Orrin Woodward on LIFE & Leadership

Inc Magazine Top 20 Leader shares his personal, professional, and financial secrets.

  • Orrin Woodward

    Former Guinness World Record Holder for largest book signing ever, Orrin Woodward is a NY Times bestselling author of And Justice For All along with RESOLVED & coauthor of LeaderShift and Launching a Leadership Revolution. His books have sold over one million copies in the financial, leadership and liberty fields. RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions For LIFE made the Top 100 All-Time Best Leadership Books and the 13 Resolutions are the framework for the top selling Mental Fitness Challenge personal development program.

    Orrin made the Top 20 Inc. Magazine Leadership list & has co-founded two multi-million dollar leadership companies. Currently, he serves as the Chairman of the Board of the LIFE. He has a B.S. degree from GMI-EMI (now Kettering University) in manufacturing systems engineering. He holds four U.S. patents, and won an exclusive National Technical Benchmarking Award.

    This blog is an Alltop selection and ranked in HR's Top 100 Blogs for Management & Leadership.

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Leadership Soft-Skill: The Art of Tact

Posted by Orrin Woodward on March 4, 2013

Leadership Tact

Leadership Tact

The sixth soft-skill of leadership from the Center for Creative Leadership’s list is political savvy – the ability to influence people to obtain goals. The heart of being politically savvy, according to CCL, is networking, reading situations, and thinking before speaking. Political savvy is the tact to say the truth that needs to be said, but in a way that doesn’t damage the relationship more than the truth enhances the cause. Unfortunately, this may be one of the most violated of soft-skills and why many potential leaders are without influence even though they have great ideas for improvement. Tact, therefore, is an essential quality to develop in working with others.

I define tact as the ability to influence others through using proper words and actions without offending the other party. Truth in love is the principle, but it is easier said than done. For instance, how many meetings have the readers attended where truth needed to be told in order to move the meeting forward? However, instead of progressing in a tactful way towards this objective, someone, in contrast, went off on the other party, impaling him or her on the “sword of truth.” Predictably, the other party, instead of hearing the merits of the suggestion, responded to the attack personally and mounted an attack of his own on his antagonist. Both sides defend themselves and the meeting accomplishes nothing, but further damaged relationships. In consequence, the truth exposed is buried under the escalating emotions and the only real, but wrong, lesson learned is to not share truth at all. The team, in other words, has chosen peace rather than progress.

Thankfully, there is a better path. Indeed, a person who masters truth with tact is worth his weight in gold. Perhaps this leads the reader to the same series of questions I asked on my leadership journey. But, how is this essential leadership skill learned? Mainly, by practicing good judgement. But, how does one get good judgement? Typically, by experience. But, how does one get the experience? Usually, through poor judgement. Needless to say, I have violated the tact principle so many times, that if I had a dollar for every failure, I would match government’s inflation. 🙂 Well, not actually, but the reader gets the point. 🙂 Incidentally, RESOLVED 13 Resolutions for LIFE shares how to utilize the PDCA process to grow by personal experience.

In any event, there is no substitute for courage and experience in developing tact. The courage to engage in crucial conversations and the PDCA process to learn from the experience. Normally, when people have to deal with truth, they are uncomfortable and let their emotions get the best of them. Instead of sharing the truth in love, this comes off as a personal attack on the other party. Remember the earlier article on EQ and maintaining one’s equilibrium in pressure packed situations? This is when EQ and tact must be married together, for the truth isn’t more important than the relationship. Simply stated, if the leader damages the relationship, the he has lost the ability to influence and it doesn’t matter how much truth he has to share.

Therefore, before I enter into any situation where tact is required, I remind myself to never share more truth than the person has the ability to handle. Each person, in a word, has a capacity for truth like a cup has a capacity for liquid. Thus, when a person pours more truth than a person can handle, it’s like pouring too much coffee into a cup. In effect, the attempted helpful action – sharing truth – has become offensive because “truth coffee” has spilled all over the person and burned the other person.

The reason the LIFE Business provides access to our recommended top five books is to help a person learn tact. Even so, tact, in truth, is only learned by applying the principles in real life situations until it is finally mastered. Sadly, most people, through fear of failure, avoid sharing truth at all, thus eliminating their ability to lead because they have eliminated their ability to influence. A person does not need to be a leadership guru to develop tact. In fact, every person needs tact in order to influence. Nonetheless, people will live their entire lives violating the principles of tact, burning their most valuable relationships with too much “truth coffee.” Indeed, knowing the truth, although important, isn’t sufficient. Above all, a leader must learn to share truth with tact, building relationships and influence with others on his journey to leadership excellence.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Leadership/Personal Development, LIFE Leadership | 45 Comments »

All Grace Outreach: Ligonier Ministries

Posted by Orrin Woodward on March 3, 2013

All Grace Outreach

I watched a cool video this Sunday morning on RC Sproul’s Ligonier Ministies. RC is making a huge difference in the world by keeping the main thing the main thing – God’s glory. Ligonier is one of the ministries that All Grace Outreach supports because it is getting God’s word out to the people around the world. The LIFE Business give 100% of corporate profits of the LIFE Faith series to various charities selected by the LIFE PC. I love our motto, Have Fun, Make Money, and Make a Difference and this is exactly, by God’s grace, what we intend to do.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in All News, Faith, LIFE Leadership | 21 Comments »

HBRN’s Leadership Factory: Special Guest Curtis Spolar

Posted by Orrin Woodward on February 28, 2013

Orrin Woodward: HBRN Leadership Factory

Orrin Woodward: HBRN Leadership Factory

Tony Cannuli and I had the special treat of having Curtis Spolar on the HBRN Leadership Factory. Curtis and Debbie Spolar have built one of the largest organizations within the LIFE Business community and are leading the charge on the West Coast. Curtis’s character and word are unquestioned by me as he has earned that level of trust by consistently doing what he says he is going to do. The subject discussed was mentoring and so many nuggets were shared by Curtis that the reader will need a notepad to capture them all. Indeed, Curtis is not only a great mentor, but also great to mentor as he is so hungry to grow and change. Interestingly, he is one of the few leaders I know who went from leader, to manager, and then back to leader again. It takes a huge dream and courage to do what Curtis did, but he did it! In fact, Curtis’s business has nearly tripled since we started mentoring together several years back. Get ready to be challenged as we discuss the difference between managing and leading in building a huge community of customers and members. Here is the video.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Leadership/Personal Development | 16 Comments »

LeaderShift: The Freedom Movement

Posted by Orrin Woodward on February 27, 2013

LeaderShift by Orrin Woodward & Oliver DeMille

LeaderShift by Orrin Woodward & Oliver DeMille

LeaderShift isn’t a political party, but it is a freedom movement of productive members in society (of both left and right persuasions), who are concerned about the decline in dialogue, decision-making, and direction of our country’s political leaders. Oliver DeMille and I wrote LeaderShift to provide new thinking to an old problem, using the Five Laws of Decline to describe the process. Governments, by their very nature, tend to centralize and control. Indeed, local leadership and freedoms are inversely proportional to centralized powers and control.

Consequently, LeaderShift isn’t just a book, but a movement to restore the freedoms lost over the last 100 years (read 1913 for more details). I have included an article by Oliver DeMille on his thoughts of the failure of America’s party system to revive the American dream. Interestingly, Oliver and I, from independent tracks, both came to the same conclusion that entrepreneurs must teach the concepts of  dreaming, goal-setting, and learning within the framework of freedom! Oliver is one of the best thinkers on society, state, and freedom that I know and I enjoy our friendship immensely. This article will make the reader think.


Orrin Woodward


In the aftermath of the 2012 election, there have been numerous emails, posts, articles and blogs by business owners who say they are planning to sell or close their businesses, or just lay off enough workers that they can afford Obamacare for the employees who remain.

One summary listed the following announced layoffs—all attempts to deal with the new costs of Obamacare:

  • Welch Allyn, 275 layoffs
  • Stryker, 1170 layoffs
  • Boston Scientific, between 1200 and 1400 layoffs
  • Medtronic, 1000 layoffs
  • Smith and Nephew, 770 layoffs
  • Hill Rom, 200 layoffs
  • Kinetic Concepts, 427 layoffs
  • Coviden, 595 layoffs
  • Abbot Labs, 427 layoffs
  • St. June Medical, 300 layoffs

There are many, many others.

One email dated November 7, the day after the election, read:

“Time to sell our business. We can no longer afford to provide a living for 14 employees as soon we’re forced to pay for their healthcare. So sad, too bad. On to new ventures.”

After responses about how sad this is and others pointedly blaming the Obama Administration, the same person continued:

“We are all Americans and need to find common ground and make this country great together. I’m not mad at anyone for voting different than me. They love their president, don’t lose friends over calling him a dictator. I’m excited to sell our business. We are adventurous!”

That’s the entrepreneurial spirit that made America great.

Not: “Oh no, we’re losing our job. Will the government help us?”

But rather: “Hey, change happens. We’re excited. This is going to be an adventure!”

That’s the American spirit.

And while rumors abound about how much Obamacare will cost each small business and which won’t have to make any changes at all, there are a lot of employers right now who are very concerned.

Those with under 50 employees aren’t supposed to be hurt, but smaller employers are still worried about exactly how the new laws will be enforced.

Sadly, we will likely see a lot of change in small business in the months and years just ahead.

More regulation, higher taxes and drastically increased costs of employing people will make things more difficult.

An exception may be in network marketing companies or compensated communities.

I’ve long considered them among the top entrepreneurial opportunities in free nations, and with the current changes and policies this is even more true.

“My son is a doctor,” Marge said proudly.

“Wow,” Betty said with a concerned voice. “How is your son dealing with the new regulations coming into effect under Obamacare?” she asked.

Marge nodded and her face grew serious. “He’s very concerned, to tell the truth.”

“Fortunately, my son is building a huge network marketing company, and the regulations aren’t hurting him much,” Betty said. “Maybe your son would like to meet with mine about an opportunity?”

This kind of conversation is taking place a lot right now, and all indications are that it will increase.

Some parents are recommending that their college children put school on hold and start a network business, and I know two medical doctors who have gotten out of the profession in order to build networking businesses.

One of them talked two of his sons into quitting college and doing the same, though the three of them all ended up building networking organizations with entirely different companies.

 II. The Party of Small Business

All of this got me thinking today, and as I pondered I realized something. Something big.

Something we really need right now in America.

We need a third party.

Actually, we need a new party that becomes more popular than the Republican Party and the Democratic Party.

There are more independents than members of either big party, so this shouldn’t be too much of a stretch.

Here’s the problem: The Democratic Party is now the unabashed party of big government, the welfare state, rule from Washington D.C., and everything that goes with these values.

The Republican Party touts itself as the party of freedom, limited government, free markets and business, but in fact it is the party of big business and a big-spending government at the same or just slightly lower levels than Democrats.

We have a party of Big Government (with big business as its co-pilot), and another party that emphasizes Big Business (with big government as its co-pilot).

The first is the Democratic Party, the second the GOP.

Neither is now effectively serving the needs of our nation.

As a result, we get bigger government regardless of who gets elected, and big business grows (to the frequent detriment of small businesses) regardless of who is in power in Washington.

In all of this, small businesses, families, communities and the middle class are the losers.

The solution? We need a party of small business.

We need a party whose top priority is the needs of families and small businesses.

This new party needs to reject the big-government and anti-free enterprise values of the Democrats and simultaneously the big-business and anti-immigrant attitudes of Republicans.

It needs to embrace toleration, diversity, reduced government regulations, lower taxes, decreased government spending, incentives for entrepreneurship, a charitable safety net, and incentives for more immigrants to bring their capital, businesses, labor and families to America.

It needs to get rid of the barriers to hiring (such as the increasing required health care costs) and drastically reduce government red tape for small businesses.

It needs to allow more innovation, shrink requirements on licenses and permits and other unnecessary costs that decrease entrepreneurship and growth, and create an environment of seamless partnerships between schools and businesses.

It needs to promote, encourage and incentive a lot more initiative, innovation and entrepreneurialism.

It also needs to push for more creative and independent thinking in the schools and less that is rote, conveyor-belt, and pre-scripted.

It should change the way schools are run, replacing an environment where administrators and bureaucrats feel comfortable to one led by proven innovators and others who have been successful in the real economy, the FOR-profit economy.

Forget teacher certification and unions—if we want to compete in the global economy we need innovators leading our classrooms.

As an example, principals and teachers should be hired who have excelled at implementing successful business plans rather than writing resumes.

And funding should flow to schools that excel in a true free market.

To ensure to that no child is left behind (for example in less-advantaged neighborhoods), even larger premiums should go to innovators who successfully turn dumpy schools into flourishing institutions whose graduates thrive.

The new party should apply similar principles to other kinds of organizations, from health care and community governments to every other sector of the economy.

Small businesses bring the large majority of growth in the economy, and the new party needs to begin with the specific needs of small businesses in mind.

It needs to identify things that hurt small business and repeal them, and find out what helps small businesses succeed and introduce more policies that encourage these things.

It needs to rewrite the commercial and legal code to create an environment where innovation is the norm, along with the values of growth, calculated risk, leadership, creativity, and entrepreneurialism.

It needs to be not the party of jobs, but the party of successful business ownership—and the jobs they naturally create.

III. A Bright Future?

We need a third party. The party of Big Government (with big business as co-pilot) and the party of Big Business (with big government as co-pilot) simply aren’t doing what our nation needs anymore.

It’s time for new thinking and new leadership.

There is an old saying that you can’t pour new wine into old bottles, because the residue of past wine always taints the new.

This is where we are in America.

The current parties, as much good as both have done at times, have peaked and are in decline.

New leadership is needed, along new values untainted by the baggage of two parties whose time has come and gone.

It is perhaps possible to reform one of the parties to get better results, but it is likely that only a new party with an entirely new focus and fresh thinking is going to take America where it needs to go.

Democratic nations are notorious for refusing to change until crisis forces their hand, and I suspect this is what we’ll witness in the 21st Century.

At some point, probably after major crisis and a superhuman American response, we’re going to need a new party.

Those who love freedom should start thinking about what it should look like.

One thing is clear: When it does come, it needs to be a party of small business.

Free enterprise and the entrepreneurial spirit made America great, and it will do so again if we let it.

Whatever comes in the economy, we want to be led by those whose attitude is, “It might sound bad, but this is an exciting adventure! Let’s get started…”

Posted in Freedom/Liberty, Leadership/Personal Development | 75 Comments »

Leadership Soft-Skill: Building Relationships

Posted by Orrin Woodward on February 26, 2013

Leadership Soft-Skill: Building Relationships

Dale Carnegie: People Skills

Dale Carnegie: People Skills

In the continuing series on leadership soft-skills, we have reached the fifth one – building relationships. According to the Center for Creative Leadership, building relationships is important at all levels: “Being able to show compassion, sensitivity, and a sense of humor with others—above and below in organizational structure—and being able to cultivate these relationships toward positive business performance.”

I have said many times that all business is relationships. No matter what field of business a person is in, the business’s rise or fall depends upon the relationships its leaders build with customers, suppliers, and the greater community. Without cultivating relationships, to put is simply, the business will not thrive in the marketplace.

Given this widely accepted truism, does anyone else find it fascinating how little time is invested by people in developing the ability to relate with other people? Dale Carnegie once said that 85% of financial success was due to people skills and only 15% from professional skills. STOP! Read that statement again slowly. (Sorry about the choleric moment, my morning coffee must be kicking in. :)) In any event, go back and read it again so we can ponder why people invest so much time in the 15% activity and so little in the 85% one. Please do not misread me. I am not saying that developing professional skills is a waste of time, for competence is important; however, it’s not sufficient.

LIFE Business Builds People Skills

Strikingly, competent professional skills, combined with clueless people skills is a recipe for disaster. For the person inadvertently closes the doors he wishes to enter to display his professional expertise. Invariably, a person’s people skills are needed before his professional skills since people buy into the person before they buy into his work. This common sense, yet so uncommon, viewpoint will radically change a person’s life and business. Which leads to the reason why the founders of LIFE started the LIFE Business. Knowing the importance of people skills, servant leadership, and trusting relationships for success in any field, LIFE was created to teach solutions for the 85% issues. The community solves the 85% togethers while inspiring each individual to master the 15% technical skills in his given field.

Becoming a customer of LIFE, in other words, is one of the best moves a person can make to enhance his upward mobility in his career. Furthermore, if a person is not satisfied in his career, then he can check out the compensated community aspect of LIFE and build a new career based upon leadership and personal development. Indeed,  as one of the founders and Chairman of the Board of LIFE, we are proud to serve our customers and compensated community as they learn to keep the main thing the main thing – excellence in building the skills, trust, and influence with people for the longterm.

LIFE has become a mass movement of people creating a LeaderShift in the world’s culture away from power and control towards influence and freedom. What part will you play in the coming leadershift?


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Leadership/Personal Development, LIFE Leadership | 32 Comments »

Serve the Masses; Live with Classes

Posted by Orrin Woodward on February 25, 2013

One of my early mentors taught me that if someone sells to the classes, he will live with the masses. However, if he sells to the masses, he will live with the classes. Simply put, it’s a matter of numbers. Would you rather be rewarded with one dollar and serve 10 customers or receive ten cents, but serve 10,000 customers? This was the secret to McDonald’s meteoric success when the brothers lowered the price of hamburgers from 30 to 14 cents. By cutting the price in half and building systems to support it, he nearly doubled his revenue with much less effort.

Systems thinking is essential in today’s day and age. The LIFE Business provides the “masses” with world-class leadership training at the best price in the marketplace. How can we do this? Because LIFE serves the masses, keeps cost low, and focuses on the long-term, we are growing at a record pace. For instance, last night LIFE had one of its best nights, adding more customers (those not involved in the compensated communities) than at nearly any time since we launched the company. Why? Because the word is getting out that LIFE delivers life-changing products to its members and customers.

Whether the reader desires to build a compensated community or just enjoy the world-class products, LIFE has something for everyone. Here is a video I did several months back describing the McDonald’s brothers and their effort to create a duplicatable system.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Leadership/Personal Development, LIFE Leadership | 37 Comments »

The LIFE Business

Posted by Orrin Woodward on February 22, 2013

The LIFE Business: Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady

Chris Brady wrote an article on the LIFE business several days ago that I felt compelled to share in its entirety with my readers. As part of our LIFE Training, we share a systematic process to improve anything called PDCA. Chris’s article shares the key PDCAs that we applied to create the compensated community business of our dreams. With the best prices, products, compensation plan, free trips, and leadership rolled into one, I am proud to represent the LIFE business wherever I go.

The LIFE Business and LeaderShift

If someone is already chasing a dream, then he or she ought to become a customer of LIFE to improve his or her leadership and people skills. For instance, LeaderShift, Oliver DeMille’s and my new book, is being sold across the world. It’s this type of information that is available within the community.

The LIFE Business Community

If, on the other hand, someone is stuck in the subways of life with no way out, then he or she ought to become a member of the community and start climbing! Either way, the LIFE community is happy to serve. Here is Chris’s fantastic article!


Orrin Woodward

The Impetus behind the LIFE Business

There is something really right about a business that allows people to get started for a relatively small amount of money, work at their own pace, be their own boss, experience the responsibilities of business ownership in an actual business endeavor without huge downside risks, have the potential for high upsides, and get the tax advantages that come with business enterprise. These attributes (and others) are what originally attracted me to the profession of networking. However, as I experienced more and more of what goes on in certain parts of this industry, I quickly realized there were several things I hated about it!

I was not alone. Along with my friends Orrin Woodward, Tim Marks, Bill Lewis, George Guzzardo, Claude Hamilton, and Dan Hawkins, we founded the LIFE company in an attempt to build a business to not only be the model of what could be in this profession, but what should be, as well. In other words, we launched LIFE to fix what we didn’t like about the industry while preserving the parts we felt were right about it.

What the LIFE Business Is Doing 

Below is a list of my beefs with the industry, and what we are doing at LIFE to make it right.

1. No True Customer Focus – Our fix: at LIFE, we not only have a customer focus but a customer requirement. If a LIFE member does not develop at least 50PV in monthly customer flow after a brief apprenticeship period, he or she will not be paid any bonus on group volume. Also, we have the 3 for FREE customer acquisition program, in which any LIFE member, and even any customer, who gets three customers subscribing to the same or higher value package gets his/her products the next month for free! Also we have sales competitions with bonuses for the top finishers, as well as special bonus incentives on sales of particular products. We are also about to announce a sales bonus chart designed to give the smallest participants in the LIFE business a huge sales margin on products sold to help them begin earning more money sooner!

2. Gaudy Lifestyle Representations and Outrageous Income Claims – Our fix: in our business presentations we give only basic scenario-based income representations (as in, “if  you build a business that looks like this, the way the pay plan works, it would result in X amount of pay for that month”), with the largest scenario depicting approximately $9,000 per month in income. (See our Compensation Plan brochure for this). We don’t show cheesy lifestyle pictures or videos, bikini-clad girls on yachts, or shiny bling to try and attract people to a false expectation. Our presentation focuses upon things such as obtaining more free time, better financial security, more focus upon family, travel, church and charity, etc. (We don’t go as far as talking about more time with in-laws, however!) Also, being a new company, we’ve just now completed our first full calendar year in business (year 2012), and therefore can now release an Income Disclosure Statement to inform prospective participants and properly manage their expectations (look for this in the coming weeks).

3. The Host Company Keeps Too Much of the Money – and as a result, the people in the field get to fight over the scraps. Our fix: our pay plan is currently putting approximately 70% of gross product volume (PV) into the field in the various forms of compensation. The company was not just founded by people who had come from the field, but from people who have determined to stay in the field.

4. High Sign Up Costs: We have heard of companies charging hundreds upon hundreds of dollars to join. Our fix: keep it low! Our recommended sign up cost, including sample products (three CDs, a hard cover book, a sticker, access to the LIFE business management website, and two tickets to a LIFE Live event) is just $89.99, in which the products are optional. Our goal is to keep it “less than the cost of a tank of gas!”

5. Poor Guarantees: some are confusing, very limited, or difficult to enact. Our fix: simple and straight forward, a 30 day no-questions-asked money back guarantee for all our products, including the sign up cost.

6. Trips for Top Performers: While there is nothing wrong with this, we wanted to do something a little different. Our fix: we put two very exciting trips into the compensation program for people with relatively early progress up the performance bonus chart. One is at the 6,000 pv per month level, the other is at the 15,000 pv per month level. Also, these are not business trips in disguise, but legitimate vacations. The recipient selects the trip of his/her choice from the list of available options, and takes the trip when he or she chooses. (See Incentive Trips for more information).

7. High Priced Products – our experience is that many networking companies charge super high prices for their products and then give some of this back to the field and claim that this is their “profit margin,” when in fact, the products are so overpriced no one could ever sell them for that price to begin with. Our fix: keep the prices low! For the type of informational products that LIFE specializes in producing, our competition is almost always 20 to 200% higher. For instance, our CDs sell for just $10, while most on the market in each of our “8F” categories (Faith, family, fitness, finances, friendship, freedom, following, and fun) can be found for sale from $12 to $67! Also, in our subscription packages that include books, we almost always sell the book in that month’s subscription for ten to twenty five percent below list price, as it is just rolled into a standard subscription price that doesn’t fluctuate based upon that months’ book price.

8. Inferior Products – what does this mean? It means that specific products that can easily be commoditized (produced by someone else at a cheaper price or better value, over time) stay in the company’s portfolio long after they are no longer competitive in the marketplace. This leaves those in the field leveraging their personal reputation to sell a product that is no longer the best on the market. Our fix: Informational products such as those LIFE produces cannot become commoditized because they are unique – meaning, by specific authors and speakers whose communication styles, delivery, humor, entertainment value, etc. are not duplicate-able. While the information can perhaps be mimicked by another, the brand cannot be copied.

9. Products that Don’t Matter: The other part about representing commodity products is that they really have no ability to make someone’s life better. Why spend your valuable time and energy working at something that doesn’t do any good? As my friend Tim Marks said, “I don’t want to waste my life selling tube socks and lawn chairs!” My favorite quote is attributed to D.L. Moody: “Our greatest fear should not be that we won’t succeed, but that we’ll succeed at something that doesn’t matter.” As for me, although it’s possible to make money selling commodities, I want what I do to count in the lives of people (and  yes, I understand that we all need commodities to survive, but you get what I’m saying).  I want to make a positive difference in the world.  So our fix: sharing information such as LIFE produces has helped people get out of debt, repair broken relationships, grow personally, break addictions, grow spiritually, and, as the tag line says, “live the life they’ve always wanted.”  To me, THAT’s something that matters.

But the LIFE Business Isn’t Perfect

Now don’t get me wrong. We don’t have the LIFE business perfected yet, as that would be impossible. But we are working daily to make it better and better, in an attempt to deliver exactly what people want and expect in an informational product company, and for a potential business enterprise for many. Also, while we believe that our products are for everybody, we DON’T think the business building aspect of LIFE is for everybody. It is only for those who are prepared to work hard, who are looking for something more in life than they can currently accomplish, who enjoy working with and helping other people, and who have a long-term vision and can stay the course.

Thanks for reading!


Chris Brady

Posted in LIFE Leadership | 46 Comments »

Seven Habits of Highly Ineffective Leadership?

Posted by Orrin Woodward on February 21, 2013

While doing some research, I ran across this article from Christianity Today on the “Seven Habits of Highly Ineffective Leadership.” The list was so good that I had to post it here and share a few thoughts. For instance, everyone can read this list and realize the futility of attempting to lead when violating these principles; however, understanding and applying are not one and the same thing. One of the key objectives of the LIFE business is to break through from mental assent to physical application of the top leadership principles. Associating with other leaders who are applying the proper principles makes it easier for others to do the same. Imagine if a whole community were to apply leadership to the 8Fs of life. I believe it would start a LeaderShift to change our localities, states, provinces, nations, and eventually the world. If it’s possible to do this, then leaders ought to plan, unite, and aim to do it! In any case, all leadership change begins on the inside. Read the seven ineffective traits and ensure this list isn’t true of you.


Orrin Woodward

1 – Don’t plan ahead

Don’t fall into the trap of writing down your goals and objectives, or even worse, handcuffing yourself to specific times when you’re supposed to feel obligated to do them. Instead, respond to things as they come up. Put off big projects until you have large chunks of uninterrupted time to accomplish them, or when you feel inspired. Then try to complete the task with one herculean effort.

2 – Go it alone

If you need to have someone checking up on you, it’s a sure sign of your incompetence and lack of self-control. Independent-minded people make the most progress when they bypass the team and do their own thing. Accountability is overrated.

3 – Aim low

Only arrogant people set lofty goals. Those who dream big often end up flat on their face. At the end of the day, it’s much better to aim for mediocrity and reach your goal rather than trying to do something extraordinary, and becoming frustrated when you can’t quite accomplish it. Better safe than sorry. Those who risk the most never experience the security of living in the status quo.

4 – Point out the mistakes of others

People need to be aware of their failures or they’ll never be able to change. So, keep an eye out for others’ missteps or mishaps and then leak the word to the rest of your employees or volunteers. Be specific and stern. Don’t give the person a chance to explain his actions since that’s usually just a way of denial or shirking responsibility. It’s even more beneficial to make the shortcomings of others public, so that other people in the organization can keep them in line.

5 – Mentally relive old failures

If you lost a job or got a demotion or didn’t get the position you were vying for, brood over it. Dwelling on past mistakes, unresolved conflict, and ongoing disagreements will help give you perspective on your current situation. Obsessing over negative experiences helps you avoid them in the future.

Get into the habit of thinking about hurtful conversations you’ve had and coming up with things you wish you’d said, or clever comebacks that might’ve ended things right then and there. It’ll give you that fire and motivation to speak up more authoritatively next time around.

6 – Wait until the last minute

You never know what the future holds so why waste your time doing things that might not even end up being necessary? Who knows, you might get fired, quit, or die and you’d just have wasted all of that time on that project. It’s much more beneficial if you just put off working on something until the consequences of not doing it outweigh the effort it takes to do it. If other people hassle you about this, it just shows that they’re not as good at working under pressure as you are.

7 – Take things personally

If people criticize your work, they are, in essence, attacking you. Criticism of a project you’ve worked on is a direct assault on your intelligence, personality, and character. As a matter of self-respect, it’s important that you don’t let them get away with that. If you don’t stand up for yourself, you might come across as a pushover.

So, show your strength and conviction by defending every idea you have. Rather than “choosing your battles,” remember that if someone criticizes your decisions, actions, or suggestions, they’ve already chosen to attack your personal self-worth. Don’t let them get away with that.


Posted in Leadership/Personal Development | 67 Comments »

Leadership Soft-Skills: Resilience

Posted by Orrin Woodward on February 20, 2013



The fourth leadership soft-skill, according to the Center for Creative Leadership, is resiliency – the ability to bounce back from adversity. Resiliency is essential for any leadership endeavor because any worthwhile activity is filled with setbacks and disappointments. However, with resiliency, leaders are strengthened by the setbacks because the obstacles force them to make the needed changes to overcome and win. In the process, the leaders become better personally and professionally, which in truth, is the real reward for the leadership journey anyway. Unfortunately, many would-be leaders fall for the fallacy that leadership should be easy or they must not be cut from the leadership mold. Nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, it’s only when a potential leader realizes how poor his current leadership abilities are, through experiencing numerous failures, that he exercises his resilience by confronting reality, making changes, and pressing forward.

One of the biggest lies, propagated throughout our culture, is that people are either naturally gifted at leadership or naturally ungifted. This dreary belief system has deluded many good people, who tried to lead and failed, to surrender their responsibility to lead in life. Indeed, I believe many of the world’s greatest potential leaders were never developed because they swallowed this whopper of lies. Nonetheless, the LIFE Business rejects this dismal world-view; teaching instead, that everyone has leadership abilities when hunger and courage are added to the LIFE training system of reading, listening, associating, and implementing. There are hundreds of examples of men and women, who didn’t believe they could lead, who now, through their faith and convictions, lead hundreds, and some thousands, of people.

Leadership isn’t chance; it’s choice. Consequently, resilience is displayed when a person chooses to get back up after the world has knocked him flat on his back. If a person chooses to stay down, he shouldn’t blame the program, plans, or Providence; rather, it’s in the lack of purpose that ultimately leads to the lack of resilience. Several years back, I developed a quote to capture the essence of resilience, “A person either hates losing enough to change, or he hates changing enough to lose.” I HATE losing and when life knocks me down, which it has many times, I use the “down” time to reflect on what I can learn from this failure and why I need to get back up and run again. This is the KEY to leadership! Develop the plan; get knocked down; learn the lessons, get up and run again! PDCA. How simple to understand and yet how difficult to implement.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Leadership/Personal Development, LIFE Leadership | 49 Comments »

Joshua Bell: Subways to Metropolitans

Posted by Orrin Woodward on February 19, 2013

Joshua Bell is America’s greatest living violin player. This “poet of the violin” enthralls audiences around the world with his breathtaking mastery of the violin and the stage. Bell is equally at home as a soloist, chamber musician, recording artist, and orchestra leader. His summer appearances included the premiere of a new concerto for violin and double bass by Edgar Meyer performed by Bell and Meyer at Tanglewood, Aspen, and the Hollywood Bowl. In addition, Bell appeared at the Festival del Sole, Ravinia, Verbier, Salzburg, Saratoga, and Mostly Mozart festivals. He kicked off the San Francisco Symphony’s fall season followed by performances with the Philadelphia Orchestra and the Boston, Seattle, Omaha, Cincinnati, and Detroit Symphonies. Fall highlights included a tour of South Africa, a European tour with the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, and a European recital tour with Sam Haywood. In 2013, Bell will tour the US with the Cleveland Orchestra and Europe with the New York Philharmonic as well as perform with the Tucson, Pittsburgh, San Diego, and Nashville Symphony Orchestras.

Bell’s first recording was released when he was eighteen, and now he has over forty CDs released, including the Grammy-nominated crossover recording Short Trip Home with composer and double bass virtuoso Edgar Meyer, as well as a recording with Meyer of the Bottesini Gran Duo Concertante. Bell also collaborated with Wynton Marsalis on the Grammy-winning spoken word children’s album Listen to the Storyteller and Bela Flecks’ Grammy Award recording Perpetual Motion. Highlights of the Sony Classical film soundtracks on which Bell has performed include The Red Violin, which won the Oscar for Best Original Score, the Classical Brit-nominated Ladies in Lavender, and the films Iris and Defiance. In addition, Bell has been embraced by a wide television audience with appearances ranging from The Tonight Show, The Tavis Smiley Show, The Charlie Rose Show, and CBS Sunday Morning to Sesame Street and Entertainment Tonight. In 2010, Bell starred in his fifth Live From Lincoln Center Presents broadcast titled: “Joshua Bell with Friends @ The Penthouse.” Other PBS shows include Great Performances – Joshua Bell: West Side Story Suite from Central Park, Memorial Day Concert performed on the lawn of the United States Capitol, and A&E’s Biography. He has twice performed on the Grammy Awards telecast, performing music from Short Trip Home and West Side Story Suite. He was one of the first classical artists to have a music video air on VH1, and he has been the subject of a BBC Omnibus documentary.

Finally, Bell has appeared in publications ranging from Strad and Gramophone to The New York Times, People Magazine’s 50 Most Beautiful People issue, USA Today, The Wall St. Journal, GQ, Vogue, and Readers Digest among many. In 2007, Bell performed incognito in a Washington, DC subway station for a Washington Post story by Gene Weingarten examining art and context. The story earned Weingarten a Pulitzer Prize and sparked an international firestorm of discussion which continues to this day.

To say that Joshua Bell has achieved international fame in the musical world would be a serious understatement. Why do I tell the reader all of this? Have I suddenly joined the Joshua Bell fan club? Although I certainly enjoy his music, I have another reason for sharing his story. In an interesting social experimentWashington Post reporter Gene Weingarten proposed that Joshua Bell play his violin incognito in the Washington Metro subway. It’s one of the busiest sections of the subway and would ensure many subway users heard the greatest living violinist. The video is embedded below.

For forty-five minutes on the morning of January 12, 2007, concert violinist Joshua Bell stood incognito on a Washington, DC subway platform and performed classical music for passersby. “No one knew it,” explained Washington Post reporter Gene Weingarten several months after the event, “but the fiddler standing against a bare wall outside the Metro in an indoor arcade at the top of the escalators was one of the finest classical musicians in the world, playing some of the most elegant music ever written on one of the most valuable violins ever made.” Weingarten came up with the experiment to see how ordinary people would react.

And how did they react? For the most part, not at all. More than a thousand people entered the Metro station as Bell worked his way through a set list of classical masterpieces, but only a few stopped to listen. “Some dropped money in his open violin case (for a total of about $27), but most never even stopped to look,” Weingarten wrote.

I thought about this scenario many times over the last year and it finally hit me why this was so fascinating to me: People are so busy, busy, busy surviving that few ever notice the beauty around them. The subway passengers walked right by the most beautiful music played by the best violinist on his million-dollar Stradivarius violin. One of the anonymous emails circulating about this incident asked, “If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?” What finally sunk in was, out of context, greatness in life is ignored. Joshua Bell, in context, is the greatest living violinist, but out of context, he is just another musician attempting to make a buck in the subway.

Joshua Bell, in other words, had to get out of the subway and onto the Metropolitan stages before his talents and gifts were recognized by the world. In the same way, many people, with talents and gifts, are playing beautiful music in their chosen fields, but no one is noticing. The subways of life keep people so busy that they never stop to notice the beauty around them, including the beauty and talents of those around them. Imagine if Joshua Bell only had this forty-five-minute window in the subway to determine whether he was any good with the violin. He may have labeled himself as a poor player because no one was interested! One of the keys for success is to never take advice from someone who does not have the results one desires! How, in other words, can a subway person tell you anything about the Metropolitan?

My whole purpose in life is to create “Metropolitan” stages across the world where people can reveal their talents. Study the leaders in the LIFE business and see how each had amazing talents that were hidden in the subway environment. It wasn’t until they climbed out of the subway that others recognized what they had within them. For instance, Chris Brady was a process engineer in a factory. The world wouldn’t have experienced his amazing blend of humor and teaching in the factory! Tim Marks was an engineering supervisor. The world would have missed one of the best implementors of the PDCA process I have ever met had he stayed in that position. Claude Hamilton was in the Canadian military. His leadership gifts and orchestration ability would have been hidden from the world had he not chosen to climb.

Significantly, each of these LIFE Founders had Joshua Bell talents, but people didn’t seem to notice his greatness when living in the subway. LIFE gives people a chance to climb out of the subways of life onto the Metropolitan stages. However, climbing is never easy, and few will consistently and persistently climb up and out. Nonetheless, I love the fact that everyone is given an equal opportunity to move up, if he or she so chooses. In truth, this is all anyone should ask for from life: a chance. When I was shown the stairway out of the subway, that was all I needed. Laurie and I took it from there, and we climbed relentlessly until we reached the Metropolitan. We have dedicated our lives to go back into the subways of life on “search and rescue” missions to find other people who want out of the subway but do not know where the stairway is. This thirty-one-minute video (I know it’s long for today’s media age, but it has essential lessons for life) was recorded live in Visalia, California at one of the three LIFE Leadership Conventions. It shares the key lessons I learned through meditating on the Washington Post social experiment with Joshua Bell.

If the reader loves what he does, then become a LIFE customer and enjoy world-class leadership training to help out in the stairway climb. If the reader has no plan to get out of the subway, then become a LIFE Member and be one of the best students of someone who has made it out of the subways of life. I wish you all the success you earn on your climb.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in LIFE Leadership | 42 Comments »