Boise State – Underdogs can Overcome!
Posted by Orrin Woodward on January 13, 2009
I watched this video and it brought tears to my eyes. This describes exactly the mentality of a true MonaVie Team leader. Success principles are success principles in any high level team achievement. To win as a team, you must buy into a bigger cause than yourself and play your part. Boise State, a smaller school, in 2006 finished an undefeated season by beating Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl. Listen to the video and read these quotes that were shared! God Bless, Orrin Woodward
1. We were playing for anyone who feels that they didn’t stand a chance.
2. We talked about setting goals and meeting expectations by taking it one game at a time.
3. We bought into the system.
4. You have to believe in something bigger than youself.
5. We are going to win as a team and family or die as a bunch of individuals.
6. You need to have a Blue Collar mentality – You tough it out and do what you need to do in order to be successful.
7. If we finish, play hard and keep doing that consistently, obviously, we are going to win some games.
8. A sense of belief just because of the preparation we put in. A sense of belief that these guys don’t know what’s coming to them.
9. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
10. Do not take counsel of our fears, our naysayers or the unknown.
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