Orrin Woodward on LIFE & Leadership

Inc Magazine Top 20 Leader shares his personal, professional, and financial secrets.

  • Orrin Woodward

    Former Guinness World Record Holder for largest book signing ever, Orrin Woodward is a NY Times bestselling author of And Justice For All along with RESOLVED & coauthor of LeaderShift and Launching a Leadership Revolution. His books have sold over one million copies in the financial, leadership and liberty fields. RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions For LIFE made the Top 100 All-Time Best Leadership Books and the 13 Resolutions are the framework for the top selling Mental Fitness Challenge personal development program.

    Orrin made the Top 20 Inc. Magazine Leadership list & has co-founded two multi-million dollar leadership companies. Currently, he serves as the Chairman of the Board of the LIFE. He has a B.S. degree from GMI-EMI (now Kettering University) in manufacturing systems engineering. He holds four U.S. patents, and won an exclusive National Technical Benchmarking Award.

    This blog is an Alltop selection and ranked in HR's Top 100 Blogs for Management & Leadership.

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LIFE Leadership Financial Fitness Pack

Posted by Orrin Woodward on June 27, 2013

Financial Fitness Pack

LIFE Leadership is proud to present its new Financial Fitness Pack. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to meet tens of thousands of people and one of the biggest challenges facing North Americans today is the lack of financial intelligence. Increasingly, people are placed into the bondage of compound interest, late bills, and financial stress. Thankfully, there is a way out of the financial morasse through applying the proper principles over time. In other words, applying financial wisdom to one’s life.

The Financial Fitness Pack teaches a proper perspective on money along with the offense and defense of finances. Indeed, a person can make money, but without a proper money mindset, it will not last. Likewise, frugality alone will not create wealth without understanding the offense of finances. In my twenty plus years of LIFE Coaching, I have never seen all the components of financial success collected into one pack like this. In fact, I believe the Financial Fitness book is the best book on finances period!

The fact that LIFE Leadership can offer the financial book, the workbook, and eight audios for under $100 is a testament to the desire of its founders to truly make a difference. For it is practically impossible for a person to leave a legacy when debt is strangling him or her. The Financial Fitness pack offers a path to financial freedom for those with the willingness to learn and the diligence to apply.


Orrin Woodward


Posted in Finances, LIFE Leadership | 21 Comments »

LIFE Leadership Weekend

Posted by Orrin Woodward on June 24, 2013

LIFE Leadership: Columbus Nationwide Arena

LIFE Leadership: Columbus Nationwide Arena

LIFE Leadership packed out the Columbus Nationwide Arena this weekend. The speakers (which included three NY Times bestselling authors) provided the information and inspiration needed to move people past their situations.

The event included bestselling author and top educator, Oliver DeMille. He shared the key ingredients to protecting the freedoms in society. This talk alone was worth the price of admission. In addition, the two induction ceremonies for the new PCs (Curtis and Debbie Spolar and Holger and Lindsey Spiewak) topped off one of the most moving weekends in LIFE Leadership’s history.

Above all, Chris and Terri Brady, Tim and Amy Marks, Claude and Lana Hamilton, along with the rest of the Policy Councils (PC) were nothing short of amazing as they taught how to apply leaders into one’s life. Starting Friday night and through early Sunday afternoon, this weekend went from one mountain peak to another.

I have attended numerous leadership conferences, conventions, and seminars, but, in my opinion, this event had the best speaker mix of knowledge, wisdom, and proven results of any I have ever attended.

If any of the readers attended the event, please share some of your magical moments, key nuggets, and resolutions to win that you received from this weekend.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in LIFE Leadership | 94 Comments »

Freedom, Competition, & Progress

Posted by Orrin Woodward on June 19, 2013

While studying Western society, one thought has becoming clear, namely, that free competition is the essence of excellence in any field. For without competitors to keep a person or organization honest, the Five Laws of Decline (FLD) will quickly poison the culture. Competition, in other words, is the antidote to the FLD because it ensures a working scoreboard to evaluate whether the person, company, or team is getting results.

There are two ways to gain wealth in society according to Franz Oppenheimer, the noted sociologist. The first is through economic means by serving customers and producing results they are willing to pay for. The second is through political means by feeding off others results by utilizing the political process in organizations or government. There is only one way to determine if someone is a productive performer or a political operative and that is through creating and evaluating results based upon a scoreboard.

For instance, just because someone is 7 feet tall does not mean he should automatically start in the NBA championship. The coach would evaluate his skills and see how he does against competition. Political factors like how nice he is, how eloquent a speaker, or how tall he is, will never take the place of results in a the competitive NBA. Unfortunately, most of society has rejected the competition model, believing it is too harsh on people who cannot perform, thus America has the greatest sports teams (who still use a competitive model with scoreboards) and, in the main, a declining culture where the FLD run rampant because few desire to keep score.

In LeaderShift, Oliver DeMille and I identified the two types of people as creators and credentialist. Creators can range from the ultra-successful Steve Jobs variety to the lesser-known, but more numerous, everyday producers in every field. Creators are the producers who keep the world afloat through their efforts and excellence. Credentialist, on the other hand, seek to ingratiate themselves into the creators current and benefit without producing. They focus less on results and more on their credentials.

Please don’t misunderstand the point. For there are many people with credentials that can also produce results. Nonetheless, when the main focus in a society moves from producing results to obtaining credentials, the society is on the FLD path. With few exceptions, customers around the world could care less about a person’s credentials and only want to know if the person or company can help them solved challenges. Organizations who solve customer challenges will never lack business, but companies who only care about credentials will soon be unemployed.

Plato and Aristotle

Plato and Aristotle

Ancient Greece is an excellent example of rewarding creators over credentialist. For they had little in the area of credentials, but only recognized results in the many fields they studied. Historian Michael Grant explains:

The Greeks like talking, and their climate (in which much daily life could take place out-of-doors) supplied sufficient and suitable space to talk: that is to say, to exchange and test thoughts and plans and ideas. They had leisure to engage in these activities – and leisure was a thing they prized . . . All this offered individuals the time and opportunity to give their best – outstanding individuals, that is to say. Here is something of a paradox. For if the collective, corporate city-state provided the framework and background for this lavish array of feats, they were actually undertaken and performed by a relatively few persons. Some forty of fifty of them created the classical Greek achievement. Without them, it would only have been a shadow.

In today’s ages of egalitarianism, where we attempt to suppress all differences, this paragraph becomes even more relevant. For one thing that is indisputably true is that everyone is created different. Each of us has different skills, talents, passions, and purposes. Not only shouldn’t this be suppressed, but it ought to be nurtured from birth. The greatest societies allow freedom for all because no one knows where the amazingly talented person will arise from. What society needs is enough freedom for the cream to rise to the top for the benefit of all.

Millions of people every year travel to Greek lands to study the amazing achievement of the 40-50 individuals, who were given the freedom to display their skills to the world. If Greece would have forced equality and punished those who dared to excel, then no one would speak of Greece and these 40-50 people would have lived and died like millions of other “ants” in all the other anthill ancient societies. Instead, the Greeks birthed Western Civilization and the ability to rise to one’s level of purpose, passion, and production.

I dream of a world where freedom fosters competition that rises the tide for all ships and provides the highest achievers the ability to bless society. LIFE Leadership was created to build a leadership engine for personal and professional growth for people around the world. I believe it’s time for people to stop playing it small in life. Instead, let’s use the freedoms God has blessed us with to leave our mark. Imagine, similar to the ancient Greeks, future generations reading, studying, and discussing the legacy you dared to live.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Freedom/Liberty | 23 Comments »

Walter Lippmann: The Good Society – 1937

Posted by Orrin Woodward on June 17, 2013

Last night, while bouncing between research and watching the NBA championship with my son Lance,  I stumbled across a writer (Walter Lippmann) that explained succinctly why freedom in necessary in a good society. On many issues, Lippmann and I disagree, but his explanation here is impressive. Indeed, I am humbled when I think of all the great thinkers who have studied, pondered, and wrote about the challenges facing Western Civilization today. The book LeaderShift was an attempt to awaken the Western world of its impending peril when liberty is sacrificed for the illusion of security.

As one of the founders of LIFE Leadership, I believe my role is to continue leading and learning until God calls me home. In this vein, I want to share just a segment of Lippmann’s writing so the readers can see the wealth of information available to those who invest the time to learn. Like I have said repeatedly, we cannot defend what we are ignorant of. Here is Lippmann’s thoughts on the value of freedom to Western Civilization and his concern in the current (1937) direction of events that he witnessed at the time. Today, his words resonate even louder than they did when he first wrote them.


Orrin Woodward

Concentration has its origin in privilege and not in technology. Nor does technology require high concentration. For technical progress, being in its essence experimental, calls for much trial and error. That means that if industry is to advance technically, it must be flexible, not rigid change must be possible because it is not too costly; managers must be free, as technicians are free, to make many mistakes in order to achieve a success.

Those who do not like such a program, who would prefer industry stabilized into routine and administered by corporate or public bureaucrats, are entitled to their preference. But they must not pretend that they are the spokesmen of modern science seeking to make more effective man’s mastery of nature. If what they are seeking is a social order in harmony with the genius of the scientific method and of the modern economy of production, they should look with the profoundest skepticism upon the claims of the collectivist movement. Whatever form collectivism takes, whether the great corporate structures of private enterprise, or the national collectivism of the fascists, of the communist or of the gradualist parties, its adherents claim to be adapting the organization of industry to the progress of technology.

Against that claim there is a strong presumption. For these great centralized controls which have to be governed authoritatively by corporate officials or by public officials are unsuited to a system of production which can profit by new invention only if it is flexible, experimental, adjustable, and competitive. The laboratories in which the technic is being developed cannot produce the inventions according to a centrally directed plan. The future technology cannot be predicted, organized, and administered, and it is therefore in the highest degree unlikely that an elaborately organized and highly centralized economy can adapt itself successfully to the intensely dynamic character of the new technology.

. . . The events we are witnessing should not allow us to remain blind any longer to the truth that our generation has misunderstood human experience. We have renounced the wisdom of the ages to embrace the errors the ages have discarded. The road whereby mankind has advanced in knowledge, in the mastery of nature, in unity, and in personal security has lain through a progressive emancipation from the bondage of authority, monopoly, and special privilege. It has been through the release of human energy that men have lifted themselves above the primeval struggle for the bare necessities of existence; it has been by the removal of constraints that they have been able to adapt themselves to the life of great societies; it has been by the disestablishment of privilege that men have risen from the status of slaves, serfs, and subjects to that of free men inviolate in the ways of the spirit.

And how else, when we pause to ponder the matter, can the human race advance except by the emancipation of more and more individuals in ever-widening circles of activity? How can new ideas be conceived? How can new relationships, new habits, be formed? Only by increasing freedom to think, to argue, to debate, to make mistakes, to learn from those mistakes, to explore and occasionally to discover, to be adventurous and enterprising, can change be more than the routine of a recurrent pattern. If those who happen by inheritance, election, or force to achieve the power to govern are not the sole originators of new ways, it follows that the energy of progress originates in the great mass of the people as the more gifted among them are released from constraint and stimulated by intercourse with other free-thinking and free-moving individuals.

This was the faith of the men who made the modern world. Renaissance, Reformation, Declaration of the Rights of Man, Industrial Revolution, National Unification — all were conceived and led by men who regarded themselves as emancipators. One and all these were movements to disestablish authority. It was the energy released by this progressive emancipation which invented, wrought, and made available to mankind all that it counts as good in modern civilization. No government planned, no political authority directed, the material progress of the past four centuries, or the increasing humanity which has accompanied it. It was by a stupendous liberation of the minds and spirits and conduct of men that a world-wide exchange of goods and services and ideas was promoted, and it was in this invigorating and sustaining environment that petty principalities coalesced into great commonwealths.

What reason, then, is there for thinking that in the second half of the nineteenth century the tested method of human progress suddenly became obsolete, and henceforth it is only by more authority, not by more emancipation, that mankind can advance? The patent fact is that soon after the intellectual leaders of the modern world abandoned the method of freedom the world moved into an era of intensified national rivalry, culminating in the Great War, and.of intensified domestic struggle which has racked all nations and reduced some to a condition where there are assassination, massacre, persecution, and the ravaging of armed bands such as have not been known in the western world for at least two centuries.

We belong to a generation that has lost its way. Unable to develop the great truths which it inherited from the emancipators, it has returned to the heresies of absolutism, authority, and the domination of men by men. Against these ideas the progressive spirit of the western world is one long, increasing protest. Thus we have rent the spirit of man, and those who by their deepest sympathies seemed destined to be the bearers of the civilizing tradition have turned against one another in fratricidal strife.

What could be more tragically and more preposterously confused than this choicer Must men renounce all that their ancestors struggled to achieve, or abandon the hope of making the world a better place for their children? Must they disregard as so much antiquated nonsense the principles by which governments were subjected to law, the great made accountable, the humble established in their rights? Shall they not remem-. ber the experience by which the violence of civil factions was subdued? Must they forget how their forefathers suffered and died in order that tyranny should end and that men should be free?

It is the choice of Satan, offering to sell men the kingdoms of this world for their immortal souls. And as always, when that choice is offered, it will be discovered after much travail that on those terms not even the kingdoms of the world can be bought.

Posted in Freedom/Liberty | 16 Comments »

Happy Fathers Day Video

Posted by Orrin Woodward on June 16, 2013

Laurie and I recently returned from a five day fishing journey with our three teenagers still living with us and what a trip it was. I love the bonding time, after a day of fishing, where there are no phones, no emails, just talking and listening to each other.



We caught one monster mahi-mahi bull pictured (sorry about the sideways picture. Not sure how to straighten out) here. He ran out 2/3 of my line before I finally slowed him down and started bringing him to the boat. I can sit at the back of the yacht, lost in thought over a book I am reading, and then BAM – fish on!

Over the years, I have learned the value of hard-work to achieve dreams, but also quality-time with family and friends. In fact, the longer I live the more I realize I enjoy and cherish the quality time with people more than the awards, recognition, and monetary gain.

For example, Pastor Tom Crawford asked the congregation who was the only player to win two Heisman Trophy Awards. Seven people out of 700 knew the answer. However, he then asked how many people can name a person in their life who took the time to listen, love, and encourage them. Every single hand, at least that I could tell, was raised on that one.

Life, in other words, is not about how much one accumulates as about how much serves. Being a father is a massive responsibility and blessing. One, unfortunately, that too many males seem to take frivolously. One of my goals is to teach males how to be men and I have been blessed to see this occur thousands of times in my life. Males have to step up and “Play the Man” like I said on an older blog post.

Most males want to be men, but lack role models, information, and encouragement to become good husbands, fathers, and men. This can change when these young males enter a community of men who can model manhood. LIFE Leadership is one such community and a good church is another.

Here is a fantastic video for Fathers Day that everyone should watch. Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there!


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Faith, Fun | 37 Comments »

Second LeaderShift Book Tour

Posted by Orrin Woodward on June 10, 2013


Orrin Woodward in Houston

I arrived back yesterday from four days of LeaderShift book signings across the south midwest. Barnes & Noble was absolutely awesome to work with and the store managers and special events staff made each run smoothly. Dan Hawkins (in Houston) and Chris Brady (at the other three locations) gave stellar talks that moved everyone in the room.

Furthermore, the people coming out to the book signing are from all walks of life. Some were top politicians and leaders, others were top professionals in their fields, and the rest covered nearly any field of work possible. To me, this validates the message resonates with all Americans regardless of economic classification or political bent. If you attended one of the events, I want to personally thank you and ask you to share any nuggets you learned that can help others.

America is in trouble and leaders must arise who are willing to learn, address, and resolve the issues causing our decline.  LIFE Leadership is one of the organizations doing just that, but there are others as well. The key is that all organization truly concerned with liberty, freedom, and the future, work together to create a LeaderShift.

What part will you play?


Orrin Woodward

Chris Brady & Orrin Woodward

Chris Brady & Orrin Woodward

Posted in Freedom/Liberty | 15 Comments »

LeaderShift Book Tour II

Posted by Orrin Woodward on June 4, 2013

The LeaderShift book signing tour was a smashing success with several locations exceeding 1,000 people in attendance! Indeed, all locations surpassed 300 books sold at the host store. As a result, Barnes & Noble requested another round of book signings and I happily complied. I leave for Houston tomorrow and will do consecutive nights in Houston, Dallas, Wichita, and wrapping up in St. Louis. I will be signing books at a local B&N and then speaking on LeaderShift right after the signing. If you are anywhere close to one of these locations, I would like to personally invite you to drop by so I can sign your book.

In any event, I would like to thank all the people who purchased the book, commented on my blog, wrote reviews on Amazon and B&N, or simply read the book and thought deeper on the meaning of liberty. Everyone plays a part in securing freedom for the next generation of North Americans! Here are the locations, times, and speakers at events. Dan Hawkins joins me in Houston and Chris Brady for the remaining three locations. This is going to be fun!


Orrin Woodward

Wednesday, June 5, 2013 – The Woodlands, Texas (with Dan Hawkins)
Book Signing: 6:00 p.m.
Barnes & Noble
1201 Lake Woodlands Dr. #3008
The Woodlands, TX 77381

Speaking Engagement: 8:00 p.m
The Way Church
24418 I-45 North
Spring, Texas 77386

Thursday, June 6, 2013 – Plano, Texas (with Chris Brady)
Book Signing: 6:00 p.m.
Barnes & Noble
2201 Preston Rd
Plano, TX 75093

Speaking Engagement:8:00 p.m.
Dallas/Addison Marriott Quorum by the Galleria
14901 Dallas Parkway
Dallas, TX 75254

Friday, June 7, 2013 – Wichita, KS (with Chris Brady)
Book Signing: 6:00 p.m.
Barnes & Noble
1920 N. Rock Road
Wichita, KS 67206

Speaking Engagement:8:00 p.m.
Trinity Academy
12345 E 21st St N
Wichita, KS 67206

Saturday, June 8, 2013 – St. Louis, MO (with Chris Brady)
Book Signing: 2:00 p.m.
Barnes & Noble
721 Gravois Road
Fenton, MO 63026

LIFE Live Seminar: 5:00 p.m.
DoubleTree Hotel Westport
1973 Craigshire Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63146

Purchase a signed copy of LeaderShift at the signing and admission to the speaking engagement is only $5 except at LIFE LIVE event in St. Louis where normal pricing applies. Regular admission to LeaderShift speaking engagements is $15.

Posted in Freedom/Liberty | 22 Comments »

Leadership Cultures, Scoreboards, & Government

Posted by Orrin Woodward on June 3, 2013

Having led communities for over twenty years, writing several NY Times bestsellers on leadership in the process, I have thought on the subjects of leadership culture and political incompetence nonstop. Accordingly, I would like to share several fundamental principles on the subject. First, since leadership is the ability to inspire and influence teams toward specific targets, one must have a scoreboard to accurately gauge movement towards the goal. Second, leaders must inspect what they expect, holding the teams accountable to scoreboard results because the leader is being held accountable for whether his team produces the expected results. Third, since the American political structure has no scoreboard and no accountability, it consequently does not have a leadership culture capable of producing the results desired.

USA National Debt

USA National Debt

Please do not misunderstand this point. I am not saying that the political leadership in America is bad, what I am saying is it is non-existent. It doesn’t even meet the most basic of criteria to qualify as a leadership culture since a leadership culture has an inspect and expect component within it. In other words, leaders must be held accountable for the results their teams post on the scoreboard or they are not part of a leadership culture. In fact, the best leaders constantly work at creating the leadership culture because it’s the leadership culture that ultimately creates the desired results. Thus, government does not have a leadership culture because it doesn’t even have a scoreboard for leaders to inspect what they expect.

For instance, can anyone imagine an NBA basketball game without a scoreboard? Yes, the question is ludicrous to even ask, but government has run for millennia without a working scoreboard. In American sports, both the coaches and players know they will be evaluated on numerous personal and team statistics, most importantly whether they won or lost. Results matter in a leadership culture and coaches who do not win do not last. The scoreboard is omnipresent, allowing no one to hide their personal and team results. In contrast, the political field allows career politicians and bureaucrats to hide for a lifetime without ever seeing a scoreboard, let alone being held accountable to one. America’s political Titanic is taking on water, but instead of sealing the gaping holes, the bureaucrats continue to harass passengers and straighten decks chairs. Even if a LeaderShift occurs today, righting the ship will not be an easy task for the Five Laws of Decline are gaining momentum.

Nonetheless, leaders never point out a problems without suggesting potential fixes. Accordingly, here are a few ideas from Oliver DeMille and my recently released bestseller LeaderShift. First, demand that political leaders balance their budgets like every leader in America must do whether in his house, charity, or company. Each government leader must be given a budget (scoreboard) and be responsible to do his job using the funds available. If he cannot do so, then he must be held accountable. Every leader, outside of politics, learns to make cuts in non-essentials in order to balance his budget and stay in business. Leaders, in a word, lead people and manage numbers. Either the leader must cut back the services provided or explain to his constituents why he needs more tax dollars next year. I know, this is leadership 101 in free-enterprise, but it’s ignored everyday in American government.

Furthermore, while we are on the subject, eliminate completely the ability of government officials to print (fiat money) their way out of every financial problem. Remarkably, government is allowed to do what no other group of leaders is allowed to do without facing fraud charges and prison terms! Returning to the NBA example, can one imagine a team being down by twenty points that simply hands the referee twenty paper points to tie the game? Manipulations of this magnitude would not be tolerated by the NBA commissioner who, as a leader, inspects what he expects. Unfortunately, the American political system doesn’t have a leadership culture like American sports world, explaining why American sports are thriving while the American government is diving.

For that reason, the Benghazi, IRS, and AP wiretap scandals are not shocking to anyone who recognizes that government lacks a leadership culture. By avoiding any discomfort associated with scoreboards, inspect/expect, and accountability, politicians and bureaucrats can focus on more enjoyable activities, like targeting political opponents, harassing reporters, or furthering personal agendas to the detriment of America. If the definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing while expecting a different result, then American government is insane. Rather than doing their assigned duties, they get to play leader without being sensible, responsible, or accountable. Imagine if, in a similar fashion, the NBA announced it would no longer keep score. The world-class leadership culture would quickly digress to political infighting and power plays, resulting in a political cesspool similar to the American political scene. Scoreboards are simply non-negotiable for anyone building a leadership culture.

In conclusion, America can change political leaders yearly, but it won’t alter the underlying cause of decline. In reality, the American government, regardless of which party is in power, has been on an orgy of deficit spending for the last 100 years and it won’t change until someone has the courage to demand a scoreboard. The scoreboard naturally leads to an inspect what we expect step and America will start on its road to recovery. It’s time to stop pointing fingers at opposing parties and time to start leading where one is at. How is one’s personal household scoreboard? What about the company or business one represents? Perhaps, the LeaderShift begins the moment we start holding ourselves accountable to the same high-standards we expect from our favorite sport teams. America’s future-generations pray we answer the questions wisely.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Freedom/Liberty | 28 Comments »

Jan “Mickelson in the Morning” Radio Interview

Posted by Orrin Woodward on June 2, 2013

Jan “Mickelson in the Morning” Radio Interview

Last week, I had a thoroughly enjoyable discussion with Jan Mickelson, talk show host for WHO-AM, on the book LeaderShift. Interestingly, WHO-AM  is the same radio station where Ronald Reagan launched his meteoric career and Jan Mickelson is one of the most influential talk-show host in the midwest. In fact, according to The American View:

Every weekday morning, from 9 to 11:30, Mickelson presides over the No. 1 talk-radio show in Iowa, giving him more sway over national politics than perhaps all but the biggest names in the broadcast business.

Most Iowans live in cities. However, there is plenty of space in between — long stretches of interstate, endless acres of corn and soybeans — where the radio offers a welcome companion. From his perch here in the studios of WHO-AM1040, Mickelson reaches about 350,000 Iowans a week, twice the audience of his closest competition. That may be a pittance by big-city standards. But for a Republican campaigning in Iowa, which traditionally holds the first vote of the presidential race, the program is a must-stop — and a pathway strewed with hidden perils.

“I wouldn’t suggest that Jan is a kingmaker,” said Steve Grubbs, a pollster and former chairman of the state GOP, who found nearly two-thirds of Iowa Republicans listen to talk radio.”But I would suggest he has the avenue you need to become king.”

Early in the interview, I realized Jan is a reader, thinker, and truly concerned about the state of America. This made the interview discuss many topics and principles of political thought. Listen to the interview here. I closed with the way to check sovereignty and therefore the abuse of power. D. W. Brogan, in his introduction to Bertrand De Jouvenal’s fantastic book On Power said:

Being a ruler is a trade. So we can apply to all types of rulers the judgement of Swift. “Arbitrary power is the natural object of temptation to a prince, as wine or women to a young fellow, or a bribe to a judge, or vanity to a woman.” For the best of motives, rulers will, like courts, try to add to their jurisdiction. How is this never-ending audacity to be, at any rate, limited? By making sure that effective power is not monopolized.

Brogan has nailed it! Unchecked power leads to abuse over time. Why? Because the Five Laws of Decline are real and men are not angels. Make the local, state, and federal sovereign over specifically spelled out areas. If either of the three attempt to expand their powers, they must do so at the expense of the other two branches who would naturally check this overreach. Since money is limited, so is the ability to expand their power and thus, sovereignty is finally divided and limited as the founders intended. Listen to the interview and help the LeaderShift by sharing these concepts and the book with as many people who still love what America stood for.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Freedom/Liberty | 24 Comments »

Great Leaders Change the Game

Posted by Orrin Woodward on May 29, 2013

The best leaders change the rules of the game; consequently, changing the game itself. So many think it takes money to make money, but that isn’t the case. In reality, what it takes are ideas disciplined by knowledge, experience, and leadership. My high school wrestling coaches taught me a fundamental principle of life – never wrestle another person’s game. In other words, if I wrestled someone who was good at the single-leg takedown, I would quickly tie him up and beat him with a bear-hug. The key, then, is to find your strengths and make the competitors wrestle your game.

For instance, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos changed the rules of book-selling by going to an internet-only model, eschewing stores,  massive overhead, etc. This radically changed the rules of the game, giving Bezos a major competitive advantage over his competitors. Despite not having the same level of upfront capital, profits, or experience, Amazon changed the nature of the book business, satisifying millions of customers and making Bezos wealthy. Interestingly, it was just an idea – a metaphysical concept – that Bezos had the courage of his convictions to pursue that changed everything in the book field.

Since everyone reading this has a brain capable of ideas, the question is: do you have the courage to use it to outthink, outwork, and out-lead the competition? If you do, then you will be a champion of champions. In essence, there are two roads before you. One is a path of leadership and building the path to your dreams. The second is a path of non-leadership and surrendering your dreams for the bread crumbs of life.

LIFE Leadership teaches people how to take the first road. Leadership isn’t easy and I will never say it is, but then again struggling everyday from the effects of non-leadership is much more difficult longterm. The leadership road has been one of the greatest experiences of my life, revealing me to me, and teaching me where I need to grow and change. I have never regretted the journey nor will you if you have the courage to finish what you start. 🙂


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Leadership/Personal Development, LIFE Leadership | 26 Comments »