The IRS & the Five Laws of Decline
Posted by Orrin Woodward on May 17, 2013
Oliver DeMille and I explain the Five Laws of Decline (FLD) in our newly released NY Times bestseller LeaderShift. I originally developed the FLD back in 2008 to explain why companies and societies predictably decline. Indeed, learning to check the FLD is essential for turning around any ailing company or community. Not surprisingly, these five laws are thriving in American Government today. In fact, with the latest disclosures of the IRS targeting conservative groups, the Five Laws of Decline, if anything, appear to be accelerating. The Founding Fathers intentions of a limited government to provide internal and external defense has been steamrolled by the FLD. Originally, the founders limited federal taxation through state checks and constitutional apportionment. Predictably, although America needed 200 years to reach a trillion dollar national debt, today, it increases over a trillion dollars every year. Evidently, the wisecrack who said, “How did you go broke?” “Well, it was slow at first, but really fast at the end,” spoke more truth than he realized.
President Obama vowed to hold the Internal Revenue Service accountable if reports of political targeting are proven true. “If in fact IRS personnel engaged in the kind of practices that have been reported on and were intentionally targeting conservative groups, then that’s outrageous. And there’s no place for it,” Obama told reporters. “And they have to be held fully accountable. Because the IRS as an independent agency requires absolute integrity, and people have to have confidence that they’re … applying the laws in a nonpartisan way.” In LeaderShift, we explain government expansion, writing, “There is no such thing as limited government without limiting the funds available to the government.” In effect, because the government today, including the IRS, has no real checks upon its powers, the FLD explain why continued crisis and bureaucratic overreach are expanding. LeaderShift, however, doesn’t just identify the FLD. It suggests real solutions to check them in American government today. By viewing society through the FLD lens, LeaderShift studies the tide while other pundits continue to talk about the waves.
Today, on the Dennis Miller Radio Show, at 11:15 am ET, I will be discussing how the FLD are destroying American freedoms through unchecked power-hungry organizations like the IRS. When the State increases its role in America, it does so through an increased use of force. Accordingly, as the coercive State increases, the voluntary communities within society correspondingly decrease, leaving more force and less freedoms for its citizens. Whomever said ignorance was bliss was plain ignorant, and ignorance of the Five Laws of Decline is one of the main reasons America is losing its freedoms and purpose. This is a call for all concerned Americans to get educated on the FLD and how to check them within organization, communities, and society.
54 Responses to “The IRS & the Five Laws of Decline”
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Neal Ruffner said
Wow, thanks for posting Orrin. We will be tuning in.
Scott Reinhold said
Great Blog!! Thanks for all you do for the Life biz and Team!
Robert Nava said
Thanks for the post Orrin…great insight and attention to an issue today that is neglected.
John Lewis said
Thanks for posting this, Orrin. I always appreciate your perspective and insight.
Thanks for your leadership!
Chris miller said
Thanks Orrin, love your book Leadershift ,and will be listening to the interview this morning . Thank for all you do to wake up America.
Richard Kroll Jr. said
Thank you for the post Orrin! I’ll be listening in to today’s show!!!
Elizabeth Sieracki said
Great job on the Dennis Miller show Richard! Way to take action.
Nancy Pope said
Thank you for stepping up and giving common citizens like myself, an easy to follow plan, to help FIGHT for the freedoms we are losing daily
Nancy & Rick Monsipapa
Rick Green said
Thanks for the insightful and informative post, Orrin. This type of behaviour,by the IRS (USA) & the CRA (Canada), can not be allowed to continue. This “mob-like” mentality goes against the very fibre of our democratic society.
Thanks, again, for your Leadership.
Chris VanDevere said
Orrin thank you again for taking the lead in waking a slumbering society. So often I’ve repeated “if you don’t discipline yourself, some one else will get the job and you may not like the results.” The truth holds for individuals, communities, nations and societies.
As Claude Hamilton always signs off “Fight fiercely!”
Don Schultz, Team VIP Phalanx said
Leaders recognize problems and bring to light. They aren’t afraid to be vocal about fundamental problems they see, not for the sake of being visible themselves but because the health of the organization, in this case, our country, calls for it. It isn’t just that problems are brought to light but solutions are sought as well. Like Bill Newton says, “are we just kicking around the problem or are we looking for solutions to the problem”?
Thank you Orrin for your leadership.
Aron Radosa said
We are looking forward to the Dennis Miller Show. The facts show a situation that can get worse, but with the Manifesto and Roadmap of Leadershift, we can apply the brakes and reverse the current. Thanks for digging deep into our future.
CJ Calvert said
Orrin, best wishes to you and Oliver on the show today. Considering the emerging IRS scandal, your discussion on limiting government powers couldn’t be more timely.
Lynn Barker said
Thanks Orrin. As a TEAM we can make this chg. happen. Looking foreward to hearing you this morning.
Heidi said
Looking forward to hearing the interview and seeing what happens when the mainstream hears your wisdom!
Wendy Crockett said
I just received my copy of Leadershift last night and I stayed up late reading ‘cuz I couldn’t put it down! I feel my blood pressure rise whenever I get into conversations with people about what’s happening in America, and thanks to your examples of true leadership, I am able to keep my cool and discuss issues calmly…most of the time! 🙂 I am still learning and applying, as we all must be, and want you to know I’m in support of your ideas and will continue my leadership development journey so that I, too, may become one of the 10% to do whatever it is I can to assist in the saving of our blessed country! To paraphrase you, I know it won’t be easy but it will be worth it.
God Bless America,
Clint Fix said
I’m excited to listen to the radio show! It’s great that we’re breaking into the mainstream! You and Oliver’s diagnosis of the problems and offered solutions are a breath of fresh air among all of the blaming that goes on everywhere else.
Kody Ellis said
Amazing post Orrin!
Chad Waters said
Hi Orrin.
Let’s educate the 95% and even most of the 5% as aloof us have turned a blind eye for too long just frustrated with the system in hopes(and loss of hopes) that our governments would fix something!
Let’s all Each 1 Reach 1 in educating the FLD and will change thing a lot quicker!
God Bless.
Keith Sieracki said
May you have peace in the message of truth you are sending. We are behind you 100%. God Bless your endeavors!
Lynda Varada said
Orrin you did an amazing job on the radio today with Dennis Miller attempting to communicate to the king (very small k) of ‘sound-bite’ a couple of weighty ideas that the average person could grasp onto and take away. Thank you! Great job!
Tim Marks said
Sobering post . It’s very concerning that the IRS can do what they did but even more concerning the President Will let them get away with it. BTW IRS is implementing Obama care! Awesome
Dan Hawkins said
Hey Orrin, just listened to your interview on Dennis Miller Radio. After you finished the interview the phone lines lit up and Dennis made the comment, “this guy must have some network of friends.” Dennis said he was going to grab the book from the closest book store right after he left the studio. The callers said they wished Dennis would have let you go further into the solutions in the book! The Leadershift has begun. Thank you for all you do!
Orrin Woodward said
Dan, Love or hate the proposed solutions in LeaderShift is less important to me than starting the discussion. Few believe that Washington (business as usual), can or will fix its systemic problems. Therefore we need new ideas and new leadership (a LeaderShift). Any new ideas are first laughed at, then violently opposed, then accepted as self-evident. The Five Laws of Decline (FLD) are self-evident, backed through 6,0000 plus years of recorded history and are true regardless of whether a society checks them to survive or laughs at them and falls. We must change the dialog and get people looking at various government proposals through the lens of the FLD. thanks, Orrin
Wendy Crockett said
I’m curious as to who invited whom to Dennis Miller’s radio show. I was sorely disappointed in the reaction and the treatment of your ideas, as well as how he badgered and treated the callers (your supporters). I would think it’d be helpful to actually read in advance the author’s book that you plan on discussing, not? I know you are adept at handling criticism and derogatory remarks; however, today’s show proved even more succinctly how badly your (and our) leadership is needed. I’m with you and it’s obvious many others are, as well! You rock!
Orrin Woodward said
10 minutes isn’t enough time to unpack the FLD. I understand how radio host are busy and the 30 minute interviews always go better than 10 because it is difficult to believe anyone can suggest real fixes to Washington’s mess. Dennis is a smart guy and I am confident over a coffee, he would see these aren’t pie in the sky ideas and they are historically proven principles. Either way, we need a LeaderShift for our country and praise and blame are always part of any leadership journey. 🙂 thanks, Orrin
Peggi Kern said
I love your thinking, Orrin! I agree that 10 minutes is very short and I wasn’t fond of the post interview discussion from Dennis and his co-host, however I believe that your interview and the discussion following the interview will certainly bring other readers to pick up LeaderShift and seriously consider the ideas written about in the book. Job well done!
God bless your book as it continues to bring about discussion on solutions, instead of just the usual talk about the problems!
Jason Dames said
Orrin thx for your Influence and expecting to be believed and letting time prove you right and not focusing on critiscism!!! that has tought me so much and it is only going to gain more influence with the outside world.. I know you have a specific intent to all you do!! More importantly thank for being a great example as a Man of God!! God bless
Elam Stoltzfus said
Hey Thanks for the blogs Orrin !! I missed the radio show but I read the leadershift book several weeks ago and we’re getting the book into the hands of as many people as we can.
Dean Strube said
Just another example of how spot on you guys are. Looking forward to radio show. Thanks and God bless
Elizabeth Sieracki said
One of my favorite parts of the show was after the interview Dennis Miller said (somewhat under his breath),”This guy has some network of friends.” His anchor associate agreed that if he (Dennis) had read up on him he would know why.
I was a little disheartened at Dennis response to LeaderShift but the bottom line is that you did an awesome job (Orrin), the book was discussed and hopefully Dennis Miller is just one more person whose interest was perked enough to go and actually read the book. We all know we are in this for the right reasons no matter what the critics say. Thank you Orrin!
J & P Harteis said
It’s a sad day in America to wake up to the reality of where we are ~ BUT, a blessed day to know that we can still take a stand, fight, educate,& implore the Lord’s forgiveness for our apathy & our turning from His ways. May we all have the courage to not only read LeaderShift, but to do something about what we’ve learned! God bless you, Orrin, for standing at the watchtower & sounding the alarm!
Sandra Montenegro said
Awesome post, thanks Orrin for Leading On! We will be tunning in! 🙂
Elaine Mallios said
Gosh – this is scary. The government is out of control for sure. The IRS is an independent agency but act as a regulator or arm of the government using scare tactics and intimidation. “NOT ON MY WATCH!”
Scott Staley said
It’s sobering to think that things have deteriorated to the extent that organizations like the IRS don’t feel the need to exercise extreme caution in their approach. There obviously wasn’t much thought – or concern – given to checked powers.
Randy Robson said
Is there a list of past and future interviews by you and Oliver?
Rita Haas said
I’m proud to be associated with you and the people you lead. You are digging the well before America is thirsty. Thank you Orrin & Laurie!
Kim Decket said
Great post Orrin and so true
scott russell said
Great Post brother Orrin!!!!
merv hochstetler said
Thank you so much orrin for leading the way for my freedoms
Tom DeWinter said
Thanks Orrin for connecting Leadershift and the FLD to the IRS scandal.
Finally some government issue which has put the fear into everyone. For the first time in a long time both Republicans & Democrats realize the true magnitude of the problem. While THIS TIME the overzealous government was used to intimidate one side of the political spectrum, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that someday the tables could be just as easily turned upon them. And most importantly, the average citizen realizes that neither party is really not working for them and that the government can be used by those in power at their whim to intimidate a citizen simply because of who they associate with, what they read, write or even think about. This has truly I think brought everyone to realize how out of control this government has become.
There is a reason why the founders wrote the Bill of Rights put as the #1 thing the freedom of speech, the right to assemble and speak out against the government. And freedom of the press (which too just this week we found out the government was snooping into the press).
This must stop. We must stand and fight.
I can’t help but think of the following quotes from the past and how appropriate they are today:
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Sir Edmund Burke
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” Albert Einstein
A Protestant pastor in Germany named Martin Niemöller was released from a Nazi concentration camp after seven years of imprisonment and wrote,
“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.”
I absolutely REFUSE to be one of the people who stand by and do nothing! Count me as one of the 10%
Carrie Canniff said
Thanks for posting Orrin! LeaderShift is a powerful book with powerful concepts. A few minutes is not enough to convey the principles. A band of RASCALS out here in radio land gets it!!! We will make a turning point for our country. Thank you for your leadership.
J.J. said
After the interveiw i thought that Maybe we have to simplify the 5 laws so that the general population will understand. Possibly some thing like this law #1. Most folks ain’t willing to be productive they only try to look it # 2 people’s will always do what’s most easy even thieving #3 one bad apple will spoil the whole bunch#4. You can, have too much of a good ting#5. Crap always gains speed as it rolls down hill……lol
But by definition 9 out of 10 people won’t get it any way !!!!!
Thanks for never lowering the bar and always leading from the front
Orrin Woodward said
J.J. That’s funny! 🙂
Gina Hale said
Don’t ask me why but I stayed tuned and listened to all the callers questions and remarks after Orrin’s interview. At first Dennis was a bit cruel with his remarks to many of Life members, however, after a break his whole attitude changed. He stated that he had checked the Life website and learned more about us and Orrin. He was almost apologetic. He knew he didn’t do his homework and he had missed his chance with Orrin. In one call, he defended Life members and said that, “we were great people”
Orrin, I think you stand correct when you stated that Dennis is a smart guy and that over coffe he will understand better. Thank you Orrin for all that you stand for and for taking the hits for all of us.
Kevin Hamm said
Great Post. Way to be bold. Let the discussion begin.
Bryan Vashus said
As I read each of these comments, (especially after listening to the radio show) I am strengthened with even more resolve knowing all of you are with us in the fight against the FLD. Orrin, we are proud to be named with you and will continue to do our parts to create this LeaderShift. Keep on keeping on! We are with you!
Jennifer spolar said
Oh yes Orrin, “study the tide instead of talk about the waves” great concept! I love that instead of only talking about the problems in this country we have leaders paving a way and leaving roadsigns along the journey so any person can decide to seek truth when these things are pointed out, and to raise up and walk down the path to freedom.
Jim Gerend said
Great post and excellent book. The dialogue has begun. Thank you Orrin for being such a man of character and humility with a freedom focus that will move throughout the masses. May God Bless.
Debbie Wolf said
Great post Orrin! Your perception of an issue that is ignored is well said!! Thanks for taking the lead ! Debbie
Gordon Goetsch said
Orrin, after listening to the call I could gladly have called in the following conversation I had with Dennis Miller inside my head. One would think he would have done his homework.
“Ok Dennis…I know it’s your radio show, you call the shots and you have the mic. As a five time Emmy winner you’ve earned that! But before you cut me off I want to see if you have the courage here to answer just two of my questions. How you answer the first will determine whether the second is even necessary.
Question # 1.
What was the last great book you read addressing the current crisis of Leadership and Liberty.
Question # 2 (only necessary if you had an answer to question #1)
What was the solution offered?
You see Dennis, unless one is a student of history as it relates to the rise and fall of empires, and read great men who do more than passively point out all the worlds problems, all your opinions, quotes, cliches, anecdotes, responses and suggestions regarding this subject are nothing more than a figment of your comic imagination taken from an ants eye view if the world.
It might also serve you well to learn how to pronounce Orrin… It’s a name you will get to hear often.””
Fundamentally it’s an oxymoron to use the terms Freedom Crisis and Stand Up Comedian in the same sentence. There ain’t nothin funny about the 5 Laws of Decline facing our nation.
“All it takes for a civilization to crumble is for good men to talk and do nothing (Bourke paraphrased)”
Blessings to you Orrin! Fight the good fight with all your might!
Melissa McClure said
Great post and wonderful book! Thanks for the leadership that you and Laurie give. Thanks for the insight and the guidance. May the Lord bless you and your family.
John Burns said
Thanks Orrin!
Joseph P Keller said
Thanks Orrin great post I just love how you get our minds going, amazing what good information will do to get us thinking thanks so much.