Orrin Woodward on LIFE & Leadership

Inc Magazine Top 20 Leader shares his personal, professional, and financial secrets.

  • Orrin Woodward

    Former Guinness World Record Holder for largest book signing ever, Orrin Woodward is a NY Times bestselling author of And Justice For All along with RESOLVED & coauthor of LeaderShift and Launching a Leadership Revolution. His books have sold over one million copies in the financial, leadership and liberty fields. RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions For LIFE made the Top 100 All-Time Best Leadership Books and the 13 Resolutions are the framework for the top selling Mental Fitness Challenge personal development program.

    Orrin made the Top 20 Inc. Magazine Leadership list & has co-founded two multi-million dollar leadership companies. Currently, he serves as the Chairman of the Board of the LIFE. He has a B.S. degree from GMI-EMI (now Kettering University) in manufacturing systems engineering. He holds four U.S. patents, and won an exclusive National Technical Benchmarking Award.

    This blog is an Alltop selection and ranked in HR's Top 100 Blogs for Management & Leadership.

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HBRN’s Leadership Factory: Special Guest George Guzzardo

Posted by Orrin Woodward on January 11, 2013

Tony Cannuli and I had the special privilege to interview one of the best leaders in the community building field on Home Business Radio Network’s Leadership FactoryGeorge Guzzardo. George has been a friend and business partner for nearly 20 years. When Doug Firebaugh, co-founder of HBRN and great friend asked me to start the Leadership Factory I gladly accepted the assignment. It’s an honor to play my part in supporting his network of radio programming to lift up the entire home business field.

George’s thoughts on the importance of long-term vision in maintaining one’s composure, despite lack of results and criticism was worth the whole show. The reason George Guzzardo has thousands of people attending events around the US and Canada through the LIFE Business is because he begins with the end in mind. In other words, even when events are not going in the direction he wants, he knows to stay focused on his longterm vision and to utilize his energy in creation, not negation. Too many quit when the going gets tough, but George gets going like the proverbial energizer bunny!

Over twenty years, I have witnessed a pattern in George and Jill’s business of personal breakthroughs leading to massive increases in business. The old saying that the speed of the group is the speed of the leader is true. Personal breakthroughs from George and Jill led to faster personal speed which led to faster group speeds. George’s resilience alone is worth a book and the good news is, with the goals George has set, we will be reading that book soon! Here is HBRN’s Leadership Factory with George Guzzardo.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Leadership/Personal Development | 16 Comments »

LIFE Business: One-Time Cash Awards (OTCAs)

Posted by Orrin Woodward on January 9, 2013

The LIFE business has a goal to be the best entrepreneurial start-up company for budding entrepreneurs. By providing life-changing information in the 8Fs and the top-paying LIFE Business Compensation Plan, we are well on our way. For 2013, LIFE has announced that the One-Time Cash Awards (OTCAs) have been increased at nearly every level. Because LIFE flows so much of the profits back to the field Members, our goal is, as we grow, to increase the bonuses offered to Members for customers and communities. What other company does that? Here are the details.


Orrin Woodward

Below are the ranks and respective OTCAs for 2013:

Leader 6

receives $3,000. (As an aside, if a Member is Trip Tracking, he will have received a free vacation earlier as well.)

This means you have to qualify as a Leader for six months out of the year with at least three consecutive months.

There are two ways you can qualify as a Leader:

1. Have a total of 15,000 PV or more with no downline Members with 15,000 PV or

2. If you do have a downline Member with 15,000 PV in your first Team, you must have 6,000 PV outside of your first Team, which includes all outside Teams, personal volume, and customer volume.

Leader 12

receives $12,000 (up from $8,000 last year). (Trip Tracking Leader 12’s receive another free vacation)

This means you have to start qualifying in January, so you can qualify for all twelve months of the year.

Coordinator 6

receives $6,000 (up from $4,000 last year).

Coordinator 12

receives $15,000 (up from $10,000 last year).

Sr. Coordinator 6

receives $15,000 (up from $10,000 last year).

Sr. Coordinator 12

receives $25,000.

Life Coach 6

receives $50,000 (up from $30,000 last year).

Life Coach 12

receives $100,000 (up from $80,000 last year).

Executive Life Coach 6

receives $100,000 (up from $50,000 last year).

Executive Life Coach 12

receives $150,000 (up from $125,000 last year).

Double Life Coach 6

receives $150,000 (up from $75,000 last year).

Double Life Coach 12

receives $200,000.

Triple Life Coach 6

receives $200,000 (up from $100,000 last year).

Triple Life Coach 12

receives $250,000.

Posted in All News, LIFE Leadership | 27 Comments »

Believe and Achieve

Posted by Orrin Woodward on January 8, 2013

Chris Brady states that fast can start at anytime. I know that to be true because it happened in our business. Belief is the key that drives growth and change. For me, I worked diligently, learning the fundamentals, but didn’t believe myself capable of building a multi-million dollar business. Indeed, my lack of belief was the limiting factor from producing the results I wanted. Eventually, I learned that just as important as hard work is belief work. One, in other words, must invest just as much effort in believing big as working big! If a person doesn’t work hard towards his dream, then he has no right to expect great results; however, even when a person does work hard, if he doesn’t also believe, then he doesn’t have the right to accomplish great things because he doesn’t believe it. Simply stated, since he doesn’t believe his own dream, how could others rally to his cause?

The next time you set goals to move ahead in any field, invest as much time believing as working. I visualize businesses exploding, talks reaching the audience, and leaders buying into the mission, mainly because I believe the business will explode, the talks will reach the people, and leaders would be crazy not to buy into our mission! That simple principle has made all the difference to me. If I am going to write a book then I am going to believe great things will result. If I am going to work with a person, then I am going to believe in the greatness inside of them. If I am going to work on a project, then I am going to believe it will change the world. This is why I believe and work so much within the LIFE Business. The LIFE Founders are some of the best leaders in the world and it is my responsibility to reveal their greatness in arenas across the world!

Belief is essential for success. For instance, when Chris and I wrote Launching a Leadership Revolution, I believed great things for it and God blessed that belief with recognition as a New York Times Bestseller! When I wrote RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions for LIFE, I believed that book would have an impact across the world. Remarkably, the book recently made the All-Time Top 100 Leadership Book List and is the core guidebook through the Mental Fitness Challenge. Likewise, when we launched the LIFE Business, we didn’t just start another community building business. Instead, we launched a world-changing mission of love, hope and transformation through the renewing of a person’s mind. The first year results are nothing short of mind boggling! Now, with the release of LeaderShift, I am dreaming and believing a future bigger than ever! So big, in fact, that I cannot wait for the RT meeting on Thursday nights to share my belief and vision for LIFE.

In summary, I have learned over the years, that the best thing to do when others criticize, minimize, and ostracize, is to dream bigger, do bigger, and deliver bigger than ever before. Every achiever I know majors on dreams, while every non-achiever I know majors on dramas. Which course of study are you mastering? As for me and my family, 2013 is about dreaming, doing, and delivering on a bigger scale than ever before. Is anyone else ready to believe and achieve in 2013?


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Leadership/Personal Development | Tagged: , | 67 Comments »

LIFE Leadership Conventions

Posted by Orrin Woodward on January 5, 2013

It’s a beautiful Saturday morning and I just finished watching a superb video on the impact of the LIFE Business Leadership Conventions. Rob Hallstrand and his LIFE staff are knocking the ball out of the park on the recent videos. Indeed, the LIFE Convention video captures how a person can change from the inside out. In fact, it’s the only way true lasting change occurs. When a person thinks differently, he begins to act differently, thus producing different results in his life. Twenty years ago, I made one of the best decisions of my life by starting a personal growth journey.  Just like everyone else, I changed my internal thinking which led to external changes. For twenty consecutive years, I have read 10-15 books per month. But, I didn’t just read them, I applied them within the leadership communities. Over time, this reading and daily application led to amazing changes in who I am and what I see for the future. The same opportunity to start your journey is available at the LIFE Business Conventions around North America later this month. 2013 is the year to launch your LeaderShift! Here is the new video.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in All News, Leadership/Personal Development, LIFE Leadership | Tagged: | 66 Comments »

LeaderShift: Orrin Woodward & Oliver DeMille

Posted by Orrin Woodward on January 2, 2013

LeaderShift: Orrin Woodward & Oliver DeMille

LeaderShift by Orrin Woodward & Oliver DeMille

As the concepts developed, I imagined discussing the Five Laws of Decline with the Founding Fathers and determining how they would have designed the Constitution had they understood the inherent dangers within the laws. Accordingly, I wrote out a proposed government to check the FLD and separate government into clearly delineated local, state, and federal issues. In my opinion, the number one failure of the founder was not to place a specific limit on taxation and deficits. If government is not limited in their ability to tax then it simply isn’t a limited government. Likewise, if politicians are not held responsible for a budget, then they are not responsible at all. Moreover, relying on “the people” to maintain intricate knowledge of all the issues simply isn’t feasible and is statements like this are pollyanna at best and hypocrisy at worst.

The local government would be responsible for all local issues and receive a set percentage of local taxpayers income, the state would receive a percent of the the state taxpayer incomes, and the federal would receive a percent from every citizen in the country. With no deductions or special deals, just a straight flat tax to fund government and the rest is kept by the hardworking Americans who earned it. Imagine localities having town meetings where local leaders meet and discuss local issues. This principle is called “expect and inspect.” Leaders must expect the best from their people, but unless they inspect the results, they will be let down. This, in a nutshell, is one of the biggest issues in our government today. We have expected too much from our politicians, but centralized everything to Washington and few citizens have the time or understanding to inspect properly.

However, local issues and local town meetings would change this greatly. It’s time to get local leaders active in local issues again. The town meetings were the American way during our formative period. In reality, no person alive is capable of running a country and a budget the size of America. The Federal government ought to be responsible for the defense of our country from internal and external foes and adjudication of disputes between states, corporations, etc. The States can ensure Federal government doesn’t extend beyond its responsibilities and address state issues with localities while the localities handle all the remaining issues at the local level. With each level checking the level above it, which ensures the expecting and inspecting process is in working order, we can hold politicians responsible for the results. Indeed, since this is what each household must do (stay within a budget, pay it bills, and fulfill its duties), why can’t our politicians handle these leadership task? In other words, does anyone else find it peculiar that we have a lower bar for our political leaders than we do our family leaders when, in truth, we ought to hold the political leaders to a higher standard?

With these concepts in hand, I sat down with Oliver DeMille, my good friend and one of the best students of the American Founders in America today. Oliver, in short, is a polymathic genius and we spent a full day in discussion on this proposal and how to communicate it to the world. After comprehending the FLD and the proposal, Oliver improved upon it and started writing a fable that captured the key principles in an entertaining way. I was blown away by the storyline and drama contained in this short (under 150 pages) book and after several revisions we knew LeaderShift was something special. Excitedly, I sent it on to Rick Wolff, the General Editor for Business Plus, and he loved it as well. Rick, one of the best editors in the industry, has turbo-charged this book through the publishing process. In fact, from meeting with Oliver to the release date is less than one year – a practically unheard of feat in publishing profession! Moreover, Business Plus is one of the most respected names (with over 50 bestsellers) in the field, publishing books by Hank Paulson, Jack Welch, Coach K, and many more. Oliver and I are honored to be included in this elite group.

Shortly before his death, historian Thomas Macaulay wrote to a friend in America, “Your republic will be fearfully plundered and laid waste by barbarians in the twentieth century as the Roman Empire was in the fifth, with this difference: that the Huns and Vandals will have been engendered within your own country by your own institutions.” This can and must be halted in 2013 through a LeaderShift! Arnold Toynbee, the great historian, studied every historical civilization. He believed that in the final hours before every civilization’s collapse, that leaders would emerge with proposals, that, if heeded, could halt the decline and bring much needed revitalization. It is my humble opinion that LeaderShift is such a proposal and can turnaround our country if enough people are willing to lead at the local level! America’s turnaround can be a beacon of hope and light for the remnants of liberty remaining within Western Civilization.

On April 16th, LeaderShift will be available on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles and bookstores across North America. I have never been more excited for the start of a new year than I am for 2013. I believe a turning point in the history of freedom is upon us and I plan on playing my part. Will you do the same? Oliver and I will be traveling around North America on a book signing tour on the release of the book so stay tuned for dates and locations near you. Here is an interview discussing the book and acclamations from early reviewers.


Orrin Woodward

Acclaim for LeaderShift
“Woodward and DeMille have outdone themselves. This book might just be the lever that the smartest people in America use to shift America back on course. Spread the word—the revolution is coming.” — Daniel R. Castro, award-winning author of  Critical Choices that Change Lives

“Orrin Woodward and Oliver DeMille offer a third way out. The old ‘left-right’ arguments died with the Cold War. The spending that brought the Soviet Union to its knees is now about to sink the West. This book is a brilliant wake-up call.” — Doug Wead, former adviser to two American presidents, New York Times bestselling author

“This book rises high above partisanship with real suggestions that are deep, thought-provoking, and incredibly original. The Five Laws of Decline introduced in this book will make a significant contribution to the national discourse.” — Chris Brady, New York Times bestselling coauthor of Launching a Leadership Revolution

“This is probably one of the most important and powerful books written for the times we are in—as well as coming times. Orrin and Oliver have woven a story so compelling and so rich that it forces you to turn the next page. The underlying message with the Five Laws is so brilliantly crafted that (and I do not use this word often) this book is genius.” — Doug Firebaugh, co-founder of Home Business Radio Network

“Whether a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or Libertarian, if you are saddened by our country’s declining abundance, real hope has arrived. It happens to be in the form of a story that just might be, to our time, what Thomas Paine’s Common Sense was to his.” — Bob Burg, coauthor of The Go-Giver

“Woodward and DeMille combine their knowledge of history, philosophy, science, systems thinking, economics, and government to explain the challenges facing America from the Five Laws of Decline. This non-political book explains how to fix the government gridlock and end the political ‘smoke and mirrors’ so prominent in our society today.” — Tim Marks, bestselling author of Voyage of a Viking

“How many of us feel an inborn desire and even a sense of calling to lead in the cause to spread freedom and prosperity and yet cannot shake a sense of overwhelm, that perhaps it is too late, or the problem is too big, the solution too impossible.  LeaderShift reveals that it can be done, that it should be done. And it is clear that Orrin and Oliver  are among those who believe it shall be done.” — Jim Hillyer, MP, Canadian House of Commons

Posted in Freedom/Liberty | 121 Comments »

King Pyrrhus & the Rise of the Romans

Posted by Orrin Woodward on December 31, 2012

Here is the beginning of my study of the Roman’s. King Pyrrhus  was the first to learn that the Roman city-state was different than its Greek forerunners. In a similar fashion, the LIFE Business is different than its community building forerunners. Offering a product that every single person in the world needs, regardless of whether they realize it or not, the LIFE Business is quickly becoming the highest quality and best value leadership answer for corporations, churches, communities, and individuals. 2013 is fast approaching, be sure to make this your personal best year. This can start the moment you choose to turn off the TV set, turn on the CD player and press play. Here is the story of King Pyrrhus and the Romans.


Orrin Woodward

King Pyrrhus & the Dream of Empire
King Pyrrhus dreamed of conquering the known world. Indeed he had the ability, as he is considered one of the three greatest military commanders of the ancient world along with Alexander the Great and Hannibal. Consequently, when he received a request from Tarentum (a Greek city in Italy), to help defend the Greek cities from the advancing Romans, he happily complied, believing his moment of destiny had arrived. Cineas, however, Pyrrhus friend and wisdom-filled counselor, who had mentored under the Greek orator Demosthenes, responded stoically, seeking to comprehend the king’s thirst for empire. According to Plutarch, Cineas reflected:

“The Romans, O Pyrrhus, are said to be good fighters, and to be rulers of many warlike nations; if, then, Heaven should permit us to conquer these men, how should we use our victory?” And Pyrrhus said: “Thy question, O Cineas, really needs no answer; the Romans once conquered, there is neither barbarian nor Greek city there which is a match for us, but we shall at once possess all Italy, the great size and richness and importance of which no man should know better than thyself.” After a little pause, then, Cineas said: “And after taking Italy, O King, what are we to do?” And Pyrrhus, not yet perceiving his intention, replied: “Sicily is near, and holds out her hands to us, an island abounding in wealth and men, and very easy to capture, for all is faction there, her cities have no government, and demagogues are rampant now that Agathocles is gone.” “What thou sayest,” replied Cineas, “is probably true; but will our expedition stop with the taking of Sicily?” “Heaven grant us,” said Pyrrhus, “victory and success so far; and we will make these contests but the preliminaries of great enterprises. For who could keep his hands off Libya, or Carthage, when that city got within his reach, a city which Agathocles, slipping stealthily out of Syracuse and crossing the sea with a few ships, narrowly missed taking? And when we have become masters here, no one of the enemies who now treat us with scorn will offer further resistance; there is no need of saying that.” “None whatever,” said Cineas, “for it is plain that with so great a power we shall be able to recover Macedonia and rule Greece securely. But when we have got everything subject to us, what are we going to do?” Then Pyrrhus smiled upon him and said: “We shall be much at ease, and we’ll drink bumpers, my good man, every day, and we’ll gladden one another’s hearts with confidential talks.” And now that Cineas had brought Pyrrhus to this point in the argument, he said: “Then what stands in our way now if we want to drink bumpers and while away the time with one another? Surely this privilege is ours already, and we have at hand, without taking any trouble, those things to which we hope to attain by bloodshed and great toils and perils, after doing much harm to others and suffering much ourselves.”

Plunder over Peace – Bastiat’s Law
The reasoning of Cineas, although accurate, did not convert Pyrrhus to peace. Instead, it merely troubled him by pointing out the great happiness he was sacrificing to pursue objectives that could only result in enduring conflict. Bastiat’s Law, in other words, was so deeply embedded within the would-be conquerer, that renouncing his plans for war and plunder wasn’t feasible, despite believing Cineas had spoken truth. Interestingly, even though war and plunder has produced the same bitter fruit since the beginning of recorded history, few seem to learn from this lesson. As a result, the Five Laws of Decline has tempted each generation of leaders to plunder his neighbors for personal gain, ruining the peace and prosperity of all.

To add insult to Pyrrhus’s perceived injury, Latin Italy, despite the Roman’s suffering defeats in several contested battles and Pyrrhus marching into Latium (40 miles from Rome), refused to abandon Rome’s cause. They remained loyal to the Romans because the Romans had not plundered the allies, but instead had treated them as equals with full rights within Latium. Consequently, the peace offer delivered to the Senate by the Pyrrhus’s confidante Cineas was rejected, mainly through the resolve of the blind Appius Claudius, who reminded the Romans that they had never treated with an enemy on their soil. Inspired, the Romans refused further negotiations and nobly returned the 2,000 Roman prisoners that Pyrrhus had released in anticipation of an amicable settlement. Cineas, in awe at the nobility and bravery of the Romans and its allies, returned to Pyrrhus, declaring that the Roman senate was an assembly of kings. Indeed, the Roman senate’s treatment of defeated cities, forming alliances, not subjects, was a huge competitive advantage of Rome over its various enemies. Historian Tenney Frank explains:

The liberal behavior toward subject states was one of Rome’s first contributions to civilization and marks a great forward step in the history of government. We need not assume that this liberalism was based on sentiment or emotion. It was rather due to wise insight into human nature. The Romans somehow learned that subjects can readily be ruled only by fair treatment. It was the example set by these great legislators that made Rome the first city-state capable of building an enduring empire, and it is a pity that we do not know their names.

Rome, Allies, & Pyrrhic Victories
Because the Romans had not plundered their allies, they remained, for the most part, loyal during the crucial early wars with the Etruscans, Greeks, and Carthaginians. In a word, the Romans just treatment of its allies kept the five laws of decline in check during the formative period of the Roman city-state and allowed them to defeat enemies with greater wealth and resources, but less trust amongst its allies. Evidently, honesty, integrity, and character are essential for building trust, that in the long-run, is the key difference maker. King Pyrrhus, after another hard fought victory over the Romans replied to one of his men when he announced they were victorious over the Romans, “one more such victory would utterly undo him.” Pyrrhus realized his key commanders and soldiers were either wounded or dead and would be difficult, if not impossible, to replace. In contrast, Rome and its allies, because of the trust built within the alliance, had a practically unlimited supply of talented commanders and men to replace their losses. In other words, even in defeat, the Romans were gaining victory. Pyrrhus predicament is what led to the term “Pyrrhic victory,” defined as someone who wins a victory, but the price paid is so great that it negates any sense of achievement or profit. Eventually, King Pyrrhus exited Italy and returned to Epirus, realizing he could not defeat the unified Romans with the constantly bickering and dis-unified Greek cities of Italy.

Posted in All News, Freedom/Liberty | 25 Comments »

Bill Lewis: Thinking Before Speaking

Posted by Orrin Woodward on December 29, 2012

Bill Lewis, my good friend and LIFE Founder, shares his wisdom on thinking and speaking. It’s almost 2013 and this is the time of year that people set New Year’s resolutions. What areas of life do you want to change next year? Bill’s thoughts on thinking before speaking would greatly improve the relationships in your life and business. I know that pausing before speaking is one of the biggest areas I work on everyday. In fact, before blurting out anything, I ask myself – is it worth it? If the outcome for saying the remark is detrimental then why say it? Bill shares many key nuggets in this short video that relate to this. The LIFE Business is your personal wisdom developing machine if you will apply the principles being taught. Remember, principles are proven through performance, so you will know its a good principles by the changes in relationships and results you see. 2013 is going to be a great year for LIFE and I pray it’s a great year for you!


Orrin Woodward

Posted in All News, Leadership/Personal Development | Tagged: | 36 Comments »

Private Achievements Lead to Public Achievements

Posted by Orrin Woodward on December 26, 2012

I received the following email from Vivian, the wife of my good friend Michael Holloway. A year ago, they joined LIFE (thanks to Laurie sharing LIFE materials with Vivian) to improve their marriage, finances, and friendships. This emails confirms the first year was a HUGE success. Interestingly, what makes the LIFE Business so different than conventional network marketing companies is the product is a better you. This can be achieved even if the person doesn’t become a celebrated millionaire. In fact, the whole purpose of LIFE is to help people achieve personal goals, whether these goals revolve around having fun, making money, or making a difference is up to them. Michael and Vivian started the business with Mike recently out of work. However, they didn’t use lack of money as an excuse not to read, listen, and associate. Indeed, with the finance pack, family pack, and Mental Fitness Challenge, they transformed their home life, leading to rewards greater than any dollar figure.

Mike and Vivian are champions because they are leading their families based upon principles today. The LIFE Business didn’t change their lives, but they did by using he principles learned from the business. Mike applied the PDCA process to acquiring his GED and received his high school diploma, ending year of living with regret for not finishing school. Moreover, he changed his leadership methods and joined the coaching staff of the local soccer club. In truth, his leadership and encouragement of his team was nothing short of amazing and made me proud to be one of the LIFE Founders because I could see firsthand the effects it was having on Michael’s life, and through his changes, he changed his family and community. Today, Mike is gainfully employed, reducing his debt monthly, and experiencing the inner joy that leads to peace. When a person changes his life, he subsequently changes the lives of everyone around him. This is why the LIFE Business is changing the world one person at a time! I am so proud of the Holloway family for living the Biblical principles that lead to real growth and change! Here is the heartwarming email from Vivian.


Orrin Woodward

This email has been a long time coming. My husband Michael is an amazing man. I don’t believe I could have said that and meant it a little over a year ago. Last year he recommitted his life to Christ and through prayer we were led to you and LIFE. Today, Michael has his high school diploma, has read countless amounts of books and we couldn’t be more proud of him. Through the material he has learned so much that he now has a real relationship with our daughter. Who would have thought that a man that didn’t like to read would learn patience, understanding, about relationships and so much more through Books and CDs’?

As you know he was coaching Steven’s soccer team. Due what he has learned it turned out to be a wonderful season. It was great watching other coaches yelling and getting upset and my husband would smile and say something like “that would have been me a year ago”. He is continuously confronted with situations that he would have handled in a completely different way. We all saw the changes in the players and the team as a whole through the encouraging emails he would send the players weekly. He was able to use what he had learned to boost the teams’ confidence. Even the parents requested to be copied to the emails. It’s was amazing to see the mutual respect that they developed over time.

Riding in the car with him is no longer stressful because, I know that he is not going to yell at another driver. He now smiles and makes some funny remark. He no longer agrees with us to keep the peace he truly listens to us. Life at home isn’t perfect but through the materials we are able to see where changes need to be made and because of what Michael has learned we make adjustments. Instead of thinking that he knows everything he constantly tells me that he still has growing to do. One change that has really made a big difference in our marriage is that he no longer tries to fix things or find solutions when I tell him about a problem. He just listens and supports me and that means a lot.

FYI, we still have more PDCA on our family meetings but we do not give up. We thank you and Laurie for allowing us the opportunity to help ourselves and others.

Vivian Holloway

Posted in All News, Leadership/Personal Development | 55 Comments »

Dan Hawkins: Shark Fishing

Posted by Orrin Woodward on December 22, 2012

Captain Bill Howard and I took my friend and co-founder of the LIFE Business, Dan Hawkins, on a shark fishing expedition earlier this week. I like to catch and release the big boys after getting them up to the boat to marvel at their power and design. I have caught Reef, Nurse, HammerHead, Tiger, Bull, and even had a Mako Shark on the line; however, this day 0f fishing would be unique. Incidentally, it was unique for Cap Howard as well and he was a fishing guide in the Dry Tortugas for over 15 years, helping to catch 18 foot Tiger Sharks, monster Hammerheads, and beastly Bull Sharks. Rarely, in other words, is something going to surprise him.

Nevertheless, less than two hours into the trip, I set the hook on what seemed a mild bite and handed the top of the line, practically unbreakable pole, to Dan Hawkins. Dan was not able to make up any ground on this shark, so, assuming he wasn’t applying the proper pressure, I started fighting it. After an hour of making no headway, exhausting myself in the process, I realized this Bull Shark was bigger than any other shark I had ever faced. I surrendered the pole to Cap Howard, who for the next 45 minutes battled the beast to a standstill, but no progress. He simply could not move the Bull Shark’s head in the slightest degree in our direction. In fact, he exclaimed in all his years of fishing, that he had never seen a shark of this bulk and power. Indeed, the longest shark ever battled on the Dreambuilder II required less than two hours to bring into the boat (a nearly 500 pound HammerHead), but after three hours and counting, we resembled spitballs hitting a battleship. 🙂

Finally, at the 3 1/2 hour mark, and the fish made another huge run, taking out 200 more yards of line.  I set the pole in the rod holder, hoping to rest a bit as we strategized how to bring in this potential world-record Bull Shark. Curiously, in the Florida Keys this summer, a researcher tagged a 1,000 pound Bull Shark, shattering the previously believed world-record of 700 pounds for a Bull Shark. Evidently Bull Sharks are much bigger than previous research indicated. Without exaggeration, I am convinced we had a Bull Shark of this on the line. Nonetheless, Cap and I had no idea how Dan could get this monster up to the boat to take a picture.  As we contemplated our options, the shark dove down to the bottom, snapping the base of the pole while in “rested” in the rod holder! Literally, the force of this fish bent the pole with such energy that it snapped my lifetime guaranteed Ugly Stick. Now, things were getting desperate.

With no ability to rest, we took turns fighting the increasingly upset shark, ultimately requiring two at a time –  one, fighting the shark’s power and the other reeling in when possible. Meanwhile, to make matter worse, the weather turned uncooperative with the wind and waves picking up, making it difficult to maintain our footing and hold the pole. Knowing we were now in a race against weather, time and wills – the Bull Shark against ours – we tightened the drag to the breaking point. At the four hour mark, we optimistically believed the shark was running out of gas. The attack intensified as we flexed the pole and line to its limits in the hope of breaking the shark’s will. Instead, we  helplessly, watched the shark, who had fought twice as long as any other shark in my fishing history, strung an awe-inspiring run of another 150 yards! Cap, Dan, and I, at that moment, realized we had, in reality, not caught the Bull Shark, but that it had caught us!

Needless to say, we didn’t catch this unbelievable fish, for not long after this run, he frayed the 220 pound monofilament line and convincingly swam away. The shark simply refused to be caught. Thankfully, however, it’s still out there, just outside the Port St. Lucie inlet, waiting for you to be invited fishing. I am calling for reinforcements to help us catch, take a picture, and release this and other sharks. 🙂 Any volunteers? LIFE is great!  I love the Christmas season because we can gather with family and friends and dream together. Merry Christmas everyone and if you dream of helping me catch the big sharks, be sure to start working out now!


Orrin Woodward

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The Athenian Empire & Bastiat’s Law

Posted by Orrin Woodward on December 19, 2012

I love reading history and examining the principles learned from it to the principles I have learned over twenty years of entrepreneurship. The parallels are amazing! In fact, it’s not an exaggeration to say that the LIFE Business was developed by incorporating the proven principles from history. The Five Laws of Decline (FLD) are real and at work within thousands of organization right now. The key is to check them before they rot out the productive capacities of the company or community. In my book RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions for LIFE, I share more detail on the FLD. Anyway, here is a segment on Bastiat’s Law for your reading pleasure. 🙂


Orrin Woodward

Delian League & Bastiat’s Law

Golden Age of Athens

Bastiat’s Law predicts that most people, given an opportunity, will choose the easier path of plunder over the more difficult path of productivity. The allies, jolted by Athenian abuses, were confronted with the new realities of the Delian League when the city of Naxos disputed Athenian control. With Aristides out of the picture, the complaints against Athenian arrogance and mismanagement had increasingly grown among the allies. Naxos, however, was the first to act upon these complaints by withdrawing from the league, terminating its tribute, and removing its ship from the league control in 470 BC. Athens, rather than allowing the independent city to exit peacefully, instead sent Cimon to blockade, siege, and force the submission of the once proud city. Thus, the league’s true colors were exposed, no longer an alliance of equals, but tyranny of Athens over weaker cities to provide revenue for the burgeoning Athenian Empire. Bastiat’s Law predicted that Athens, with unlimited power, would plunder the allies productive resources and Thucydides corroborates it, “This was the first allied State which was reduced to subjection contrary to the league constitution.” Strangely enough, Athens, who had previously sacrificed for Greek freedoms, now, for empire’s sake, sacrificed Greek freedoms for increased power and plunder.

Bastiat’s Law distorted the Athenian leaders thinking. Whereas before they fought to maintain the freedoms of the greater Hellas against the Persian oppressors, given the taste of tributes and unchecked power, they now became the oppressors of Greek freedoms, hypocritically denying to other Greeks what they valued so highly themselves. Author Evelyn Abbot describes the increasing compulsion of Athens over its “allies”:

The Athenians were extreme in their exactions, and caused great irritation by using compulsion upon men who had never been accustomed to endure any hardship. And by this time they were not so popular in the command as they had been. They were not content with their old position as an equal among equals, and they found it easy to reduce those who revolted. For this the allies were themselves to blame. Owing to their aversion to service, which took them from home, the greater part preferred  paying money to providing ships, and thus they not only supplied the Athenians with money to increase their fleet, but when they revolted, they were as deficient in skill as in resources.

Indeed, by providing monetary tributes to Athens, the allies enslaved themselves in two ways. First, Athens enjoyed the extra income to fund ships and men, increasing its power. Second, the allies lost the martial skills necessary to defend themselves. As a result they surrendered control of their fate to Athenian goodwill. The Delian league had transformed into the Athenian empire, held together by force if necessary. Still, Athens justified its power politics when, shortly after the fall of Naxos, the battle of Eurymedon in 466 B.C resulted in Cimon’s forces routing Persia. Eurymedon effectively ended Persian resistance to the Delian league in a decisive victory in which 200 enemy ships were destroyed in a combined sea and land battle.

At any rate, after the battle of Eurymedon, Athens owned the Aegean, like the sea had become an Athenian lake, in which they controlled trade with little external interference. And, even though Athens viewed their success at Naxos and Eurymedon as confirmation of their imperial policies, the allies viewed it  differently. Since Athens now enjoyed unlimited power to plunder allies, it resorted to threats, intimidation, and blockades against resisting “allies” when needed. For example, take the Thasians who rebelled from the league in 465 BC. After a bitter two year siege, Cimon’s ships forced Thasos to surrender. Athens demanded a heavy tribute to compensate for them for the cost of the siege and helpless Thasos submitted to the tyrannous terms. Ironically, the terms of settlement were significantly worse than the Persian had offered to Thasos a generation before. Athens, once the greatest defender of Greek freedoms, was now its greatest oppressor. For, in reality, Athenian freedoms and commerce thrived on the subjection of fellow Greeks. Athens violation of the sovereignty of other Greek city-states earned Athens the contemptible title, “enslaver of Hellas.”  In hindsight, it was this contradiction between liberty and empire that ended Athens Golden Age and ultimately destroyed Greek society.

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