Orrin Woodward on LIFE & Leadership

Inc Magazine Top 20 Leader shares his personal, professional, and financial secrets.

  • Orrin Woodward

    Former Guinness World Record Holder for largest book signing ever, Orrin Woodward is a NY Times bestselling author of And Justice For All along with RESOLVED & coauthor of LeaderShift and Launching a Leadership Revolution. His books have sold over one million copies in the financial, leadership and liberty fields. RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions For LIFE made the Top 100 All-Time Best Leadership Books and the 13 Resolutions are the framework for the top selling Mental Fitness Challenge personal development program.

    Orrin made the Top 20 Inc. Magazine Leadership list & has co-founded two multi-million dollar leadership companies. Currently, he serves as the Chairman of the Board of the LIFE. He has a B.S. degree from GMI-EMI (now Kettering University) in manufacturing systems engineering. He holds four U.S. patents, and won an exclusive National Technical Benchmarking Award.

    This blog is an Alltop selection and ranked in HR's Top 100 Blogs for Management & Leadership.

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Archive for the ‘Freedom/Liberty’ Category

Without freedom, there is no leadership.

Developing a Financial Plan

Posted by Orrin Woodward on June 19, 2015

“The only man who sticks closer to you in adversity than a friend is a creditor.”

It’s impossible to consistently win in any endeavor without a plan. Unfortunately, most people in life do not have a financial plan; therefore, they struggle financially. The Financial Fitness Program is a step-by-step plan to help someone develop a plan for defense, offense, and understanding the playing field (The Financial Matrix) of financial success.

Why start at zero and have to spend years learning the principles of financial success when a person can invest $99 dollars and have access, not only to a winning financial plan (thousands have eliminated their credit card debt), but also the LIFE Leadership community to help one stay accountable to his/her goals and dreams? Life is tough inside the Financial Matrix. That is why a supportive community of people with the same objective – to escape the Financial Matrix – is so vital.

Here is a segment of a talk I gave in Wisconsin on the importance of having a plan, working the plan, and persisting in the plan until victory.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty, LIFE Leadership | 15 Comments »

The Manufacture of Consent?

Posted by Orrin Woodward on June 15, 2015

The ownership and control of the Mass Media is one of the key ingredient in the ruling elites plan for control of Western Civilization. Most of the news, as a result, fits the “manufactured” world-view that the elites have carefully constructed for mass consumption. Before you think I have gone off the deep end, let me share some of thoughts from some of the best minds of the topic of media and control.  Austrian economists Joseph Salerno described the ruling elites agenda in his brilliant introduction to one of Murray Rothbard’s classic works on money:

The ruling class, however, confronts one serious and ongoing problem: how to persuade the productive majority, whose tribute or taxes it consumes, that its laws, regulations, and policies are beneficial; that is, that they coincide with “the public interest” or are designed to promote “the common good” or to optimize “social welfare.” Given its minority status, failure to solve this problem exposes the political class to serious consequences. Even passive resistance by a substantial part of the producers, in the form of mass tax resistance, renders the income of the political class and, therefore, its continued existence extremely precarious. More ominously, attempts to suppress such resistance may cause it to spread and intensify and eventually boil over into an active revolution whose likely result is the forcible ousting of the minority exploiting class from its position of political power. 

This is why the elites capture the society of every nation following the same 3M formula – Money, Media, Military. First, the ruling elite captures the Money supply, then it purchased the Mass Media, and finally, it buys the politicians to use the nation’s Military for its egregious ends. Is anyone surprised that the ruling elites, once they have captured the Money supply, would quickly use the fake money to buy controlling interest over the Mass Media. For the role of the Mass Media is to persuade the “dumbed down” people that society needs the ruling elites oversight. To illustrate, has anyone else noticed how often the Mass Media quotes intellectual experts to prove the validity of its messaging? Of course, what’s not revealed is that nearly all these so called experts in the university/corporate system are also bought and paid for by the ruling elites.  Salerno, again, explained this phenomena:

Here is where the intellectuals come in. It is their task to convince the public to actively submit to State rule because it is beneficial to do so, or at least to passively endure the State’s depredations because the alternative is anarchy and chaos. In return for fabricating an ideological cover for its exploitation of the masses of subjects or taxpayers, these “court intellectuals” are rewarded with the power, wealth, and prestige of a junior partnership in the ruling elite. Whereas in pre-industrial times these apologists for State rule were associated with the clergy, in modern times—at least since the Progressive Era in the U.S.—they have been drawn increasingly from the academy. Politicians, bureaucrats, and those whom they subsidize and privilege within the economy thus routinely trumpet lofty ideological motives for their actions in order to conceal from the exploited and plundered citizenry their true motive of economic gain.

Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky

As I researched the Mass Media’s influence within society, I think I was most shocked by the elites’ level of hubris. For instance, Walter Lippmann, the two time Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and author, wrote one of the classic works on why the Mass Media must manipulate public opinion. In the appropriately named book, Public Opinion (1922), Lippmann described the masses as a “great beast” and a “bewildered herd” that needed the governing class to direct them. Not surprisingly, he defined the ruling elite as “a specialized class whose interests reach beyond the locality.” Lippmann believed the ruling elites (a class of experts, specialists and bureaucrats) needed to circumvent the primary defect of democracy, the impossible ideal of the “omni-competent citizen.” In effect, the “bewildered herd” is mesmerized by the ruling elites into being merely “interested spectators of action,” rather than active citizens. Lippmann explained that participation should only be for the “the responsible man”, not the regular citizen.

The Mass media, subsequently, is no longer about reporting facts or highlighting competing visions for the future. Rather, it is used to produce ruling-elite approved propaganda to mislead the public into supporting initiatives that benefit the elites at the masses expense. Lippmann even coined the term “manufacture of consent” to explain how the elites manipulate public opinion through Mass Media. In other words, the Mass Media reports what the ruling elites want you to believe, not what necessarily is the truth. But don’t take my word for it, let’s have Lippmann explain “manufacture of consent” in his own words from his book, Public Opinion:

That the manufacture of consent is capable of great refinements no one, I think, denies. The process by which public opinions arise is certainly no less intricate than it has appeared in these pages, and the opportunities for manipulation open to anyone who understands the process are plain enough. . . . as a result of psychological research, coupled with the modern means of communication, the practice of democracy has turned a corner. A revolution is taking place, infinitely more significant than any shifting of economic power. . . . Under the impact of propaganda, not necessarily in the sinister meaning of the word alone, the old constants of our thinking have become variables. It is no longer possible, for example, to believe in the original dogma of democracy; that the knowledge needed for the management of human affairs comes up spontaneously from the human heart. Where we act on that theory we expose ourselves to self-deception, and to forms of persuasion that we cannot verify. It has been demonstrated that we cannot rely upon intuition, conscience, or the accidents of casual opinion if we are to deal with the world beyond our reach.

Lippmann, however, was not alone in revealing the ruling elites plan at the beginning of the 20th century. Although the ruling elites have learned to be more careful, it still isn’t too difficult to piece together their revealed agenda. Perhaps no one was clearer than Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud and father of “public relations”. Without apology, he applied his uncle’s teaching and techniques to alter the subconscious of the customers of his client’s product to encourage a buying decision. Bernays boasted of his ability to control the masses in his ruling elite classic book Propaganda:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. Our invisible governors are, in many cases, unaware of the identity of their fellow members in the inner cabinet.

The final example of Mass Media control is my personal testimony. It was 2008, in the middle of a multimillion dollar legal dispute between a billion dollar company and the top leaders of my company, when I was contacted by Forbes Magazine. Needless to say, I was shocked to hear this large corporate magazine (that reports upon billion dollar companies) wanted to write about a leadership company which barely surpassed 40 million dollars at the time. When I first asked the reporter why she picked us, she replied she was interested in network marketing and the leadership and Christian principles I utilized. I thought this was odd but naively agreed to help. After interviewing me for over six hours, she had the gist of our business, the dispute with our former supplier, and any supporting evidence I had. Strangely, over the course of our discussion, it came out that she knew nothing about network marketing (the business I was in), had never heard of John Maxwell (the number one leadership trainer and author), nor had ever heard of Pastor Bill Hybels (the pastor of one of the largest churches in America (even though she lived in Chicago where his church is located) who had selected Chris Brady and my NY Times bestseller Launching a Leadership Revolution as one of his best books for 2007.

Curious, I asked her why she would do an article about three subjects she admittedly knew nothing about. At first, she started explaining that her superiors asked her to write it, but then I think she realized this wouldn’t jive with what she previously had said. She abruptly broke off the conversation and simply said she was doing her job. Of course, now I realize the article could have been written without interviewing me at all since it included practically nothing from what we discussed. Something, however, wasn’t adding up. Why would someone write a nonsensical article in a major magazine on subjects she admitted to knowing nothing about nor have any interest in? I smelled a rat. Several months later, I found the rat. In the strangest of coincidences (I smile when I say that 🙂 ), I discovered the company I was in the legal dispute with had run expensive centerfold advertisements in Forbes magazine. Whoa! Now I understood how Mass Media manufactures consent first hand. 🙂

Nevertheless, one of the key lessons a leader learns on his journey is how to turn the lemons of life into lemonade. In this case, my personal exposure to Mass Media shenanigans led me to study the role of media in controlling what and how people think. This eventually led to the Financial Matrix through the control of Money, Media, and the Military. With our liberties at stake the masses can and must learn to think for themselves. And, despite what the ruling elites have done to “dumb down” our educational system, the people are still capable of learning, doing, and teaching leadership. In fact, I believe the key to breaking the Financial Matrix is for a group of men and women to launch a leadership revolution through serving others rather than manipulating or coercing as the elites do. While this isn’t an easy task, I know it’s possible because I have spent the last  20+  years of my life helping people lead themselves, their families, and their businesses.

I reject the theory that the masses are sentenced to be part of the “great beast” the “bewildered herd” which must leave all the thinking to the elites. Instead, the LIFE Leadership founders created a company that believes everyone is called to lead wherever  they are and can with the right information applied consistently. Don’t be scared of the word leadership, for it merely means serving others. We can all do that. I cannot imagine a better purpose to fulfill in life than building LIFE Leadership and helping people break free from the “bewildered herd” that are trapped in the Financial Matrix. 


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty, LIFE Leadership, Orrin Woodward | 62 Comments »

Escape the Financial Matrix Scam

Posted by Orrin Woodward on June 9, 2015

What is the Financial Matrix?

The Financial Matrix has captured nearly everyone within its web. The system of control works by seducing people into debt by “easy” monthly payments. The monthly payments accumulate until the people can no longer afford their own opinion. Instead, they must do the bidding of their creditors because, as the Bible stated long ago, “The borrower is slave to the lender.” The Financial Matrix book explains this is much more detail for those who haven’t read it.

I am not saying that the loaning and borrowing of money, in itself, constitutes a scam. For the Financial Matrix scam goes much deeper than that. Indeed, the Financial Matrix, through the Fractional Reserve Banking (FRB) system, supported by Central Banks and National Governments, is allowed to create money out of thin air to “loan” to the people. In a word, fake (fiat) money is loaned out to people who must pay back the interest and principal with real production. This is the Financial Matrix Scam.

How Does a Person Escape the Financial Matrix?

The plan to escape the Financial Matrix is simple to explain but difficult to implement, namely, stop taking on debt. A person must learn to live below his current income even if that means foregoing some of the things he desires. For just because a person wants something doesn’t mean he should sell himself into financial slavery to purchase it. Quit buying items today, in other words, on income that a person plans to make tomorrow; instead, the correct approach is to buy items today on income he made yesterday.

Unfortunately, most people have not learned this key financial literacy principle. In fact, this isn’t by accident, but by design. Think about how much education the average person is receiving today and yet how little financial literacy education they receive. I have met doctorate level graduates in many fields, with 10 plus years of education, who do not understand the rudimentary principles of compound interest, nor delayed gratification. This must change.

How to Play Defense Against the Financial Matrix?

Financial Fitness Pack

Financial Fitness Pack

Anyone truly seeking a change in his/her financial situation must realize the need to apply new principles. The Financial Fitness Program (FFP) (Now available as a continuous education program for accountants) will teach a person step by step how to live below his current means. Many customers of this pack have escaped the Financial Matrix Scam by learning how to say no to the instant gratification purchases. It doesn’t matter how much a person makes as much as how much he spends. In fact, the Financial Matrix system loves high income earners because they typically carry more debt and service it longer.

The great news is once a person changes the financial paradigm, the compounding effect of debt reduction becomes an enjoyable game. Instead of thousands of dollars per month being poured down the Financial Matrix hole, that money now remains in the producers hands to either wipe out more debt or start to purchase items in cash. As a result, the average person can break out of the Financial Matrix by just playing defense in a 15 to 20 year plan and be debt-free including his mortgage. However, some people choose to go faster.

How to Play Offense Against the Financial Matrix?

This is the purpose of LIFE Leadership community. When customers realize how effective the Financial Fitness Program (FFP) is to help them get out of debt, many choose to share this program with others. LIFE created a compensated community to reward the people who help others escape the Financial Matrix Scam. In other words, the worst that happens to a person who joins LIFE Leadership and applies the principles taught is they lose their debt. On the upside, the go-getters who choose to share this financial program with others are rewarded for doing so.

LIFE Leadership then starts with a simple premise, namely, that being in debt and stress is not good for people. Accordingly, LIFE provides the FFP to teach financial literacy and a plan of escape. Meanwhile, for those who want to escape the Financial Matrix faster, LIFE offers people the opportunity to own their own business and build a business asset. A person can start by playing defense and utilizing the community support group to help him make better decisions financially. And, at any time in the process, he can choose to go on offense and share the financial products to others who could benefit by better financial literacy. Win-Win-Win.

What Makes LIFE Leadership Different?

I have studied the data of LIFE members and I am blown away by what I discovered. It takes less than six months for the average member to save more money from the Financial Matrix than they are investing in their own business. This is what makes LIFE Leadership different than most traditional product companies – the Financial Fitness Program (FFP) saves the consumer more money than it costs to purchase. The FFP is, after all, only 99 dollars. In the coming months, I plan on interviewing many of the people who have reduced their debt to highlight their stories.  The testimonials of people who have wiped out $10k, $25k, $50k, and some over $100k in less than six months simply need to be shared with the world!

What other organization can a person join where the worst that happens to him is he wipes out his debt and the best that happens to him is he builds a business asset, develops his personal leadership, and makes friends for life? Please don’t misunderstand me. I am not saying everyone who joins LIFE Leadership will get debt free. For merely joining an organization doesn’t make someone successful anymore than merely buying an exercise bike causes one to lose wait. After all, YOU have to use the financial principles and the exercise bike to accomplish the desired objective.

Fortunately, most of the people who purchase the FFP (about 75%) reduce their financial debt. Moreover, around 10% of that group start making money by building a business asset. What about the other 25%? I don’t know if I could answer this any better than John Wayne did, “Life is tough, even tougher when your stupid.” 🙂 Ok, I know that was politically incorrect in today’s sensitive age. But seriously folks, how can the FFP help someone eliminate debt if they won’t open it up, read the materials, and apply its lessons? LIFE even has a community support group to encourage them in the habit changing process. A teacher cannot teach until the student is ready.

Despite what the modern media tells you, success  is NOT a lottery. Indeed, people don’t luck their way to success, but rather learn their way into it. If you are tired of waiting for your ship to come, then perhaps its time to join the LIFE Leadership ship. Whether as a customer and learn to play defense to avoid the Financial Matrix or as a member and learn how to play defense and offense to avoid the Financial Matrix is totally up to you.

What I know is with the proper financial principles, you too can escape the Financial Matrix and live the life you always wanted.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty, LIFE Leadership, Orrin Woodward | 29 Comments »

The Financial Matrix Controls People, Companies, and Nations

Posted by Orrin Woodward on June 1, 2015

The Financial Matrix does not just control individuals since many companies and governments are also hopelessly in debt. The Bible admonition clearly states that the borrower is slave to the lender which makes governments, companies, and individuals all pseudo-slaves to the money powers. In effect, the State has acquiesced to subserviency in order to have access to the funds necessary to maintain its power base. Accordingly, it supports the Fractional-Reserve-Banking (FRB) fraud of creating money out of thin air (fiat money) so that it can receive low interest loans from banks who then turnaround and loan the same money to companies as well as individuals. The central banks partnership with the Big Banks FRB system allows the same fiat money to be loaned to at least 10 different customers at the same time.

Can anyone else see how this system inflates the money supply and creates unbelievable profits for the banking system? This inflation robs the purchasing power of your dollars and causes prices to increase since the money supply is increasing faster than the productive capacity of society is. The bankers inflation causes a boom that always leads to the crack up boom and society’s entrepreneurs and borrowers always suffer the consequences as the bank forecloses on the real property securing their fiat loans. Is it any wonder the banks always have the biggest buildings in every big city. 🙂

Inflation, however is just the final consequence of borrowing fools gold from the banking system. There are, in fact four others. First, when society allows the State/Big Banks money cartel to loan out fools gold as spendable money within society, the society suffers irreparable harm when forced to pay back fools gold (fake wealth) with real production (real wealth). Furthermore, when governments take on debt, they are forced to raise taxes to service the growing interest charges. This means the subjects in the Financial Matrix have their wealth siphoned off directly (in their personal debt) and indirectly (in the taxes paid to service governments debt).

But there are still more siphons. For when companies also take on debt to the money powers, they must increase prices in order to service the interest. Here is a third way the Financial Matrix reaches into the peoples pockets. Dismally, there is still another Financial Matrix siphon on people’s production (The Matrix movie siphoning off people’s energy wasn’t far from the truth), namely, the price increases companies roll out to pay their corporate taxes. Unless, the corporation is an international conglomerates owned by the money powers (in which case they pay little to no corporate taxes because they do accounting in international tax havens and use tax loophole laws in their favor), the corporation must pay taxes that cause an even higher price on products/services because all the cost associated with a product is ultimately passed onto consumers or the business would not survive.

In sum, the people are subjected to four separate siphons on their income due to the Financial Matrix – 1) personal interest charges, 2) personal income taxes to pay government interest charges, 3) prices increases on products needed to live to pay company interest charges, and, finally, 4) prices increases on products needed to live in order for the company to pay corporate taxes so that government can pay its interest charges. All the income losses and increased living expenses results from the Financial Matrix’s power to loan out fake money to be paid back by real production. Simply put, this is the greatest form of control ever created by the elites. True, a person trapped in the Financial Matrix is not directly coerced by his creditors, but the fear of drowning in a deluge of debt causes him to obey just the same.   

The Financial Matrix works so effectively because it so difficult to understand the rigged game. For instance, did anyone teach you financial literacy in school or teach you that the banks can digitize debt (fiat money) with State support and that the people must then pay it back with real production. Not 1 in a 100,000 even comprehends the Financial Matrix, let alone knows how to resist it. This is why I wrote the Financial Matrix – to teach people how to live free from the most effective matrix of control the elites have ever produced. Unfortunately, the dumbed down educational system has done it work well, leaving many so hopelessly inured to the debt system that they will fight to maintain it. Others merely shrug off the fact that year by year they work harder for less as their debt loads continues to increase.

Few seem to understand that as debt increases our liberty decreases. Our once free nations under God has now become a bound nations over drawn. Thankfully, however, there is a growing movement within society of people who are taking personal responsibility. Justice can only be served by ending the practice of fiat money and FRB banking and stabilizing the money supply by ending the State/Big Bank money cartel. The market would quickly return money to a commodity standard (typically a combination of gold, silver, and copper) that cannot be manipulated at will by the elites. With a stable money supply, entrepreneurs can begin calculating cost and profit accurately, speculation profits at society’s expense will end, and the people’s money will not be inflated away unbeknownst to the majority of them.

Perhaps the best commentator on the State/Big Banks unethical alliance in the 20th century was the economist and historian Dr. Murray Rothbard. His insights and thoughts led me to discover the Financial Matrix. Dr. Joseph Salerno wrote a fascinating introduction to one of Rothbard’s books that describes why the State always ends up abusing society’s members even though it was designed to protect them.

After reading Mises, Rothbard, Salerno and others, I realized the fools gold loans from the money powers was creating fools of the borrowers who were selling their liberties for things. LIFE Leadership has created a Financial Fitness Program that can walk any person step-by-step through a plan to escape by learning to play defense, offense, and understanding the Financial Matrix. Read Salerno’s description of the State’s power grab and ask yourself what is your plan to break free from the Financial Matrix.


Orrin Woodward

Joseph Salerno

Dr. Joseph Salerno

At the core of this generalization is the insight that the State throughout history has been essentially an organization of a segment of the population that forsakes peaceful economic activity to constitute itself as a ruling class. This class makes its living parasitically by establishing a permanent hegemonic or “political” relationship between itself and the productive members of the population.

This political relationship permits the rulers to subsist on the tribute or taxes routinely and “legally” expropriated from the income and wealth of the producing class. The latter class is composed of the “subjects” or, in the case of democratic states, the “taxpayers,” who earn their living through the peaceful “economic means” of production and voluntary exchange. In contrast, constituents of the ruling class may be thought of as “tax-consumers” who earn their living through the coercive “political means” of taxation and the sale of monopoly privileges.  Rothbard argues that economic logic dictates that the king and his courtiers, or the democratic government and its special interest groups, can never constitute more than a small minority of the country’s population—that all States, regardless of their formal organization, must effectively involve oligarchic rule. The reasons for this are twofold.

First, the fundamentally parasitic nature of the relationship between the rulers and the ruled by itself necessitates that the majority of the population engages in productive activity in order to be able to pay the tribute or taxes extracted by the ruling class while still sustaining its own existence. If the ruling class comprised the majority of the population, economic collapse and systemic breakdown would swiftly ensue as the productive class died out. The majoritarian ruling class itself then would either be forced into productive activity or dissolve into internecine warfare aimed at establishing a new and more stable—that is, oligarchic—relationship between rulers and producers.

The second reason why the ruling class tends to be an oligarchy is related to the law of comparative advantage. In a world where human abilities and skills vary widely, the division of labor and specialization pervades all sectors of the economy as well as society as a whole. Thus, not only is it the case that a relatively small segment of the populace possesses a comparative advantage in developing new software, selling mutual funds, or playing professional football, it is also the case that only a fraction of the population tends to excel at wielding coercive power.

Moreover, the law of comparative advantage governs the structure of relationships within as well as between organizations, accounting for the hierarchical structure that we almost invariably observe within individual organizations. Whether we are considering a business enterprise, a chess club, or a criminal gang, an energetic and visionary elite invariably comes to the fore, either formally or informally, to lead and direct the relatively inert majority. This “Iron Law of Oligarchy,” as this internal manifestation of the law of comparative advantage has been dubbed, operates to transform an initially majoritarian democratic government, or even a decentralized republican government, into a tightly centralized State controlled by a ruling elite.

The foregoing analysis leads Rothbard to conclude that the exercise of political power is inherently an oligarchic enterprise. The small minority that excels in wielding political power will tend to coalesce and devote an extraordinary amount of mental energy and other resources to establishing and maintaining a permanent and lucrative hegemonic bond over the productive majority. Accordingly, since politics is the main source of their income, the policies and actions of the members of this oligarchic ruling class will be driven primarily by economic motives. The exploited producing class, in contrast, will not expend nearly as many resources on politics, and their actions in the political arena will not be motivated by economic gain to the same degree, precisely because they are absorbed in earning their livelihoods in their own chosen areas of specialization on the market.

The ruling class, however, confronts one serious and ongoing problem: how to persuade the productive majority, whose tribute or taxes it consumes, that its laws, regulations, and policies are beneficial; that is, that they coincide with “the public interest” or are designed to promote “the common good” or to optimize “social welfare.” Given its minority status, failure to solve this problem exposes the political class to serious consequences. Even passive resistance by a substantial part of the producers, in the form of mass tax resistance, renders the income of the political class and, therefore, its continued existence extremely precarious. More ominously, attempts to suppress such resistance may cause it to spread and intensify and eventually boil over into an active revolution whose likely result is the forcible ousting of the minority exploiting class from its position of political power.

Here is where the intellectuals come in. It is their task to convince the public to actively submit to State rule because it is beneficial to do so, or at least to passively endure the State’s depredations because the alternative is anarchy and chaos. In return for fabricating an ideological cover for its exploitation of the masses of subjects or taxpayers, these “court intellectuals” are rewarded with the power, wealth, and prestige of a junior partnership in the ruling elite. Whereas in pre-industrial times these apologists for State rule were associated with the clergy, in modern times—at least since the Progressive Era in the U.S.—they have been drawn increasingly from the academy. Politicians, bureaucrats, and those whom they subsidize and privilege within the economy thus routinely trumpet lofty ideological motives for their actions in order to conceal from the exploited and plundered citizenry their true motive of economic gain. In today’s world, these motives are expressed in the rhetoric of “social democracy” in Europe and that of modern—or welfare-state—liberalism in the United States.

Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty, LIFE Leadership | 19 Comments »

All Grace Outreach: LIFE on Life

Posted by Orrin Woodward on May 24, 2015

Chris Swanson is new Spokesman for All Grace Outreach

I am so excited to share with you this announcement: All Grace Outreach (AGO) has appointed Chris Swanson as its new spokesman. Chris Swanson is a dynamic Christian leader and servant who has faithfully served communities in need for decades. He has spoken as a guest speaker on LIFE Leadership’s stage and tore it up with his engaging and enthusiastic speaking style. Indeed, few speak as passionately from the heart as well as Chris Swanson.

AGO runs a very tight ship with the LIFE Coaches and office staff volunteering their time so that over 97% of available funds flow directly to charities, rather than be eaten up in overhead costs. LIFE Leadership gives 100% of the corporate profits from its AGO subscription series (which includes a Christian book and CD) to AGO, but now it has decided to go even further. LIFE CEO Chris Brady and Chris Swanson announce in the video below that LIFE Leadership has committed to give one dollar for every LIFE Leadership subscription sold every month across across the world!

This is significant, for as LIFE Leadership grows, this will flow millions of dollars into AGO to impact the world. LIFE Leadership is about having fun, making money, and making a difference and the following video describes a key aspect in making our vision a reality. What role are you going to play in having fun, making money, and making a difference in LIFE Leadership?


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Faith, Freedom/Liberty | 26 Comments »

Founding Fathers Financial Matrix

Posted by Orrin Woodward on April 30, 2015

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)

The Financial Matrix isn’t just for individuals. In reality, all levels of government are trapped in the Financial Matrix debt system. The more I study, the more I realize just how deep the rabbit hole goes! This much I know: getting out and staying out of debt is the quickest path out of the Financial Matrix system of control. Please watch the video below before reading the rest of the article to understand what is going on.

The Five Laws of Decline have infected our financial system. This is not shocking since the Founding Fathers neglected to lock this door effectively. As expected,  once fallen man was given the opportunity to manipulate our monetary system, he did. The final blow was the creation of our Federal Reserve System married to the fractional-reserve banking system. This cartel originally promised to be the guard against inflation, but it has actually caused the largest growth of inflation in recorded history.

Shamefully, however, only a few brave leaders will speak the truth for fear of losing popularity and credentials. Nonetheless, if our State leaders will not speak out against this injustice, then its time for Society’s leaders to do so. This is the purpose of my recently released book The Financial Matrix and numerous blog articles. Dr. Murray Rothbard (one of the few brave individuals) identified the Federal Reserve as the engine of inflation when he wrote:

The Gonzalez proposal to have the president instead of regional bankers appoint regional Fed presidents would, in the eyes of those officials, “make it harder for the Fed to clamp down on inflation.” Why? Because, the “sure way” to “minimize inflation” is “to have private bankers appoint the regional bank presidents.” And why is this private banker role such a “sure way”? Because, according to the Fed officials, private bankers “are among the world’s fiercest inflation hawks” (New York Times, October 12, 1993).

The worldview of the Federal Reserve and its advocates is now complete. Not only are the public and politicians responsive to it eternally subject to the temptation to inflate; but it is important for the Fed to have a cozy partnership with private bankers. Private bankers, as “the world’s fiercest inflation hawks,” can only bolster the Fed’s eternal devotion to battling against inflation.

There we have the ideology of the Fed as reflected in its own propaganda, as well as respected Establishment transmission belts such as the New York Times, and in pronouncements and textbooks by countless economists. Even those economists who would like to see more inflation accept and repeat the Fed’s image of its own role. And yet every aspect of this mythology is the very reverse of the truth. We cannot think straight about money, banking, or the Federal Reserve until this fraudulent legend has been exposed and demolished.

Because I was began my career as an engineer, I live by the principle, “In God we trust, all other must have data.” If the Federal Reserve and Big Banks cartel is truly effective in fighting inflation, then we should see this in the data. Not surprisingly, the data confirms Rothbard’s diatribe against the money cartel. Look at the graph below and notice how the consumer price index (CPI) remained stable from 1775 until after the 1913 formation of the Federal Reserve. Notice how the gold-standard amongst nations kept inflation in check because when the FRB banks got out of control, other countries forced them to deflate back to reality. Now, the gold standard check is gone and we live in a debt system designed around fiat (money backed by nothing) system. The Federal Reserve system, instead of being an inflation fighter, is actually the inflation instigator! Indeed, the Federal Reserve/Big Banking cartel has been the impetus behind the massive explosion of inflation across the civilization since nearly every modern economy uses the US dollar bill as its unit of money for international trade.


The data is clear. The Financial Matrix is real and it is wiping out the value of people’s money as they go further and further into debt to survive. The only question is: what are you going to do to protect your family? As for me and my family, we escaped the Financial Matrix and are going to help others do the same.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty, LIFE Leadership, Orrin Woodward | 17 Comments »

Fractional Reserve Banking: Power, Profits, & Pain

Posted by Orrin Woodward on April 19, 2015

6a00e54eedbee1883401b7c77b0f32970b-320wiThe key to understanding the Financial Matrix is to recognize how the banking system uses the fractional reserve banking (FRB) process in partnership with the central bank to form a bank cartel insured by the national government. Without this trilateral partnership, the banking cartel, with the FRB systems inherent inconsistencies would cause the cartel to collapse under its own weight. Indeed, the whole point of my new book to be released by LIFE Leadership next week is to describe a plan out of the FRB fueled banking cartel to protect your family. Just how bad is the FRB system?

Imagine playing a game of musical chairs where the same chair is fraudulently issued to 10 different people without their knowledge. While the music is playing, during the “boom” phase, everyone is happy and the economy appears to be growing rapidly;  however, as debt increases, so too do the prices of everything caused by the predictable inflation. Eventually the prices of houses, cars, and other big ticket items outrun the ability of the consumers to service the debt and the music stops abruptly. The “boom” period has now transformed into the “bust” phase as the highly unstable and inflated money supply burst because the consumers cannot afford to pay the interest and principal payments on their bloated debt. 

Not surprisingly, when the music stops, the consumers discover they do not have actual chairs (real commodity money) to sit down in. Thus, the weakest financially crash to the ground first, but it doesn’t stop there. For the failure of the banks marginal loan qualifiers causes a cascading effect (I would say like a row of falling dominoes, but I don’t want to mix my metaphors 🙂 ) until only the most conservative financially can survive at all during the bust.

For example, remember how the failures of the riskiest mortgages brought the failures of many others who thought they had solid mortgages? The domino effects of bad bad loan failures to “good” loan failures happened when the housing prices dropped 50% or more during the “bust”. Loans, in other words, that are good when house is worth $500,000 and a person owes $400,000, are defaulted upon when house falls in price to only $250,000 and the person still owes $400,000! The person has quickly realized he is missing his chair. 

Of course, the banks win during the “boom” with massive amounts of profit from interest payments and also win during the “bust” because they are insured from loss by government bailouts and the central bank money injections. The coup-de-grace is when they also foreclose on real properties for pennies on the dollar leaving the debtor bankrupted.  Absurdly, the system is set up for “heads” the bankers win and “tails” the borrowers lose. For the consumers are bankrupted by the counterfeit paper chairs and the banks are bolstered by bailouts and property surrendered by debtors as collateral. Sadly, it doesn’t even end there.  Because now the bank cartel can start the music all over again, offering incredible interest rates and no money down, to seduce new borrowers into the shearing room for the next game of musical chairs.  

The more I study the money system, the more amazed I am at the gullibility of the masses and governments to support a game that leads to their own demise. It’s seems like the modern world enjoys to punish itself for Big Banker profits. In reality, the Financial Matrix relies upon the unsuspecting people’s Financial Literacy ignorance. Indeed, few understand how money is created even though it is hidden from them. Rather, most people do not like to think upon issues that threaten them and choose the ostrich approach of working 8-10 hours per day for 40 plus years wondering why it seems they have to work harder every year for less gain.

Productivity increases around the world and yet the masses get broker and no one seems to know why. Then, paradoxically, we demand our government (BTW, this is beyond a party issue as Republicans and Democrats both love borrowing fiat money from the bank cartel) to help us even though they are the ones supporting the cartel in the first place. This would be like crying out for the bully’s right arm to defend us from his left arm currently pummeling us.

Do you really think that is going to work? To be sure, the national government will raise your taxes and launch numerous initiatives, but the money cartel isn’t afraid because no one gets elected without their approval (after all they can print money out of thin air, who is in a position to out fund them?) and financial support. Allowing bank cartel to print money out of thin air is nothing less than a total surrender of sovereignty and our nation has become a government of the banks, by the banks, and for the banks. 

There is one thing, however, that the people could do. And, if they did so, it could change everything. Not just for themselves but for our nation. Get out of DEBT and stay out of DEBT! When the masses awake and learn Financial Literacy, I can promise you the banker cartel will tremble in its fiat paper boots. For only then will the people stop enslaving themselves for things they do not truly need and the game of musical chair will end. Further, when the people set themselves free, then we are in the moral position necessary to demand the government set itself free from the Financial Matrix also. Isn’t it hypocritical, in other words, to demand our government to be debt free when we are not debt free ourselves? 

The great economist of the Austrian School, Murray Rothbard studied how the Banking Cartel creates money:

Here’s how the counterfeiting process works in today’s world. Let’s say that the Federal Reserve, as usual, decides that it wants to expand (i.e., inflate) the money supply. The Federal Reserve decides to go into the market (called the “open market”) and purchase an asset. It doesn’t really matter what asset it buys; the important point is that it writes out a check. The Fed could, if it wanted to, buy any asset it wished, including corporate stocks, buildings, or foreign currency. In practice, it almost always buys US government securities.

Let’s assume that the Fed buys $10,000,000 of US Treasury bills from some “approved” government bond dealer (a small group), say Shearson Lehman on Wall Street. The Fed writes out a check for $10,000,000, which it gives to Shearson Lehman in exchange for $10,000,000 in US securities. Where does the Fed get the $10,000,000 to pay Shearson Lehman? It creates the money out of thin air. Shearson Lehman can do only one thing with the check: deposit it in its checking account at a commercial bank, say Chase Manhattan. The “money supply” of the country has already increased by $10,000,000; no one else’s checking account has decreased at all. There has been a net increase of $10,000,000.

But this is only the beginning of the inflationary counterfeiting process. For Chase Manhattan is delighted to get a check on the Fed, and rushes down to deposit it in its own checking account at the Fed, which now increases by $10,000,000. But this checking account constitutes the “reserves” of the banks, which have now increased across the nation by $10,000,000. But this means that Chase Manhattan can create deposits based on these reserves, and that, as checks and reserves seep out to other banks (much as the Rothbard Bank deposits did), each one can add its inflationary mite, until the banking system as a whole has increased its demand deposits by $100,000,000, ten times the original purchase of assets by the Fed. The banking system is allowed to keep reserves amounting to 10 percent of its deposits, which means that the “money multiplier” — the amount of deposits the banks can expand on top of reserves — is 10. A purchase of assets of $10 million by the Fed has generated very quickly a tenfold ($100,000,000) increase in the money supply of the banking system as a whole.

Did you get that? The Federal Reserve (Central Bank) writes a check backed by no real bank assets (instead its merely a debt imposed upon American productivity without collateral)  to purchase Treasury Bills from one of the Big Banks. The Big Banks then start the music again and seduce the next round of musical chair victims (usually mortgage loans since approximately 70% of USA money supply is created from house mortgages). The banks make interest on money created out of thin air, the government funds it debts, and the consumer play another round of musical chairs as the prices of everything rise during the boom and fall during the predictable bust. The people are sheared yet again because they do not understand the Misean/Hayekian Austrian Business Cycle theory. 

Jorg Guido Hulsmann

Jorg Guido Hulsmann

Jörg Guido Hülsmann, in his fascinating treatise, The Ethics of Money Production, described the fiat money and fractional reserve banking cartel. He explained the whole system relies on legal privileges and special deals for the few against the many. Hülsmann has nailed the reason why the Financial Matrix is thriving and why each reader ought to protect his family by eliminating ALL DEBT through applying the principles taught in our #1 bestselling product the Financial Fitness Program:

There is no tenable economic, legal, moral, or spiritual rationale that could be adduced in justification of paper money and fractional-reserve banking. The prevailing ways of money production, relying as they do on a panoply of legal privileges, are alien elements in the capitalist [i.e., true free market] economy. They provide illicit incomes, encourage irresponsibility and dependence, stimulate the artificial centralization of political and economic decision-making, and constantly create fundamental disequilibria that threaten the life and welfare of millions of people. In short, paper money and fractional-reserve banking go a long way toward accounting for the excesses for which the capitalist economy is widely chided.

We have argued that these monetary institutions have not come into existence out of any economic necessity. They have been created because they allow an alliance of politicians and bankers to enrich themselves at the expense of all other strata of society. This alliance emerged rather spontaneously in the seventeenth century; it developed in multifarious ways up to the present day, and in the course of its development it created the current monetary institutions.

…The driving force that propelled the development of central banks and paper money was the reckless determination of governments, both aristocratic and democratic, to increase their revenue, if necessary in violation of good faith and of all established rules of commerce.

In sum, government power, banker profits and the people’s pain all increase while the people’s freedoms and pocketbook decrease. This is the “joy” of living in the Financial Matrix.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty, LIFE Leadership, Orrin Woodward | 60 Comments »

The Matrices of Control: Physical, Feudal, & Financial

Posted by Orrin Woodward on April 8, 2015

Over the years, with consistent study and reflection, I have discovered three matrices of control over people’s production – the physical, feudal, and financial matrices. The Physical Matrix, of course, was slavery and has been practiced since practically the origins of humanity. The feudal system was serfdom and was practiced for over 1,000 years during the middle-ages and beginning of the modern age.

Today’s system of control, however, is known as the Financial Matrix. This matrices utilizes the bank cartel to control the world’s money supply to benefit the elites at the masses expense. What makes this system so nefarious is that few even understand its existence let alone how it works. This short twenty minute video describes mankind’s historical challenge with the elites and the three matrices of control.

My new book The Financial Matrix will describe how to respond to this system by utilizing the Financial Fitness Program and the LIFE Leadership business to protect your family and friends.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty, LIFE Leadership, Orrin Woodward | 15 Comments »

LIFE Leadership: What Do You Do?

Posted by Orrin Woodward on March 17, 2015

Many times, I get asked what I do and my answer has been honed down to a few simple statements. It’s amazing to me how many people recognize something is wrong financially in the world, but how few have a plan to fix their personal finances. Enter LIFE Leadership and the Financial Fitness Program (FFP). It’s a systematic plan to eliminate debt, start investing in themselves, and begin building a business asset (bridge building versus barge working) by teaching others how to escape the Financial Matrix.

Of course, not everyone is looking for answers, but I have never seen a time where more people are in tune with the challenges and seeking help. To me, I am not building a business on purpose anymore, but rather building my purpose on business. For I have always helped people financially as I realized the negative effects of debt stress early in life. Now, I get rewarded for doing what the Bible tells me to do anyway – “Love people as I love myself.” I don’t tolerate debt personally and if I love others I will help them not tolerate it in their life either.

The Bible states, “The borrower is a slave to the lender.” If one of your friends was in trouble, wouldn’t you want to help? Friends, in a  word, don’t let friends stay enslaved. Here is the gist of discussions I have been having with people since I discovered the Financial Matrix. Indeed, many people, who have known for years, are now wanting to get together and talk because the messaging is so clear, simple, and logical. What is your plan out of the Financial Matrix?

Question: What do you do?

I am a Director on the Underground Railroad, helping people escape the Financial Matrix.

Question: What’s the Financial Matrix?

It’s the aristocracy’s most effective system of control ever. It ensures debt and stress for the people and profit and control for them. The problem is the increased debt levels for people and governments are unsustainable. Have you noticed the rapid increase in debt levels around the world?

Yes or No or Maybe So

The good news is that there is a step-by-step plan out of the Financial Matrix. I cannot promise anything, but I think it’s worth grabbing a coffee and going over some of the details to ensure your family is protected. Which night works best for you Wed or Thursday?


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty, LIFE Leadership | 39 Comments »

Financial Matrix Debt Money

Posted by Orrin Woodward on February 5, 2015

It’s important to remember that money was not created by the state. Rather, as Mises points out, entrepreneurs created money by trial and error through realizing that gold and silver could be exchanged for current production at any time. Money simply was a measurement of exchange value ratios. Indeed, the rediscovery of gold and silver money led to an explosion of middle-class wealth as people were rewarded for producing more. The gold standard ensured justice for the masses against elites attempts to manipulate the exchange values of monetary system. Because gold is a fixed-quantity and difficult to mine, inflation was low and predictable, whereas the increased division-of-labor caused by the capitalistic system to create more wealth for more people than at any time in recorded history. The gold standard, in short, ensured justice for all by checking the elites desire to create a Financial Matrix by controlling capital.

Unfortunately, however, the elites will not rest until they build a matrix to control the masses wealth. Hence, at the turn of the 20th century, the state and its elite cronies, broke through the gold-standard barrier and created the Financial Matrix. Through using fiat money (money not backed by gold or silver), the elites flooded the marketplace with bogus exchange values causing rapid inflation and rampant injustice. The Financial Matrix was birthed through a web of fractional-reserve banking (FRB), increasing national debts, and increasing taxes. One can recognize the extent of the monetary injustice caused by the Financial Matrix when studying what inflation has done to the value of the US dollar. For instance, the value of one dollar in 1913 is now worth less than four cents today. Or, said differently, one needs 25 dollars today to buy what one dollar purchased in 1913.

Inflation, however, is just one of the many injustices associated with the Financial Matrix. When inflation is combined with the increased personal and national debts (which result in an increase in taxation), one can see why the masses across the civilized world struggle to make ends meet. Indeed, the government-sponsored fractional reserve banking (FRB) system allows banks to partner with the central bank to create the majority of society’s money out of thin air. That’s correct, the FRB system permits banks to loan money into existence while the borrower must pay this fiat loan back with money he must earn through production.

In essence, artificial dollars are created without any real production and then loaned to people who must pay back the loan with interest from real production. Absurdly, the FRB system allows banks to create fake units of exchange that must be paid back by the borrower with real units of exchange plus interest. This is why the FRB system is the root of the new matrix of control and why the Financial Matrix is the most effective form of elites control ever developed. Moreover, the crony-capitalistic FRB system sets the low-interest rates which create the boom/bust cycle plaguing modern society. And, to add insult to injury, once the FRB system fosters the predictable boom/bust cycle, the boom is credited to the ingenious money controllers while the bust is blamed on the free markets. Apparently, its a loaded game of heads and tails where heads means the elites win and tails means the masses lose!

Although economists the caliber of Ricardo, Mises, and Von Hayek have insisted the FRB system is fraudulent and unstable, it survives through the masses ignorance and the elites support. Perhaps British Monetary Reformer, Michael Rowbotham, described the fraudulent nature of the FRB system the best when he wrote:

The creation and supply of money is now left almost entirely to banks and other lending institutions. Most people imagine that if they borrow from a bank, they are borrowing other people’s money. In fact, when banks and building societies make any loan, they create new money. Money loaned by a bank is not a loan of pre-existent money; money loaned by a bank is additional money created. The stream of money generated by people, businesses and governments constantly borrowing from banks and other lending institutions is relied upon to supply the economy as a whole. Thus the supply of money depends upon people going into debt, and the level of debt within an economy is no more than a measure of the amount of money that has been created…

In effect, today’s Financial Matrix relies upon millions of people voluntarily selling themselves into financial slavery. For when one combines artificially-low centrally-controlled interest rates to the FRB system, one has an irresistible combination that leads consumers and entrepreneurs to borrow money into existence. This money-creation, however, leads to the inflation. The inflation causes the boom/bust cycle when prices skyrocket. At this point, the consumers and entrepreneurs default on the loans they can no longer service and the bust wipes out the inflated values created during the boom. Not surprisingly, the boom/bust cycle occurred twice during the Greenspan-controlled central banking era. In both cases, the artificially-controlled low interest rates fueled the consumer’s appetite for speculation and “easy” profits. The internet bubble increased the Nasdaq nearly by a factor of five during the boom between 19995 and 2000, but it then preceded to collapse by over 60% between 2000-2001.

Regrettably, controllers seem to be perpetual optimist go from failure to failure without learning anything. As a result, when the twin-towers came crashing down, Greenspan repeated the same policy which caused the previous boom/bust cycle. This time, however, money poured into the housing markets and prices shot upwards of 50% in just a few short years. Not shockingly, the mortgage companies sought to maximize profits by helping everyone qualify for a home mortgage, even those who didn’t have steady jobs. The increase in mortgages exploded the money supply which further fueled higher priced houses and mortgages. The housing bubble was blowing up. Predictably, however, when the non-qualified borrowers could not make their mortgage payments, the housing bubble collapsed, the money supply collapsed, and the financial house of cards nearly followed them, but for government bail outs.

Above all, however, is the loss of house equities that have occurred since 1950. Disgracefully, the Financial Matrix has gutted the home-equity percentages (amount of value owned after subtracting all mortgages), decreasing home-equity percentages (percentage of ownership free from house loans) from over 80% to just over 30% today. This indicates that the Financial Matrix has gutted nearly 50% of the USA’s $25 trillion housing market in the last 60 years! That’s correct, nearly $12.5 trillion dollars (almost as much as the total USA national debt) lost by US citizens without so much as a whimper.

Americans sense something isn’t right, but few have a clue what it is, let alone how to fix it. Indeed, both the Occupy Wall Street and Tea Party movements formed as protests against injustice and exploitation. Protests without plans, however, usually leads to rebellion and peasant rebellions have a poor historical track records in generating positive change. Instead, the masses must learn to exit the Financial Matrix through a disciplined plan of financial defense and offense. This is why we formed LIFE Leadership and why we created the Financial Fitness Program – to teach people how to exit the Financial Matrix without violence. Remember, one is not coerced into the Financial Matrix, but rather enticed.

To me, the Financial Matrix is eerily similar to Neo’s discovery of the matrix in the movie called The Matrix. In several scenes, Morpheus reveals to Neo that the world is not as it seems. That a matrix controls the masses whether they are working, playing, or sleeping. The matrix is, “the world that has been pulled over your eyes, to blind you from the truth.” Neo, needless to say, asked what truth Morpheus was referring to and learns, “That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison…for your mind….Unfortunately, no one can be… told what the Matrix is… you have to see it for yourself.” Morpheus places two pills before Neo and explains that if Neo takes the blue pill he will live an illusion and never escape the matrix, but if he takes the red pill, he will learn the truth about the matrix and learn how to set himself free.

If you, like Neo, have been searching for answers, the good news is: the search is over. The blue and red pills have been placed before you. Do you take the red pill, read the rest of the book, and learn how deep the rabbit hole goes or do you take the blue pill, set down the book, and believe the illusion of whatever you want to believe. Your destiny hangs in the balance. Choose wisely.


Orrin WoodwardLIFE Leadership

Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty | 29 Comments »