is stating that if he doesn’t forgive others, then he prays that God doesn’t forgive him! Yikes!

Guinness wrote, “No wonder Saint Agustine called the famous line in the Lord’s Prayer ‘the terrible petition’: ‘Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.’ If we pray that prayer and fail to forgive our fellow human beings as we have been forgiven, we are actually asking God not to forgive us. . . nothing that anyone can ever do to us will equal what we have done to God, and he has offered us forgiveness completely and freely. Our duty, then, is to forgive as we have been forgiven and to show that we have been forgiven by being willing to forgive others in our turn. Do they deserve it? Did we?”

It’s important to understand that forgiveness is not the same as reconciliation. You can forgive someone even if they are unwilling to reconcile. It is this truth that allows Christians to have joy even when their enemies still hate them. Otherwise, they would carry enmity against their foes which poisons their own soul as much as it does their Haters. In the book Unbroken, for instance, POW Ernest Zamperini carried so much bitterness and hatred against a Japanese officer, who abused him in the war camp, that he nearly destroyed his own life through hating and alcohol. In sum, external evil (unjust oppression) had metastasized into internal evil (hatred in the heart). Fortunately, once he was forgiven by Christ, he was finally able to forgive the unrepentant guard.

Why am I telling you this? Because after twenty-one years of leadership, I have concluded that unrepentant sin holds more people back from their God-given destiny than anything else. Lack of forgiveness is sin, plain and simple. If you are a Christian, and harboring anger against someone, let it go. Place it in the same spot your own sins were layed – at the foot of the Cross. This is serious. Stop reading for a second and think about whom in your life you need to forgive. Go ahead. I’ll wait. Is there anyone from your past or present that is binding you in bitterness? Stop drinking poison while expecting others to die. Forgive them like Christ forgave you to release the evil bonds. 

With so much evil and injustice to fight on the outside, why continue harbor these rebels on the inside? Guinness wrote, “. . . true forgiveness is not the same thing as condoning. . . It is not to deny wrong.It is not to tolerate the intolerable or lie down under the outrageous. It is to call a spade a spade, and evil evil, and to allow the full horror of its magnitude and outrage to sink in on every level – and then to be willing to dismiss the grounds of our own personal vengeance toward the evildoer. In other words, forgiveness confronts the evil as evil, and the wrongdoer as guilty, but refuses to retaliate and so refuses to play evil’s game and let evil have the final say.”

It’s time to wipe out our enemies by making them a friend. I let go of my remaining enmity back in 2011, shortly before the launch of  LIFE Leadership. I realized that I could not carry around bitterness and resentment while still leaving enough room to love others as Christ commanded. What about you? Isn’t it time to let the hurts, the bitterness, and the pain go? Christ did that for us and now it’s time we pray rather than poison those who hurt us. Only then will you experience the peace that passeth understanding. Martin Luther King experienced more than his share of oppression, but he did not let the evil conquer his heart; instead, he observed, “We never get rid of an enemy by meeting hate with hate; we get rid of an enemy by getting rid of the enmity.” Amen to that, Mr. King.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Faith, LIFE Leadership | 40 Comments »

Happy Fathers Day Video

Posted by Orrin Woodward on June 16, 2013

Laurie and I recently returned from a five day fishing journey with our three teenagers still living with us and what a trip it was. I love the bonding time, after a day of fishing, where there are no phones, no emails, just talking and listening to each other.



We caught one monster mahi-mahi bull pictured (sorry about the sideways picture. Not sure how to straighten out) here. He ran out 2/3 of my line before I finally slowed him down and started bringing him to the boat. I can sit at the back of the yacht, lost in thought over a book I am reading, and then BAM – fish on!

Over the years, I have learned the value of hard-work to achieve dreams, but also quality-time with family and friends. In fact, the longer I live the more I realize I enjoy and cherish the quality time with people more than the awards, recognition, and monetary gain.

For example, Pastor Tom Crawford asked the congregation who was the only player to win two Heisman Trophy Awards. Seven people out of 700 knew the answer. However, he then asked how many people can name a person in their life who took the time to listen, love, and encourage them. Every single hand, at least that I could tell, was raised on that one.

Life, in other words, is not about how much one accumulates as about how much serves. Being a father is a massive responsibility and blessing. One, unfortunately, that too many males seem to take frivolously. One of my goals is to teach males how to be men and I have been blessed to see this occur thousands of times in my life. Males have to step up and “Play the Man” like I said on an older blog post.

Most males want to be men, but lack role models, information, and encouragement to become good husbands, fathers, and men. This can change when these young males enter a community of men who can model manhood. LIFE Leadership is one such community and a good church is another.

Here is a fantastic video for Fathers Day that everyone should watch. Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there!


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Faith, Fun | 37 Comments »

The Death of Western Civilization?

Posted by Orrin Woodward on May 26, 2013

Is Western Civilization Dying?

A man may live according to his father’s code even after abandoning the faith which gave the father his code. But the grandson will have neither faith nor code. – Edmund Opitz

Habits are so powerful that one can reject the end of a principle and yet still practice the means to that end. In fact, this is exactly what happened when the evolutionary world-view captured the imagination of the thought leaders just before the turn of the twentieth century. Due to the conflict between the origins of mankind described in the Bible and those described by evolutionary theory, most intellectuals, tossed God and the Bible overboard.

Interestingly, however, the intellectuals, for the most part, did not toss the moral ethics out which came from the Bible. In a word, they wanted to enjoy the fruits of a tree they had just cut down. Unbeknownst to them, believing they had cast God aside, they had actually cast themselves adrift into the ocean of relativism. Nonetheless, since nature abhors a vacuum, the intellectuals of this era at least attempted to find another foundation for absolutes and moral conduct to replace the Bible. Indeed, this quest was tackled in earnest by many of society’s brightest thinkers just before the first World War (WWI).

World War I

World War I

Not shockingly, no other firm foundation for moral absolutes was discovered and the fantasy of perpetual peace, prosperity, and progress was dashed on the reality of millions of WWI corpses. The scale of death, dismemberment, and destruction was by far the worst, up until that time, in mankind’s recorded history. At the end of the “War to End All Wars,” a new generation of leaders graced the world’s stage who followed their fathers in rejecting the Christian faith, but went even further by also rejecting any absolute code of moral conduct, duty and service. Surrendering the search for absolutes, modern man rejected their heritage from the Greeks, Romans, and Christians quest for natural law and moral absolutes.

Instead,the modern intellectuals pontificated upon the relativism of all morals and values across various societies, ignoring their underlying unity. This left Western Civilization vulnerable to Machiavellian tyrants whose love of power was no longer checked by any ethical norms accepted within society. Predictably, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Franco, Tojo, to name just a few, rose to prominence through filling the ethical void in society with unadulterated power. Promising wealth, security, and salvation in the anthill mentality of society, any citizen rejecting the program was deported, imprisoned, or executed.

In history, as in science, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. In this instance, the power-hungry dictators were resisted in their plans for world conquest by the still free remnants of Western Christendom. In truth, these opposing forces could not maintain peace for long and it was only a matter of time before the ideological battles were replaced by physical ones. Not shockingly, World War II (WWII) made WWI look like a lover’s spat. Western Society’s best and brightest lost their lives on battlefields because, a few generations before, their grandfather’s had lost their faith in classrooms.

Simply stated, ideas have consequences. They have consequences from a personal, societal, and eternal perspective. Accordingly, it is wise to understand the reasons past generations built the fence lines before contemplating its removal. The twentieth century began in enthusiastic optimism, but ended in depressing despair as modernity was tossed overboard and post-modernity began. Curiously, having rejected faith in God, modern man now realized the futility of finding absolutes, apart from God. Thus, mankind, instead of turning back to God rejected God and His absolutes, leaving society without a firm moral foundation. Consequently, society is stumbling towards Gomorra in an orgy of materialism, hedonism, and escapism with no ultimate meaning.

Clearly, something has gone dreadfully wrong in post-modern society.Human nature is designed in such a way that it must worship something. If humanity will not worship God then the subsequent void will be filled by an all-powerful State. Egypt, Persia, and the late Roman empire all worshipped their kings as Gods who protected society’s order.  Modern man, ironically, although claiming to be secular, is repeating the historical fallacy by worshipping the State. The State as an all-powerful entity does not end well for mankind. In fact, anyone familiar with the Five Laws of Decline (FLD) knows how this scenario ends historically – the FLD will continue to increase, reeking havoc as individual liberty dies and society economically and politically collapses.

Post-modern man has sold his birthright and is reaping the whirlwind, forced to suffer through the deluge of political propaganda, collectivist creations, and democratic demagogues. Liberty – a concept once held so precious that many willingly sacrificed their lives for it – is, in the post-modern age, glibly surrendered to the State for the hope for illusive security. Indeed, Western Civilization stands at the precipice, peering into the dark abyss. By rejecting God and his absolutes, modern man has lost his liberty. The modern  States assume all power, meaning, and direction for the anthill society. Perhaps, before post-modern man takes another step, he should reevaluate grandpa’s decision to remove the fence line that started mankind on its downward descent.

Be sure, on this Memorial Day to thank military veterans for serving our country in defense of our freedoms. Also, be sure to play your part in the LeaderShift and restore Western Civilization to its historic freedoms.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Faith, Freedom/Liberty | 30 Comments »

Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind

Posted by Orrin Woodward on March 26, 2013

The Bible states people are transformed by the renewing of their minds. The LIFE Business provides truth in the 8F’s of life to do just that. Here is an article I wrote several years back that discusses why so few people seem hungry to transform themselves. Nonetheless, I cannot think of anything else that a person can do where he can have a bigger impact than to help lead people to truth. I know the huge difference it has made in my life and many others. The LeaderShift is coming and I am so looking forward to April 16th!


Orrin Woodward

I can remember growing up, watching the Dallas Cowboys religiously every Sunday afternoon.  I watched every game possible, as I was sure that my (yes, I owned them in my imagination) Cowboys played better when I cheered them on.  Year after year, I supported the team, collecting the football cards, studying all the statistics, and buying every football magazine to keep abreast of the latest roster developments.  What was I paid for this magnificent display of loyalty you ask?  Absolutely nothing, in fact, I paid out money, an item in short supply, for the joy of vicariously being part of the Tom Landry’s legendary Cowboy organization.  As I grew older, my fanaticism diminished slightly, but even as a newly married young man, with responsibilities of my own, working all week, getting my MBA at night, I still watched the games.  While the game was on, in an attempt to impress my friends and family, I would predict the plays by studying the Cowboy’s formations.  My fans would ‘ooh’ and ‘ah’ in approval at another play predicted successfully.  When the Cowboys started winning Super Bowls, Troy Aikman received a huge salary increase, Emmitt Smith hit the pay dirt with his new contract, and so did Michael Irvin, but I, on the other hand, was still busted, offered no loyalty bonus as the Cowboys biggest fan (Ok, I had plenty of competition here).  There are times in a person’s life, just a few, where truth whispers to you, not quite audible, but  distinctly there.  Most choose to ignore it, changing the channel on the TV, turning up the radio, or grabbing another beer, which is what I tried to do, but I couldn’t shake it.  Eventually, the whisper turned into a roar, it blared in my mind, consuming my thoughts, making me nauseous, unable to enjoy the game, so I walked into the another room to think.  Many question arose in my mind. Why was I spending so much time watching other people win in life, while I plodded along in anonymity.  Why is my life seemingly incomplete, unless I catch the latest game?  Is this huge time commitment really taking me where I want to go in life?

Thankfully, I had parents who had taught me the American Dream, the belief in our country and the ability for anyone willing, to accomplish anything that they set their heart and mind to do.  I had, only months before, been introduced to a community building business, and had started reading and listening to grow myself.   That day, I made a decision to stop watching other people’s success and start creating my own success.  Through God’s grace, a loving wife, hard work, and great friendships developed along the way, Laurie and I converted the hours spent watching sports into the hours necessary to build our business, eventually leaving our jobs, freeing up lots of time.  Over the years, I have seen many other people, faced with the same time challenges, make different decisions, choosing the sports teams success over their own success.  If that is what someone wants to do, then more power to them, as I believe in freedom that strongly.  But I knew, that many of my friends, really wanted to win, but didn’t seem capable of overcoming the inertia of their LazyBoy chair to get into action.  They wanted to win, would have loved the results of winning, but never seemed to do what it takes to be a champion.  This success paradox puzzled me for years.   But as a leader, I focused on serving those who were ready to change, while loving and encouraging the rest of the community who weren’t ready to make that level of commitment to success, hoping that eventually they would come around.

Several days ago, while contemplating why nearly everyone loves sports excellence, yet only a few love personal excellence, I had an epiphany, finally answering the success paradox.  The more I thought about it, the stronger I feel that my hypothesis, for why more people don’t pursue personal success, will stand the scrutiny of reason and time.  I believe human beings are designed to win, being hard wired to strive for excellence in life, but, due to man’s fallen nature, the wires are crossed, being misconnected at birth.  People do not strive for success because they believe they are unworthy and incapable of winning, so they seek out victories vicariously through people, teams, or bands that are winning around them.  Here is how the Bible explains the consequences of man’s violations of God’s law and the subsequent fall from grace, Genesis 3:18/19 reads:

Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou [art], and unto dust shalt thou return.

God’s original hard wiring proceeded from dream development directly to dream accomplishment, with little struggle to bring forth results.  But after man’s fall, work was brought work into the equation, forcing man and woman to work hard (thorns and thistles), enduring pain to bring children and the fruits of all labor into the world.  Mankind still loved winning, but now had this alien principle, of painful labor to overcome, in order to experience victories.  One cannot go from dream to victory without experiencing the struggle step, earning a living by the sweat of your brow.   Thus my hypothesis, because of the faulty wiring due to the fall, people want success, but not the hard work and long hours associated with it. In an effort to obtain the results without the work, people are drawn to the perceived shortcut, living vicariously off of other people’s victories through being a fan, not a performer.  In other words, people experience a feeling of success through their favorite sports team, without having to endure the level of pain and discipline needed to really win.  This is the vicarious victory, the feeling of accomplishment when the team wins, sharing in the celebration, feeling part of the winning team, but conveniently skipping the pain of the process involved in becoming a winner.  But the real victory in life is who people become in the dream, struggle, victory process, so by shortcutting the process, they shortcut their own personal development.

One might be thinking, if the struggle is now part of the process after the fall, why not just rewire the brain to achieve success according to the new rules of life?  That is a great question, leading me to the next success thought.   We are all born to win, even after the painful fall, but desperately need reprogramming from the Master programmer.  Without His reprogramming, people believe that they are unworthy of greatness, believing life’s trials and tribulations beyond their ability to overcome, misunderstanding the effects of the fall, they internalize the pain, believing they are worthless, instead of allowing the pain of rebellion to lead them back to their Maker, a Maker who would reveal to them their true destiny.  The truth is that we are made in the image of God and have endless potential inside of us, accomplishing greatness when we serve our Maker and others.  The reminds me of the inspiring poem written my Myra Brooks Welch called The Touch of the Master’s Hand:

It was battered and scarred,
And the auctioneer thought it
Hardly worth his while
To waste his time on the old violin,
But he held it up with a smile.
“What am I bid, good people”, he cried,
“Who starts the bidding for me?”
“One dollar, one dollar, Do I hear two?”
“Two dollars, who makes it three?”
“Three dollars once, three dollars twice, going for three”,

But, No,
From the room far back a grey haired man
Came forward and picked up the bow,
Then wiping the dust from the old violin
And tightening up the strings,
He played a melody, pure and sweet,
As sweet as the angel sings.

The music ceased and the auctioneer
With a voice that was quiet and low,
Said “What now am I bid for this old violin?”
As he held it aloft with its’ bow.
“One thousand, one thousand, Do I hear two?”
“Two thousand, Who makes it three?”
“Three thousand once, three thousand twice,
Going and gone”, said he.

The audience cheered,
But some of them cried,
“We just don’t understand.”
“What changed its’ worth?”
Swift came the reply.
“The Touch of the Masters Hand.”

And many a man with life out of tune,
All battered with bourbon and gin,
Is auctioned cheap to a thoughtless crowd
Much like that old violin.
A mess of pottage, a glass of wine,
A game and he travels on.
He is going once, he is going twice,
He is going and almost gone.
But the Master comes,
And the foolish crowd never can quite understand,
The worth of a soul and the change that is wrought
By the Touch of the Master’s Hand.

My dear reader, you are the the beautiful violin, having a worth beyond any asking price, lacking only the touch of the Master’s hand to accomplish your life’s purpose.  Inside of each person is talents and skills beyond imagination, but unless the wires are reconnected to the new conditions of life, people will wander aimlessly, wondering why life is so hard, and their dreams seem so far away. Do not succumb to the negativity surrounding you, but search out the Master to be reprogrammed for true greatness.

But can’t you just reprogram yourself, without the need of the Master’s help?  Sadly, to a certain extent, yes.  But the problem is that self programmed people move through life with themselves as the center of existence.  A person can become moral, hardworking, and successful financially without the master, literally becoming prideful at his own work, but can never experience true joy, unless he is one of the Master’s instruments.  I have lived portions of my life in all three conditions.  For a time, I believed that I was junk, acting out this faulty belief system, hurting myself and others. For a time, I believed I was the programmer, developing a pride in my professional success, while attempting to ignore my personal misery.  But finally, mercifully, came the touch of the Master, and my life has never been the same since.  From my vantage point, the one essential attribute, lacking in our modern world is belief.  Belief, not in yourself through your own reprogramming, but a belief in the God of the universe and in his Son, the Master who touches the human hearts, changing them forever.  No longer will one need to pursue victories vicariously through their favorite sports teams, movie stars or rock bands, as they will have the Master Himself, pursuing victories for Him in their lives.  I still enjoy winning sports teams, but they are no longer define my life, as I have my own life to live, focusing on winning the race set before me, pressing towards my mark in life.  No longer will you feel unworthy of success, because you will know that you were designed by the Master with a specific purpose in mind.  No longer will you run to experience the elation of success vicariously, because you will live the Dream, Struggle, Victory process in your own life, developing into a leader so that you can serve the Master and others.  Moreover, when people truly believe in themselves, they will pursue their own personal and professional excellence with as much ardor and passion as they formerly pursued their vicarious excellence?  Don’t misunderstand me, I think being fans of successful people is important and I encourage my kids to have heroes, not to displace their own success, but merely as models for what is possible to those who dream, believe and achieve.

Imagine if all of sports fans, who love watching successful coaches lead their teams, chose to live a life of excellence to the same standards of excellence that they hold their sports teams up to?  Can you imagine if all of the fans, fans who expect nothing less than excellence from their favorite teams, developed the same high expectations for their families and work teams?  Fans that pay good money to see excellence in sporting events, will, in their personal and professional lives, no longer tolerate mediocrity, holding to the same success standards in their own lives, that they expect from their favorite sports teams?  The paradox of success is solved only when we view life through a Biblical lens.  Several day ago, I asked why the paradox existed.  Why fans, who love excellence in competitive sports enough to pay for the right to experience it, will not apply the same standards of excellence in their own competitive professions, even though others are paying for the right to experience it.  The answer to the paradox is lack of belief in themselves and their purpose in life.  The are beautiful people, with amazing potential, with great passion (we can see that at every sporting event), but missing out on their purpose in life, due to the faulty wiring at birth.

As a life coach, for the last 18 years, I have mentored many people through the reprogramming process.  Nothing brings greater joy to me on this earth, than having a front row seat, watching the Master hands restore a work of art to its original beauty.  I used to be a fan of a sports team, a team that I had never met, spent hours of my time, never to be restored, watched other people pursue their dreams as I buried my own.  Now I am called to mentor the greatest group of leaders in the world, spending hours of my time serving these masterpieces, pursuing my destiny by helping others pursue theirs.  I am a blessed man already, but my dreams are even bigger.  I dream of a world where all people, that are willing, can pursue excellence.  I dream of a world where all people are free to pursue their God given visions.  I dream of a world, where men and women have the courage to dream, the perseverance to struggle and the humbleness to be victorious, having corrected their hard wiring, by a touch of the Master’s hand, no longer afraid to become what they were called to be. God Bless, Orrin Woodward

Posted in Faith | 53 Comments »

Reflecting Back on Israel

Posted by Orrin Woodward on March 7, 2013

I love reading Chris Brady’s blog post. So much information, humor, and the ability to make you think wrapped up into one. This particular post shares about our trip to Israel shortly before the launch of the LIFE Business. What a fascinating trip and experience! One of the dreams of getting out of the 9 to 5 lifestyle was an ability to travel and see all the history that I routinely read about. This dream has been answered many times thanks to compensated community building. What travel dreams do you have on your bucket list?


Orrin Woodward

IMG_5179Stone steps greet my weary feet once again, while the sun keeps up its constant beaming from above, pounding on my hat and searing my skin.  The bag on my back, though small, irritates me from long companionship, and the camera that produces the pictures I so love is an annoyance. My senses are overloaded and my brain is full.  It’s been another full day of touring the Holy Land.

From Dan to Beer-Sheva, and Caesarea (Maritime) to En-Giev, we’ve covered this land.  We swam in the Sea of Galilee and bobbed in the Dead Sea (this latter event so comical I couldn’t stop giggling at the curious situation of lying on top of the water).  We’ve surveyed archeological digs both old and new, gathered smooth stones from the Brook of Elah where David did so to the great chagrin of Goliath, and drove to the military installations along the borders of the Golan Heights. We passed through the Palestinian checkpoint at Jericho where the soldier there (Palestinian) was watering flowers. I’ve seen the Israeli soldiers, many of them young girls with cute pony-tails bouncing down the backs of their uniforms, toting AR 15 machine guns as if they were shopping bags.  We have pushed through crowded, narrow market streets while the Muslim call to prayer boomed loudly from speakers mounted to minarets high above.  I’ve seen monks in their brown robes with white ropes, nuns in their hobbits, and beggars of several faiths.

IMG_5617We walked into many an old church, usually constructed dead atop some Biblically important site, now entirely obliterated by the building meant to commemorate the very event it now obscures. Perhaps the most adventurous activity was wading through the narrow (and sometimes short) tunnel of Hezekiah, a 1750 foot wonder that snakes around back and forth under the old City of David and takes water from the Gihon Spring to the Pool of Siloam.  This required feet that could withstand long exposure to the cold and still flowing spring water, a flashlight, and the ability to duck repeatedly, as well as a decent ability to fight off claustrophobia.  But we all made it through, shamed by the 90 year old lady who soldiered through it with us without a word of complaint or even a slow step.  Climbing the recently unearthed ceremonial staircase from the Pool of Siloam to the Temple Mount above (way above, I might add) turned into another spelunking adventure as we ended up squeezing between ancient ashlars that framed a drainage system (at least that was our best guess)

 I’ve seen wild Ibex, commercially tamed camels one can ride for ten shekels, and prairie dogs with a fancier name which I now forget.  There have also been cats, lots of cats, loose in every nook and cranny of these old cities. But everywhere and all the time there have been people.  I have been all over the world, and have visited what I had previously believed to be some pretty crazy, diverse plIMG_5518aces.  But I must admit, never in my life have I seen anything like Israel.  Enemies exist in muted tension side by side.  Radically different faiths fight for the same commemorative soil.  Cultures crash like cars in a downtown intersection, with sounds and wounds just as loud and painful.  I work my brain like a prize fighter trying to make sense of it all.
Israel, chosen by God to be the intersection of the world.  Israel, today, as much as ever, upholding its duty to be the place where all the cultures flow together. Our trip was billed as a study tour, and study tour it has been.  Under the masterful tutelage of Dr. Doug BookmIMG_5541an from Shepherds Theological Seminary in North Carolina, we’ve been whisked around this mysterious land like the students in the classroom of Miss Frizzle, the zany but enthusiastic grade school teacher whose “Magic School Bus” transforms itself into whatever shape is needed to give the students a tactile, on-location lesson of the material being covered.  With contacts in every corner of this land, Dr. bookman has us transported up to places like the half-built and then abandoned palace of Jordan’s King Husain, which was begun in 1965 but quickly abandoned with the outbreak of the Six Days War in 1967.  From it’s ruined hulk, a place (to quote Dr. Bookman) where “Osha has never been,” we could look out at the surrounding hills and almost see the Bible narrative that occurred there coming to life.  While we pass other tour groups in silly kerchiefs and matching hats, we sneak around where people rarely go and take a look from off the beaten path.
Another joy has been traveling with long time friend and business partner Orrin Woodward and his wife Laurie. As we learn we discuss, and review and analyze.  Learning is always more fun in concert with other minds equally enthused and invigorated with the lamp of growing understanding.  Further, we’ve been in cahoots with a small team of others from California, Indiana, North Carolina, and Georgia, who have been as fun as they have been adventurous.
This tour is not over, but its days are rapidly ending. And as they close, I realize once again that the more I learn, the more there is to understand.  Further mystery is always on the other side of new understanding, and these days in Israel have opened me to more wonder than I ever could have imagined.  My appetite to study and learn even more about the foundations of my faith and the plan of God for this land is mightier than ever. My faith is stronger, my knowledge higher, and my camera fuller than when I began. And yes, my feet might throb as I drop into bed at night, but my mind races and my heart leaps at all that God has done.

Posted in Faith | 36 Comments »

All Grace Outreach: Ligonier Ministries

Posted by Orrin Woodward on March 3, 2013

All Grace Outreach

I watched a cool video this Sunday morning on RC Sproul’s Ligonier Ministies. RC is making a huge difference in the world by keeping the main thing the main thing – God’s glory. Ligonier is one of the ministries that All Grace Outreach supports because it is getting God’s word out to the people around the world. The LIFE Business give 100% of corporate profits of the LIFE Faith series to various charities selected by the LIFE PC. I love our motto, Have Fun, Make Money, and Make a Difference and this is exactly, by God’s grace, what we intend to do.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in All News, Faith, LIFE Leadership | 21 Comments »