Orrin Woodward on LIFE & Leadership

Inc Magazine Top 20 Leader shares his personal, professional, and financial secrets.

  • Orrin Woodward

    Former Guinness World Record Holder for largest book signing ever, Orrin Woodward is a NY Times bestselling author of And Justice For All along with RESOLVED & coauthor of LeaderShift and Launching a Leadership Revolution. His books have sold over one million copies in the financial, leadership and liberty fields. RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions For LIFE made the Top 100 All-Time Best Leadership Books and the 13 Resolutions are the framework for the top selling Mental Fitness Challenge personal development program.

    Orrin made the Top 20 Inc. Magazine Leadership list & has co-founded two multi-million dollar leadership companies. Currently, he serves as the Chairman of the Board of the LIFE. He has a B.S. degree from GMI-EMI (now Kettering University) in manufacturing systems engineering. He holds four U.S. patents, and won an exclusive National Technical Benchmarking Award.

    This blog is an Alltop selection and ranked in HR's Top 100 Blogs for Management & Leadership.

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The Matrices of Control: Physical, Feudal, & Financial

Posted by Orrin Woodward on April 8, 2015

Over the years, with consistent study and reflection, I have discovered three matrices of control over people’s production – the physical, feudal, and financial matrices. The Physical Matrix, of course, was slavery and has been practiced since practically the origins of humanity. The feudal system was serfdom and was practiced for over 1,000 years during the middle-ages and beginning of the modern age.

Today’s system of control, however, is known as the Financial Matrix. This matrices utilizes the bank cartel to control the world’s money supply to benefit the elites at the masses expense. What makes this system so nefarious is that few even understand its existence let alone how it works. This short twenty minute video describes mankind’s historical challenge with the elites and the three matrices of control.

My new book The Financial Matrix will describe how to respond to this system by utilizing the Financial Fitness Program and the LIFE Leadership business to protect your family and friends.


Orrin Woodward

15 Responses to “The Matrices of Control: Physical, Feudal, & Financial”

  1. Paul Horst said

    Very insightful video. Can’t wait until we can share the new book and bring hope to so many who are in the financial matrix!

  2. Brandon and Jaycie Stremkowski said

    Hey Orrin,

    This messaging of the financial matrix is allowing people to understand the security they think they have…doesn’t really exist. Security in plundering and minimal performance for the most gain (5 laws of decline) is almost gone in the information age. Thank you for bringing this message to the Life Leadership community and to the world, because those who listen and get out of the financial matrix, will true financial security.

    God Bless!

  3. Maura Galliani said

    Thanks for enlightening us again, Orrin. We need to continue encouraging people to “take the blue pill” and learn the truth … freedom is always worth it! 🙂

  4. Such great insight on such a major issue. Thank you, Orrin Woodward!

  5. Jim\ Wilson said

    Thanks Orrin,
    Comparing the financial system to the movie the Matrix has made it very easy to visualize what is happening to us. Having been born in 1941, I have had a ringside seat to watch the financial matrix unfold and pick up tremendous momentum. I remember when the slogan, “Buy now, Pay later” was coined. It seemed innocuous at the time with only 1 or 2% interest. You know prior to that, the banks would promote a Christmas savings plan. It would be one of the ads on the movie screens in January. You would save money all year and then pay cash for Christmas. What a crazy idea! Of course, I guess the banks were practicing fractional reserve banking with your money. But, at least you didn’t get the January Christmas blues. Now all people are programed to do is ask, “What are the payments?” We have a lot of work to do.
    Jim Wilson

  6. John Lewis said

    Thanks Orrin for explaining this in a way that anyone can understand…and do something about. You have given the call to action of helping 1 million people escape the Financial Matrix and I am excited to see this movement already starting to explode across the world!

    We appreciate all that you do.
    John & Michele

  7. Awesome post! Looking forward to the book!

  8. I sat down with a Mortgage broker yesterday, sharing these ideas. When I handed him your audio cd, I put it with caution. I explained: “just a fair warning, I don’t want you to be offended by the truths exposed here. I know you work in the mortgage industry, but think of America, think of its people, there is a very high percentage of us living way above our means, wouldn’t you agree something has to change?” The caution comes from, sometimes in our work, our jobs, when we find out that were aiding society to put them deeper into the financial matrix.., we may feel somewhat responsible. I encourage one and all, to join the fight with life leadership, “The Underground Railroad helping people escape from the financial matrix”

  9. Rich Dudek said

    I think people can really relate to the Financial Matrix Orrin. Can’t wait for the book!
    Thank you brother! God Bless

  10. Orrin, I finished reading The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge (I was prompted to because you mention in one of your talks, it being just about your favorite book 😉 at about the same time as you first began describing this economic system of control, The Financial Matrix (FM), which now exists, and in so many ways, controls our existence. While there are many, many significant concepts and insights in the book, one section particularly struck me, specifically in its application to your description of the FM. This was the ‘Shifting the Burden’ archetype, which describes how people/organizations will tend to apply a Symptomatic Solution (ie ‘Quick-fix’) to a Symptomatic Problem, while either ignoring, or being oblivious to the real, Fundamental Problem. While this action produces a temporary respite from the problem, it also ensures that the underlying issue will only increase in its effects and frequency, till the symptomatic solution is no longer effective and the structure collapses. As you so well explain Orrin, this is what is happening right now with our economic system, and our unending production of Fiat currency, and while at the same time the Government transfers increasing amounts of wealth into the non-productive sectors of society, as it extracts ever greater receipts from the wealth creating sectors/entities. But as the book, and you, point out, the only real, fundamental solution to this fundamental problem is to learn, and to maximize the leverage of this by becoming a Learning Organization, which can then exert its influence on the key pressure points so as to restore balance. Obviously this is not going to be an easy task, and it will require some exceptional leadership to accomplish, but I believe we are the right team (and growing!), and serving at the right time to do it!

  11. Steve Meixner said

    Orrin, This is a Great Video! I am sending as many people to your blog as I can.. I can’t wait to read your book. Thank You for all you do. You have Really Open my Eyes to the TRUTH,

  12. Constance Kosowski said

    Thanks Orrin for the great teaching! Looking forward to the new book.

  13. Bob Cafr said

    Dear Orrin,

    Greetings Brother! I would like to state the following and let you contemplate and ponder upon it and think about it.

    1) There is and are matrix beyond the three you speak of. One is the energy matrix another is the information matrix. These two alone are the real key to all the rest. With out energy you can not heat your home power your vehicle or send a rocket to the moon. With out information you can not know or have the knowledge to counter any of the other forms of matrix and so it is the greatest matrix of all.

    2) With #1 being known then in order to combat all other matrix one needs to remove the knowledge and the energy matrix. Removing the later will help remove the financial matrix. After all if you pay nothing to heat and power your home or next to nothing then you have far more time to expend your energy paying off debt or after that building your pipeline.

    3) True communities: To be honest in a true community more than one type of goods or services are traded. So in a true compensated community food/manufactured goods/Services/and information would be the products on the market. Having one or two/three but not all four means that you have not really built a True Compensated Community you have built only a partial community that is and will eventually fail unless evolved.

    4) Paying for things with Federal Reserve Notes means that the entity that issued the note owns the property. You can learn more about this via http://youtu.be/SUkwntLNTOU which is part one of two and really you need to watch both parts to totally comprehend what happens with NOTES.

    To be honest I am not expecting this to be posted as a reply and as for who I am well I am a nobody that has never done anything if you ask some. Then again I have made 20+ million dollar software deals as well as hardware deals to Lockheed and the Airforce. So some will tell you that I am something special. Seriously though if you want to know more about who and what I am you can ask Brother Scott and he can tell you how to really contact me.

    Other than that good work and thank you for making teaching the uneducated simpler. Some of us have been looking for tools to teaching simpler and you have done that in many ways.

    At the CREATORS Speed


  14. jonny brundy said

    So the financial matrix is a form of labor matrix for most people.( time/work for money) . i understand that people tht have started business on debt with return on investment highr thn payments/interest and then eliminated tht debt have basically turned fools gold into the real deal. genius. just a small obsevation.

  15. Kristina Richrd said

    Proud to be a Life Leadership member where I am learning life changing information and making a difference not just in my life but in others, too

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