Orrin Woodward on LIFE & Leadership

Inc Magazine Top 20 Leader shares his personal, professional, and financial secrets.

  • Orrin Woodward

    Former Guinness World Record Holder for largest book signing ever, Orrin Woodward is a NY Times bestselling author of And Justice For All along with RESOLVED & coauthor of LeaderShift and Launching a Leadership Revolution. His books have sold over one million copies in the financial, leadership and liberty fields. RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions For LIFE made the Top 100 All-Time Best Leadership Books and the 13 Resolutions are the framework for the top selling Mental Fitness Challenge personal development program.

    Orrin made the Top 20 Inc. Magazine Leadership list & has co-founded two multi-million dollar leadership companies. Currently, he serves as the Chairman of the Board of the LIFE. He has a B.S. degree from GMI-EMI (now Kettering University) in manufacturing systems engineering. He holds four U.S. patents, and won an exclusive National Technical Benchmarking Award.

    This blog is an Alltop selection and ranked in HR's Top 100 Blogs for Management & Leadership.

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LIFE Business: Redefining the Rules

Posted by Orrin Woodward on September 1, 2012

Record-Breaking August

The LIFE business month for August is over. As we gear up for September, let me be the first to congratulate everyone on the best month in LIFE’s short history! Less than a year ago, LIFE launched with a goal to lead people to truth in the 8Fs of living: Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances, Friendship, Freedom, Fun, and Following. It has been an epic journey as we learned the ins and outs of our new business; however, the team is getting locked and loaded for greatness as we speak.

In the month of August, we experienced our largest increase in LIFE Subscriptions and the best growth percentage! Additionally, our Team Training numbers grew to the highest level yet with the best growth percentage! Indeed, our entire business breaks down into Conquer, Fortify, and Domesticate, and in September, we will be rolling out further improvements to the Fortify step. With that said, let’s not forget that the Mental Fitness Challenge continues to pick up speed in corporations, colleges, and universities across North America.  It is exciting to see the amount of customers who are not involved with the LIFE Compensation plan that LOVE our products and recommend them to others.

The LIFE Founders said we wanted to redefine the rules of the game, and that is exactly what we are in the process of doing. Imagine the next generation of Nightingale-Conant personal development, except all the leaders share in the corporate profits through compensated communities. One doesn’t have to imagine this anymore because this is LIFE.

Congratulations everyone on a fantastic performance; I believe it’s just the tip of the iceberg on what is to come! Here is a video from a talk I gave recently on the concept of changing the rules of the game. One million people, here we come!


Orrin Woodward

Posted in All News, Leadership/Personal Development | 29 Comments »

1913 and America’s Lost Freedoms

Posted by Orrin Woodward on August 31, 2012

The year of lost freedoms.

1913, Oliver DeMille’s new book, is a fascinating study of a crucial year and the changes wrought upon our government by the political leaders of that time. Indeed, it can be said that no year is as important for American freedoms as 1913. Oliver DeMille articulates, in a clear, concise, and comprehendible style, the three key changes that occurred in 1913 along with the later Supreme Court decision that solidified the governmental revolution. I believe that Oliver DeMille is one of only a handful of men and women in America today that grasp the Founding Generation’s original intentions and principles. Anyone concerned about the freedoms lost since 1913 ought to read and reread this book and share it with others!

Just as fish need water in order to survive, entrepreneurs need freedom in order to weigh choices, develop plans, and execute strategies. However, when a government destroys the liberty of the people by assuming too much power and control, the entrepreneurs are destroyed and, thus, the engine of all true economic growth. This isn’t a hypothesis or a pet belief of mine or Oliver’s, but a historical reality proven numerous times over the last several millennia. For instance, look what happened to the entrepreneurs in the Roman Empire, the British Empire, the Soviet Empire, and now, sadly, the American Empire. In truth, empires historically have sacrificed the freedoms of the masses for the power of the few.

Have you read 1913 yet? What were your thoughts on Oliver’s new book? What part can you play in educating the West on its lost freedoms? If you haven’t read it, then get over to the LIFE site and pick it up today!


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Freedom/Liberty | Tagged: , | 47 Comments »

Leaders Build Other Leaders

Posted by Orrin Woodward on August 23, 2012

You can tell the size of the leader by the size of the leaders he has around him. Good leaders have good followers, but great leaders have great leaders around them. When the right people are on the bus, as Jim Collins would say, then it’s just a matter of determining which direction the leadership team desires to go. Indeed, what is so great, yet at the same time challenging, in today’s economy is that technology keeps changing the rules of the game. Nonetheless, the best leadership team will adjust the quickest and win in today’s marketplace. Here is a video on leadership that I did at a recent LIFE Open.

Who do you have on your team? Are you developing leaders or followers? May the best team win.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in All News, Leadership/Personal Development | 39 Comments »

Power Player Top Gun

Posted by Orrin Woodward on August 16, 2012

Shortly before the LIFE Summer Leadership Conference, Claude Hamilton and I spoke at the Michigan Mens Leadership that was broadcast around US and Canada. In Claude’s talk, he challenge each of the PC organizations to build more depth and break more Power Players than ever before. The challenge itself was fantastic, but only the way Claude can, he went further and publicly stated that Kaizen organizations would win hands down over the next year. Clearly, Claude Hamilton was not fooling around with his business and had placed all his focus on building depth and breaking Power Players.

Power Sweep to Power Player

Personally, while listening to Claude’s talk, I was getting more and more fired up because I know the level of competitors we have within the LIFE team. In fact, I couldn’t wait to get up to speak after him to ensure that everyone heard his message loud and clear. Claude’s talk reminded me of one of my favorite sayings, “True competition creates cooperation.” Indeed, the best way to make teams cooperate is to give them some honest to goodness competition. Claude’s talk provided this in spades. 🙂

Evidently, the other PC who were not on location were receiving hundreds of text, because all of them reached out to me saying Claude’s claims of depth dominance were greatly exaggerated. 🙂 With this, the spark of our current explosion was born. Chris Brady, Tim Marks, Bill Lewis, George Guzzardo, Dan Hawkins, and, or course, Claude Hamilton, all have as many Power Players in the first two weeks out of this major as they did the entire three month cycle previously. This is FANTASTIC growth and reminds me of our original Power Player explosion that catapulted the Team from 200 people at major to over 12,000!


Our next major, in Columbus, will be the first opportunity to see which specific teams responded to Claude’s challenge. Every organization will be counting Power Players and which teams finish in the Top 5 for the Power Player Top Gun. Most importantly, all eyes will be on the Top 5 to see which team broke the most Power Players and above for this three month cycle! I haven’t had this much fun stirring the pot in a long while. 🙂 All kidding aside, I have never been prouder of the leaders within LIFE who have stepped to the plate and hit homeruns.

Man, with all the excitement around this Power Player Top Gun, I think I am going to add even more fuel to the fire. This is crazy, as I haven’t even talked to Laurie or the rest of the PC about this one, but I am sure they will love it. The winner of the Columbus Power Player Top Gun is invited down to Laurie and my (I’m sure she won’t mind 🙂 Florida property for a 24 hour check-up from the neck up and (weather permitting) a day of yachting, shark fishing etc. There now we have set the stakes properly. 🙂 Perhaps we ought to make that part of the normal reward for winning the Power Player Top Gun? Since, in my opinion, its the biggest award outside of PC, I think I will.

Ok, let’s wrap this post up. What team are you part of? Are you out sharing 15 plans a month so you can contribute to your teams Power Player totals? Why not step up to the plate and give it all you got for the next three months? LIFE has a goal to reach one million people and we can do that through honest win-win competition with the greatest group of leaders in the world. Today is the day! Isn’t it worth your personal best?


Orrin Woodward

Posted in All News, Fun, Life Training | 80 Comments »

LIFE Business Vacations

Posted by Orrin Woodward on August 10, 2012

I LOVE this video. I saw it for the first time at the Milwaukee major and was blown away. The LIFE video department is producing world-class material and the business continues to roll. In fact, sign ups are up nearly six times since the majors! What vacation are you going on when you qualify for one of these trips? The secret of the LIFE Business is to serve people and build depth. It’s time to call the play that never fails – Power Player! Enjoy the video.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in All News | 40 Comments »

Dreams, Drama, & Conflict Resolution

Posted by Orrin Woodward on August 3, 2012

Here is the second part of the interview Art Jonak and I did on Dreams and Drama. In this portion, we dive into resolution of drama for the good of the entire community. Art is a master at delving underneath the surface to reveal the key principles in every leadership area.

Imagine how much bigger community building would be if all leaders focused on both building and bonding their communities. Indeed, the communities would double in no time at all. As a leader, are you majoring on dreams or drama? With this answer, I can accurately predict the size of your community.

The LIFE Business has over tripled its growth rate in the last two weeks through better building methods; however, the key to longterm communities is, and will always be, a leader’s ability to bond his community into a team.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Leadership/Personal Development | 25 Comments »

LIFE Teams Gather Across America

Posted by Orrin Woodward on July 30, 2012

For the last two weekends, teams from across America and Canada gathered in Springfield and Milwaukee for the LIFE Conventions. Guest speakers Mark Macdonald and Oliver DeMille, along with the LIFE Founders poured out the best step by step plan for growth period. With the numbered packs to learn the basics, easier sign-up procedure, and the Power-Player depth focus, the team is rolling. In addition, Chris Brady rolled out his recently released A Month in Italy book!

There were so many teachable and magic moments that it might be difficult to narrow down to a few for the comment section; however, I have to ask the question. If you attended the convention, what were your magic moments and what are the key take-aways for you to move ahead in business and life? I personally have never been prouder of the PC leaders for the continued drive to grow and change for the good of their teams. Today is the day!


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Life Training | 112 Comments »

Stephen Covey’s Legacy

Posted by Orrin Woodward on July 24, 2012

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

The other day, I read of the passing of one of the giants of leadership – Stephen Covey. Although I will miss him, I am thankful he left a legacy behind though his many books and changed lives. He certainly changed my life. I was twenty-six years old when I read Stephen Covey’s classic Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Within minutes, I quickly realized that Covey thought about success and the roots of true achievement at a deeper level than the other books I had read on the subject. Desiring authentic success, I vowed to read and re-read Covey’’s book until the principles were part of who I am. Seven Habits went on to sell millions of copies as the book converted many pragmatist into principle-centered people. Covey’s life counted because he culled and coaxed truth out of the classics and captured them into his life and teachings.

Indeed the goal of the LIFE business is to take these principles and compensate people for sharing them with others. In other words, people are rewarded for blessing others lives. In RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions for LIFE, I roll out the 13 resolutions that Laurie and I focus on living and teaching. In writing the book, I viewed Seven Habits as the benchmark because of how significantly the book changed my paradigm of success. I stopped viewing success as a personal objective and began seeing it as a leadership goal within communities. With so many great leaders in the community, the tasks of sharing, teaching, and mentoring has been made so much easier than if we had chosen to go it alone. I love teamwork; I love winning; and I love celebrating others success. Covey’s life work laid the foundations for a principle-centered life, what can we do to add onto it?


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Leadership/Personal Development | 59 Comments »

Conquer, Fortify, Domesticate

Posted by Orrin Woodward on July 17, 2012

Strategies for Compensated Community Building

World War II Europe

Both Chris Brady and I love studying history. War history, in particular, is a fascinating way to study leadership, strategy, and courage. Since business is basically economic warfare, where the company who best serves the customer wins (at least in a true free enterprise setting), Chris Brady and I developed a warfare analogy to describe the building of communities. First, one must conquer new territories through building depth. Second, one must fortify the territory through education and LIFE skills. Third, and the final step, one must domesticate the new territory by producing volume within the community. These three simple, but not always easy, steps produce long-term growth.

Reflecting over the years of building communities, no analogy does a better job of describing the keys to building communities – Conquer, Fortify, and Domesticate, or put another way: Depth, Numbers, Volume. When a person builds depth, he can build numbers, which ultimately leads to building volume. The majors in both Springfield and Milwaukee will covers these concepts in more detail. It reminds me of a talk I gave many years ago – Depth is not an Option. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Majors.


Orrin Woodward

Posted in Leadership/Personal Development, Life Training | 52 Comments »

Shoot the Light

Posted by Orrin Woodward on July 15, 2012

Recently, I finished several weeks of extensive study of the Gospel of John. What struck me most was the many references to darkness and light scattered throughout the book. Indeed, further research has led me to the conclusion that light and darkness is themed through the entire Bible. Numerous verses direct those who desire mercy to come to the light. In contrast, those who reject the light do so because they desire evil deeds more than mercy.

Take time this Sunday to contemplate your life and work. Every person needs forgiveness; however, only those who come to and live in the light will receive it. I have attached several verses that I pulled together on the subject to write the following poem on light and darkness. It seems that people who love darkness HATE anyone who reflects Christ light. Even so, Christians are commanded to reflect His light anyway and are without excuse for cowardice.

So here is my question for Sunday morning: Are you walking in the light or hiding in the darkness? If in the light, are your reflecting that light into the darkness of the world? Stop hiding in the darkness and shooting at the light; instead, come to the light and receive mercy.


Orrin Woodward

Proverbs 2:13 who leave the straight paths to walk in dark ways,

Jeremiah 9:6 You live in the midst of deception; in their deceit they refuse to acknowledge me,” declares the LORD.

John 1:4 In him was life, and that life was the light of men.

John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

John 7: 7 The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify that what it does is evil.

John 8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

John 9:5 While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

John 12:46 I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.

John 3:19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.

Shoot the Light
by Orrin Woodward

In Him is life eternal,
casting rays of light,
Hell is a raging infernal,
slaying hope with its might.

Day versus night, cosmic wars
Man must choose – love or hate.
One surrenders, light restores,
One resists, darkened his state.

Men in darkness shoot the Light
Christians kneel grace received.
Truth against lies is the fight.
Satan’s minions are deceived.

Shooting light, Christ reflected,
Quenching rays, hiding deeds.
Denying truth; duty neglected
Darkness blinds a sinner’s needs.

Repent from sin and believe.
Jesus Christ grace and love.
God-man on earth is conceived.
Faith in Him is life above.

Posted in Faith | 82 Comments »