The Allswede Family
The LIFE business continues to change lives and impact communities across America. What is so special about LIFE is that whether someone makes hundreds of thousands of dollars from the LIFE Business Compensation Plan or makes just a few bucks, it still changes lives for the better. Only a materialistic person would define success in just dollars. What about better relationships between spouses or between parents and their children? What about improved mobility at one’s profession due to increased leadership and people skills?
Simply stated, I believe the LIFE business is the best educational system for success in the marketplace at less than 1/10th of the cost of conventional educational systems. In Oliver DeMille’s and my new book LeaderShift, to be released in April by Business Plus, we teach the difference between credentialists and creators. Credentialists focus on titles while creators focus on leadership. Leaders are leaders because people trust them and follow them, not because of titles. In other words, testimonies trump titles every time! It was in 1994, when I quit my MBA from the University of Michigan, that I made my personal decision to stop focusing on titles and build a life of testimony. This fork in the road was highly significant for Laurie’s and my future.
In the same way, Larry Allswede and his wonderful wife Stacey reached a fork in the road. Larry had started working at the Team office, but quickly realized he was better suited in the field as an entrepreneur. Today, the Allswedes are achieving success in all 8F’s of LIFE (Faith, Family, Finance, Fitness, Freedom, Fun, Friends, and Following) and living as creators, not credentialists. Their story is one of many I receive. In fact, not a week goes by without receiving several emails like this confirming the huge impact LIFE is having upon lives. Thank you Larry and Stacey for having the courage to grow, change, and lead. Larry reached 1 million in sales revenue for his company in 18 months! Your story inspires others to step up, step out, and move on! It won’t be long before employers sort resumes based upon applicants’ LIFE business education.
How about the readers? Are you living a life of testimonies or titles? Only a few times in a person’s life is he given an opportunity to rewrite his script. LIFE is one of the few opportunities left for people to change their life script! Here is Larry’s email to me with the rest of the story. I LOVE it!
Orrin Woodward
As you might already know, I have been a part of Holger and Lindsey Spiewak’s team since 2006. I went to my first seminar in the fall of 2005 to see Jim and Dolores Martin and ever since then I was hooked! I wasn’t quite sure about the business, but I was certain that I wanted to be associated with Holger and that group of people! There since began my leadership journey! Since then, I can remember being completely addicted to the Audio CD’s mainly because I was so angry for never being taught ANY of the principles I was learning!
Let’s fast forward 5 1/2 years later. In the Spring of 2011, I caught wind of a job opening for a virtual school. I applied. The problem? The applicants were required to have a MINIMUM of a BS Degree, “Preferred” to have a Masters Degree, year of Student teaching, a year of community service, and a whole laundry list of other qualifications that I did NOT have. I only have SOME college, but I did not finish. I do not even have an associates degree, let alone a MASTERS degree. The only thing that I had off their requirement list were the objective things like “Team work…commitment…energetic (I’m part sanguine, of COURSE I’m energetic!)” etc. Needless to say, my resume was looking pretty unimpressive…until I added “Other Education” where I entered “Liber/Leadership Education – 10,000 Hours” (When adding up all the Audios over a 5 1/2 year period, all the Opens, Seminars, Majors, Mentor sessions with Holger Spiewak and Bill Lewis, Those hours put my right around 10,000. Not to mention roughly 100 personal development books)
Somehow I landed an interview. In the interview, there were 2 people and myself; the president of the company, and a consultant who was brought in to help the president hire in the right people) The consultant (Kim) took one look at my resume with a confused look and asked “What is a ‘Liber’ Education?” To which I replied “That is a great question!! Liber really means “tree bark” because it is what the ancients used to write on tablets when engaging in contract, communicating, etc. But it is also the root word for LIBERty and LIBERary…which those two words were closely connected in history. Those who were free knew HOW to think for themselves and could engage in contract. It’s a self directed, leadership education that teaches one how to think.” (Basically, I took the definition almost directly from Oliver DeMille’s 4 Lost American Ideals CD in the Freedom Pack) But their mouth’s about hit the table! Kim quickly said “Well, 10,000 hours of leadership training…that’s a lot of training… What was it all for?” To which I replied “well, I never felt like I fit within the boundaries of a formal education setting, where the methodology is curriculum and professors and experts. My heart sang when I was working in the classics with mentors who had a life that I aspired to have. So I chose the route to have a self directed leadership education, rather than a formal education.”
There were a whole host of other questions that were asked, and I don’t really remember what else I said, but I had a REALLY good feeling that they were impressed! After the interview, I was told that I would receive a phone call within a couple weeks to know if I got the job or not. By 8:30am the NEXT morning I got a call : “Good Morning, Larry! We are excited to call you and offer you a position at Clintondale Virtual School!” WOW!!!
Here’s the kicker… There were 12 (TWELVE) other applicants who interviewed. They ALL had Bachelors degrees, and 6 (SIX) of them had Masters Degrees!!! I was the ONLY ONE who did NOT have a degree, but rather had a leadership education from the LIFE/Team community and I’m the one who got the job making a mid-range teachers salary. WOW!
LIFE is not only good to help people live the lives that they have always wanted, but it is also the best resume builder that I have seen so far! Talk about reinventing yourself and standing out from the crowd at the same time!
Since then, Kim and eventually her husband Ron have taken me under their wing here at the company with the virtual school and has helped mentor me to be excellent on the job. By this fall, 2013, I will have brought in over 1 million plus dollars of revenue to the company since starting with the company in March 2011.
I apologize for the length of this email. Thank you for taking the time to read it. You have changed my life in more ways than you possibly could have imagined! Thank you for your service! A Million times (people) Thank you!
Larry Allswede