LIFE TEAM Customers
Posted by Orrin Woodward on November 10, 2011
Wow! What a week! I knew the LIFE TEAM launch was going to be explosive, but I had no idea the level of demand for our leadership materials in the marketplace. I have received numerous reports of car dealerships, school districts, colleges, etc, who are purchasing the LIFE materials. The consistent refrain from LIFE customers revolves around, “Finally someone has a turnkey method for teaching leadership skills into our organization at an affordable price.” Only one company in the world has two of the Top 30 Leadership Gurus and that company (LIFE) provides it’s information at a price affordable to everyone.
Leadership is the key difference between floundering organizations and thriving ones. If you run a business, what plan do you have in place to build the leadership capabilities of your community? The LIFE TEAM, through providing 4 CDs and a book for the ridiculously low price of 50 dollars, can help. Moreover, when a business has more than three customers, volume discounts kick in with LIFE’s buy three get one free program. LIFE is taking leadership to the people, focusing on improving lives, not just of the leadership elite, but everyone’s leadership!
By providing leadership training on a monthly basis, the principles sink in much better than a one time class. In fact, in my new book RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions for LIFE, I teach how to build and grow a leadership culture. Consistent messaging of the proper principles is one of the keys to building a leadership culture. LIFE provides the consistent messaging to help in creating the culture necessary to win in today’s ultra-competitive marketplace. Like Chris Brady and I said in our NY Times and Wall Street Journal best-seller, Launching a Leadership Revolution: Everyone is a leader in some capacity.
LIFE members do not miss this important part (and profitable part) of building your community. It’s time to reach 1 million people through the power of networking, leadership, community, and mentoring. Sincerely, Orrin Woodward
4 Responses to “LIFE TEAM Customers”
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Bob said
That’s Fired Up!!! Making a difference!!!
Heidi said
Orrin – I saw the newspaper in a coffee shop today and couldn’t help but notice that every problem reported on the front page could have been avoided if the people involved had been listening to LIFE subscriptions and applying the information, except perhaps for the storm in Alaska. Economic problems in schools, allegations against various public figures who could have exhibited better character and courage, unions suing business owners for allegedly violating employees’ rights….. People read this stuff and shake their heads about it. Let’s give them a way to do something about it by spreading this information. While so many people are distracted by the urgent crises all around us, there is a group of people who know that the spread of correct information is the only thing that has ever solved any problems. Thanks for all you do Orrin. To one million!
Mary Hermsen said
I love this post, Orrin! You basically gave us a ‘script’ to use when talking to potential customers. I intend to use this information when talking to people.
An opportunity presented itself to me today as I was in the checkout line at “Sam’s Club”. The young man behind me was purchasing 2 copies of Dave Ramsey’s ‘Entre Leadership’. So I struck up a conversation with him. Reading and learning about leadership gave me the confidence to talk about principles to a stranger; even though my physical appearance screamed “Don’t talk to him!” I had just left the YWCA with wet hair and sweat pants. But, we exchanged information and will be talking tomorrow to get our schedules together.
Hearing the successes other people are having, and the methods they’re using, are very helpful. Thank you!!
Also it was great to see and hear you in Madison on the 5th!
Mary Hermsen
Dean Clouse said
Excellent! Low price and great quality! A perfect combination!