Orrin Woodward on LIFE & Leadership

Inc Magazine Top 20 Leader shares his personal, professional, and financial secrets.

  • Orrin Woodward

    Former Guinness World Record Holder for largest book signing ever, Orrin Woodward is a NY Times bestselling author of And Justice For All along with RESOLVED & coauthor of LeaderShift and Launching a Leadership Revolution. His books have sold over one million copies in the financial, leadership and liberty fields. RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions For LIFE made the Top 100 All-Time Best Leadership Books and the 13 Resolutions are the framework for the top selling Mental Fitness Challenge personal development program.

    Orrin made the Top 20 Inc. Magazine Leadership list & has co-founded two multi-million dollar leadership companies. Currently, he serves as the Chairman of the Board of the LIFE. He has a B.S. degree from GMI-EMI (now Kettering University) in manufacturing systems engineering. He holds four U.S. patents, and won an exclusive National Technical Benchmarking Award.

    This blog is an Alltop selection and ranked in HR's Top 100 Blogs for Management & Leadership.

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The LIFE Business – Leadership Is For Everyone

Posted by Orrin Woodward on November 1, 2011

Resolved pictureMichael Dell Changed My LIFE
In the winter of 2000, I had the privilege of hearing Michael Dell speak live at the Detroit Economic Club. This short meeting changed my life forever. In fact, it was probably the most significant business meeting that I ever attended.

From Networking to Community Building
Why? Because it help me clearly define the business that I was in, and the business that I wasn’t in. Before that day, I believed the goal was to move products and be paid to do so. After that day, I realized the goal was to build communities, enhancing people lives for the long-term and drive traffic to sites that rewarded the community.

People Move Products
This subtle, but significant difference changed everything. The TEAM went from just over 200 people showing up at events to over 1200 in a year, eventually surpassing 10,000 at event in less than five years. People move products; products do not move people!

Content, Commerce and Community
Michael Dell shared the Content, Commerce, and Community circles, describing the importance of building communities in the new internet age. The decision made by Chris Brady and I leaving that meeting was to master community building as it was the key to the new economy. Nothing that has happened since has changed our minds. Moreover, much that has happened has confirmed these beliefs.

LIFE Business Launch
Today is the day the LIFE Business is launched, providing life training materials in the 8F’s – Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances, Fun, Freedom, Friends, Following. The LIFE TEAM builds communities and drives traffic to the materials that enhance people’s lives in the 8F’s. My new book RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions For LIFE is released today as well. The new book which entailed 25 years of research, 18 years of application, and three years of writing to produce the 13 Resolutions that makes a person’s life count.

The 8F’s
Which of the 8F’s are out of balance in your life? Which areas would you like to improve in? Perhaps its time you took the LIFE challenge by listening to the life changing materials produced by LIFE.

Take the LIFE Challenge
What I love about this business model is that anyone who is hungry to change gets excited as they listen to the CDs and read the books themselves. Everyone has a right to an opinion, but the reason the LIFE TEAM is growing so fast is because the LIFE products work. Period, end of story.

LIFE Changing Testimonials
In the next few months, thousands of testimonies of the life changing quality of the products will be shared online. There is a good chance that someone in LIFE was going through similar circumstances that you are and made changes through the LIFE materials.

LIFE Customers
I have received hundreds of request from leaders around the globe to be customers of the LIFE products. Some will join the LIFE community as members, but many will join the LIFE community as customers to enjoy the leadership and life teachings.

Change on the Outside Requires Change on the Inside
Have you listened, read, or attended a LIFE meeting yet? Like the old saying states, if you want somethings to change in your life, then you are going to have to change some things. Michael Dell changed everything with the right information at the right time. LIFE can help you make the same changes. Are you ready to seize your future?

Sincerely, Orrin Woodward

Posted in Leadership/Personal Development | 15 Comments »

MasterMind #7 – Leadership Session

Posted by Orrin Woodward on October 30, 2011

MasterMind #7 - Leadership Session pictureMasterMind #7 is wrapping up and I am back home in Florida reminiscing about the great talks and great times had. The event was SOLD OUT and on FIRE! Networking is going mainstream as people realize the power of tribes to improve their lives. What tribes do you belong to?

Art Jonak hosted the best MasterMind event to date, having the best speakers sharing their best material on the topics chosen. No where in the profession is there a better group of students and leaders gathered together to take the profession to the next level.

Randy Gage, Jordan Adler, Donna Johnson, Orjan and Hilde Saele, Chris Brady, Richard Brooke, Tom “Big Al” Schreiter, and many more were on hand to share their wisdom!  These people are legends in Network Marketing, and I am blessed to call them my friends. If you attended the event, what nuggets and magic moments did you take away from the event? Sincerely, Orrin Woodward

Posted in Leadership/Personal Development | 7 Comments »

Convertible Dodge Challenger

Posted by Orrin Woodward on October 25, 2011

Convertible pictureLaurie and the children pulled the best surprise gift of my life the other day. In the midst of preparing for the LIFE Business major, Laurie and I went out to eat to prepare our talks. After dinner, instead of the Mercedes Convertible, I walked out to see this bad boy in our parking spot. Being a little slow on the uptake, I stared incredulously at this amazing machine wondering who the lucky owner was. 🙂

In fact, I said to Laurie stoically, “There it is. The exact car I want. It’s even a convertible!” It wasn’t until I saw Captain Bill Howard filming the proceedings and my four kids popped out behind the bushes, and I was handed the keys that I realized the car was a gift from my wife. Laurie added a special chip and many other custom features making this SRT8 have over 520 horsepower!

This was the culmination of three years of dreambuilding on this car, waiting for Dodge to come out with a convertible version. When I heard that they had canceled the plans for a convertible model, I had put this dream on hold. However, Laurie had different plans and while I was in Australia with my son Jordan, she worked out the details to have a one of a kind version built.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ1okYMGP6o]

I am a blessed man, not because of the material gift, but because of the love and thoughtfulness of the givers. My advice to everyone is to go serve as many people as you can for as long as you can for LIFE. There is not better feeling than giving of yourself unconditionally to lift up others. Thank you Laurie Woodward for being the best wife a man could ask for. Thank you to my four wonderful children for your constant love and encouragement and hank you to all of my business partners who knew about the secret and yet somehow kept it a secret for nearly 60 days! You all are the best. Sincerely, Orrin Woodward

Posted in Fun, Orrin Woodward | Tagged: , | 23 Comments »

LIFE Leadership Major

Posted by Orrin Woodward on October 24, 2011

LIFE TEAM Leadership Major pictureThe LIFE Leadership Conference wrapped up on Sunday. With over 18 new RT’s, Triples, and Quads, along with a new PC – Chris and Danae Mattis, LIFE Leadership has experienced its best three months in its history.

Not too mention Tim and Amy Marks and Chris and Terri Brady going Quad PC. Wow! Our special guest – Dallin Larsen, Oliver DeMille, and Pastor Stephen Davy knocked it out of the park as well. Has LIFE Leadership ever had a better major? DeMille’s talk on freedom received numerous standing ovations and Davy’s gospel message should be spread to the entire world. I never knew fleas could have such relevance to the gospel before.

People are ready for change and LIFE Leadership is leading with life changing information in the 8F’s.  Stay tuned for thousand of testimonials on how the LIFE Leadership products have made a difference in their lives. Anyone can have an opinion, but those who have learned, applied, and grew from the LIFE Leadership materials have facts. LIFE Leadership is going to change the world one person at a time.

Are you ready to make some changes in your life? Which of the 8F’s would you like to improve? See for yourself the LIFE Leadership difference! Sincerely, Orrin Woodward

Posted in Leadership/Personal Development, LIFE Leadership | 8 Comments »

LIFE Products – Making a Difference

Posted by Orrin Woodward on October 18, 2011

Here is a wonderful article from Remodeling magazine on one of the top growing companies in the home improvement business. Quillen Bros Windows has improved sales 16% annually for the last two years. What do they credit for their amazing success is this down economy? Personal improvement CD’s and Books. Specifically, Launching a Leadership Revolution and LIFE products. The LIFE business is going to change peoples and companies lives! Congratulation to the Quillen family for their impressive results. Sincerely, Orrin Woodward

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The Fox & Sour Grapes

Posted by Orrin Woodward on October 10, 2011

Many years ago Solomon stated in Ecclesiastes, “There is nothing new under the sun.” This statement is as true today as the day he wrote it. Yes, we have new technological inventions, but human nature hasn’t changed in the least; therefore, the underlying principles haven’t changed either. Aesop Fables is a collection of short animal stories that teach these timeless truths about people. Here is one of my favorites:

ONE hot summer’s day a Fox was strolling through an orchard till he came to a bunch of Grapes just ripening on a vine which had been trained over a lofty branch. “Just the things to quench my thirst,” quoth he. Drawing back a few paces, he took a run and a jump, and just missed the bunch. Turning round again with a One, Two, Three, he jumped up, but with no greater success. Again and again he tried after the tempting morsel, but at last had to give it up, and walked away with his nose in the air, saying: “I am sure they are sour.”


In the business building arena, the moral is changed slightly to read:

“It’s easy to despise the business that you cannot build.”

When leaders are exposed to their own weaknesses, shortcomings, and incompetencies, they will quickly confront reality and change. However, when non-leaders are exposed to the similar circumstances, they will run to rationalizations, suffering from “sour grapes” syndrome. Since Sturgeon’s Law applies to business, sports, and the arts, why should anyone be shocked the 90% of the people in business are in need of further change in order to produce results? They can achieve victory, but only if they are willing to grow personally. This revelation leaves people with only two choices: change or blame. It’s a sad indictment on our culture today that so many choose to blame rather than to change.

YOU make your own bed in life, but you must also sleep in it. I am proud of the ten-plus new RT’s that we will be recognized in Columbus; they have chosen the leadership path of changing and growing. I love free enterprise because if a person has a better plan and executes it properly then his results cannot be hidden for long. On the other hand, if he is just talking “sour grapes,” his poison ultimately boomerangs upon himself, destroying the love, grace, and thankfulness needed to bounce back. So no matter what else you do, be careful of your thoughts. For your thoughts today eventually become your life tomorrow. Forgive others quickly and sincerely and move on for everyone’s sake. This is the only way to overcome bitterness and resentment – drinking poison so that others may die.

I have failed at many things, but I refuse to blame others for them. In fact, in my opinion, it’s only when you blame others for your life’s defeats that you descend from suffering a loss into becoming a loser. Regardless of what must be confronted, no short-term pain-avoiding blame-game maneuvering is worth that price. YOU deserve to win and the price for victory is accepting responsibility. Sincerely, Orrin Woodward

Posted in LIFE Leadership | 5 Comments »

TEAM History & LIFE Future

Posted by Orrin Woodward on October 8, 2011

Today, I would like to share a little of the TEAM’s history as background for our future in LIFE. The TEAM, a leadership community, formed in early 1999 as a group committed to building teams offline and driving traffic online for volume discounts. At a time when the rest of our partnered company’s North American English speaking businesses was dropping backwards at close to 50%, the TEAM grew from 200 people attending events to over 10,000 in just over five years. How did this happen? Through leadership development, systematic thinking, and plenty of hard work of the TEAM leaders.

However, all was not well within the business partnership. By 2004, it became clear that the business model was (in my opinion) destined to mediocrity thanks to the higher priced products and low compensation rewards for the effort extended. Even so, being a leader and not a habitual quitter, I joined the distributor board hoping to drive change from within the company through sharing my ideas to improve. With a three year term on the board, I felt confident that this would be accomplished for the benefit of all parties. I believe in win-win and know that when distributors win, the company will win.

In the fall of 2007, after numerous attempts at change with little to no results, the TEAM associated board leaders felt it fruitless to continue in what they perceived was a broken business model. Sadly, the company had written new rules into their contract that forbid people the right to freely leave the company if not satisfied. In other words, you were free to build a business, but not free to leave it with your personal friends for two years! Regretfully for all parties, the final meeting did not resolve the issues, resulting in multiple legal disputes in an effort to prove their respective positions.

Even after several years of legal harangues, both sides remained immovable on their principles and positions. The TEAM refusing to believe people could be called business owners without the freedom to choose what company to work with and the company refusing to surrender their contractual concerns even after the TEAM leaders fulfilled their six months of inactivity. With tens of millions of dollars and nearly three years wastefully spent on both sides, ultimately a confidential settlement was reached ending the madness for all involved. The financial pain hurt everyone, but especially the TEAM leaders who had just reached financial independence. Their sacrifice was above and beyond the normal call of duty, with many leaders losing 2/3 of their monthly incomes, some even more.  Only people who truly believed in the mission of TEAM would subject themselves to this level of stress and sacrifice.

In the meantime, after sitting out the required (and disputed) non-compete period, the leaders of TEAM joined MonaVie. Thanks to the encouragement and support of Dallin Larsen, we had found a home to restore our communities. The PC leaders never gave up the dream to build our own business, but were thankful and grateful beyond words for the help and business acumen offered by the 2010 Ernst & Young entrepreneur of the year – Dallin Larsen. The TEAM quickly became one of the top organizations within MonaVie breaking multiple Black Diamonds and above within the first year. I personally reached Presidential Black Diamond and have re-qualified at that level every year since.  In fact, today, the TEAM leaders, those who stayed the course, are making more money and reaching more people than at anytime previous time in our decade plus history. Like I have said repeatedly, those who stay will be champions.

Through brainstorming with Dallin Larsen and Henry Marsh, wanting to find a way to build our destined business and still have a win-win business relationship, LIFE was conceptualized and founded. This allows TEAM to reach its million people while still rewarding MonaVie for their support during the trying times. The  8F’s – Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances, Friends, Freedom, Fun, and Following allow the TEAM community to reach people with truth in the eight areas and provide exclusive world-class MonaVie products when truth is needed in the Fitness category.  Like I have said many times: I love win-win.

The launch of life on November 1st, 2011 is fast approaching. I have no bitterness or resentment towards the people or events in the past. I wish everyone well regardless of whether they stayed with TEAM or not. I don’t claim to understand God’s plans for others’ lives, but I am responsible for my choices and actions before God.  I personally am thankful for the invaluable lessons I was taught about missionaries (purpose-driven living) and mercenaries (profit-driven living). I believe that without this insight, the TEAM would not be in a position to reach 1 million people. Following the principles of servant-based leadership, Chris Brady, Tim Marks, and myself (along with many other TEAM leaders) do not regret the tens of millions of dollars personally spent to keep the vision of TEAM alive. Rather, we look at it as an investment in the future that we resolved to build together, dedicating our futures, finances, and sacred honor in order to fulfill the vision.

To use an analogy, the TEAM has ran a marathon since 2007, toiling in the dark with little to encourage us to finish the race. However, against all odds and expectations, the TEAM leaders continued to place one foot in front of the other. It wasn’t even the dream that kept us going in the darkest of nights as much as the un-communicated belief that this was our destiny. Focusing on that still small voice inside of us, and thanks to God’s grace, we somehow eventually saw light at the end of the long dark tunnel.

Just as in the modern day Olympics, where marathoners run 25 plus miles outside of the stadium, but finish the last mile within it; the team ran its 25 miles in darkness to reach the stadium. No matter how thankless the first 25 miles were, running without much fan support or any financial reward, we reached the stadium and are beginning the four laps under the big lights and the crowd’s applause.

The TEAM, in other words, endured its 25 miles of pain for the opportunity to run its four victory laps inside the stadium. For those who suffered the pain over the last several years, I salute you. For those joining LIFE for its four victory laps, I welcome you.  All that I humbly ask of the new members is for you to thank the leaders who persistently put one foot in front of the other on the faith in things unseen. For without them, the TEAM would not have reached our date with destiny. LIFE TEAM launches on November 1, 2011, what part did you play in the TEAM’s history? Better yet, what part will you plan in LIFE’s future? Sincerely, Orrin Woodward

Posted in LIFE Leadership | 13 Comments »

Columbus LIFE TEAM Major

Posted by Orrin Woodward on October 1, 2011

Team Leadership and LIFE

The LIFE TEAM just had its best single-day performance ever.

Can you belive it? Our best, single-day performance ever with just under 400 people last night signing up for leadership training.

Calculating this rate of growth over one month and it equates to nearly 12,000 people joining per month!  Never has the TEAM experienced this type of growth and there will be over a dozen new Round Tables recognized at our major! Several of the RT’s are closing in on Policy Council and this growth is occurring before our official November launch date.

Like I have said all along, those who stay (and do the work) will be champions.

I thank God for the trials and tribulations from 2007 through 2010. If it weren’t for the struggles in these years, the TEAM would have never separated out the missionaries from the mercenaries.

Those who wanted to be part of the community only for money must have confused their personal convenience with the mission of reaching 1 million people with 8F’s truth.

Missionaries handle struggles and comeback stronger, while mercenaries become disgruntle at any sign of struggle. LIFE TEAM is gathering a group of missionaries to do something that others have publicly and privately stated to me is impossible – reach 1 million people with life leadership.

The major in Columbus (October 21-23) includes talks from Ernst & Young entrepreneur of the year and MonaVie co-founder Dallin Larsen. He will be sharing on leadership and healthy living. Dallin is a close personal friend and one of the key men responsible for making LIFE possible.

Dallin’s rags to riches success story has been highlighted in Inc. magazine along with others. Anytime I spend time with Dallin, I am motivated to achieve bigger and better things because he sees opportunity not scarcity in every situation. The major is our chance to thank Dallin and his company for providing world-class products in our Fitness category.

Another guests speaker for the Columbus major is Oliver DeMille. Oliver is one of the most prolific readers and authors that I know. His depth of knowledge on a wide range of subjects is an inspiration to me. I am excited to be able to share his wisdom with the fastest growing North American networking community! I spent a wonderful day with him recently and the day flew by as we discussed freedom, America, and government.

Here is a portion of his biography:

As an undergraduate student at Brigham Young University, DeMille undertook additional outside studies in search of greater rigor and depth to his education. He was personally mentored by and worked independently with W. Cleon Skousen and submitted this work to Coral Ridge Baptist University (CRBU), which awarded him a B.A. (Biblical Studies) and M.A. (Christian Political Science) in 1992, and then a Ph. D in 1994.

CRBU was a Bible college with a philosophy of close mentorship and intense studies, and the objective to train its graduates for service in military chaplaincy, education and ministry. DeMille’s doctoral project entailed helping found and establish the curriculum and instructional design of George Wythe College. In 1994, DeMille returned to BYU and completed his B.A. in International Relations.

DeMille is co-founder of The Center for Social Leadership, an action organization “dedicated to healing society, preserving freedom, and ensuring peace and prosperity for humanity,” with its motto, “Empowering Ordinary Citizens to Make an Extraordinary Difference.”

His recent writings in the genre of political commentary reflect a self-described independent political view, with frequent advocacy of entrepreneurship and education as solutions to various economic and societal ills. His non-political writings have recurring themes of leadership, family, education, freedom and prosperity.

Last, but not least, we have one of the top 10 pastors in America coming in as our surprise special guest for Sunday morning. The LIFE TEAM is bringing in the best of the best pastors for the best of the best community builders.

I have listened to numerous sermons from this gentleman and I believe he is not only one of the best pastors in America, but also one of the best communicators as well. His ability to describe Biblical doctrine through analogies and stories is second to none. The PC leadership is honored to have him share the LIFE stage. We will announce our special guest at the major.

The Fitness, Freedom, and Faith talks are covered for sure, but there’s still more. The recognition for RT, Triple 100, and Quad 100 coming into this major is going to blow people’s minds. Not to mention our fabulous PC LIFE TEAM Founders.

Never have so many leaders stepped up and led like they are today. Congratulations to the leaders on the LIFE TEAM, who overcame many personal struggles on their way to their LIFE victory. I will see everyone at the major. It promises to be LIFE changing.

Sincerely, Orrin Woodward

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Posted by Orrin Woodward on September 21, 2011

The LIFE TEAM just capped it best week in its history of community building.  We have had massive growth over the years to reach tens of thousands, but this week was number one in total numbers growth!  So many people are taking the leadership challenge themselves, listening and applying the principles being taught on our LIFE CD’s and changing their lives. LIFE teaches virtuous wisdom – applying the right principle at the right time in the right area for the right reason. What makes the LIFE opportunity so exciting to so many is the five points discussed below. This is the first time that a leadership company is focused on bringing the best in leadership at a price that is affordable to everyone. Currently, the LIFE TEAM is working on a site for customers and members to share testimonies of how the LIFE materials helped them improve in the 8F’s – Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances, Friends, Freedom, Fun, and Following. Don’t just exist in life, instead, thrive in LIFE. Here are the Five principles from an earlier post. Sincerely, Orrin Woodward

First, Chris Brady and I wrote the Wall Street Journal and New York Times best seller Launching a Leadership Revolution. The book is used extensively by top corporate leaders. (I would gladly list their names and companies, however to protect them from being internet flamed, I won’t) I receive emails monthly from leaders who are teaching the book’s materials into corporate America. We realized that our leadership materials were world-class, not surprising, since we had to to build communities, despite the anchor of high-priced products. Since this book, both Chris and I have received numerous awards for our leadership blogs, twitter accounts, and online presence, recently commended as two of the Top 30 leadership gurus in the world. Indeed, LIFE is the only company with two Top 30 Leadership Gurus. For the first time in our Networking careers, we had products already in demand in the marketplace, since our leadership materials were selling briskly to customers already.

Second, by thoroughly reviewing the leadership field, we identified the pricing strategies of every major leadership supplier. Leadership CD’s ranged from a low of $12 to over $50 per CD on the high end. Because the TEAM is building and serving communities everyday, we are constantly learning and growing in the field of leadership, ensuring our information never becomes dated or out of touch. Simply stated, LIFE will be the lowest cost provider of the highest quality leadership material in the marketplace, period. No ifs, ands, or buts, about it. New members of LIFE can get started own their own business for under $150 which includes the first leadership materials. Through purchasing as little as $50 per month for personal development, he is fully qualified for bonuses. Instead of the $200, $300, sometimes as high as $600 a month in purchases, we are bringing Network Marketing to the people, at a price that they can afford. On top of this, if a member or even a customer, refers three other people as customers, his personal leadership subscription will be FREE! After LIFE launches, Network Marketing will be affordable for everyone. Where in the history of networking has a company launched with the proven top quality products, from recognized leaders in the field, all at the lowest price? Has this ever happened before? It will on November 1, 2011.

Third, by taking the best quality, lowest price, and adding the most lucrative compensation plan in the history of network marketing, one can quickly see why LIFE will be world-changing. With the benchmark compensation plans currently running around 50% of revenues, what would happen if a company, which was less concerned about it’s bottom line, and more concerned about helping people get financially free, were to release a marketing plan that started at 70% of every revenue dollar paid back to field leaders in bonuses. How is this possible? Simply put, each of the owners of LIFE has committed to make his money through leading communities, not by riding on his ownership shares. This is revolutionary because it brings field leadership to networking ownership with the goal to change people lives, not become billionaires. We studied leadership, because we experienced first hand the effects that leadership delivers into a person’s life, we intend to pay this blessing forward. In fact, a 70% payout is over twice as much money flowing to the community leaders as many of the top compensation plans in networking today. Don’t forget this is on top of MonaVie’s top notch compensation plan. As the LIFE business grows, I intend to go even higher. Can you imagine, receiving an un-promised and unexpected LIFE profit-sharing check for tens of thousand of dollars, all because LIFE is thriving financially? I can, and intend to make this vision a reality.

Fourth, the TEAM, with nearly 15,000 plus people attending seminars monthly, either live or through streaming video, is expanding its reach and scope monthly. LIFE Founders and leaders of the caliber of Chris Brady, Tim Marks, Claude Hamilton, George Guzzardo, Bill Lewis, and Dan Hawkins, each personally lead communities of thousands of people. If someone desires to learn leadership, I do not believe there is a better community to learn from anywhere in North America. Since 1999, we have been perfecting our craft, building numbers and building leaders. Because the Team is a performance-based culture, 100% of the profits remaining after expenses are flowed back to the field leaders who qualify as directors. Unlike most training companies, where a few keep all profits, we designed a fair system to reward the leadership team that builds the TEAM. No special deals period, everything is based upon numerical performance. What other training company can say that? Indeed, to my knowledge, TEAM is the only zero profit training company in the marketplace. Anyone who builds a community through serving others can become a Director, helping to train new leaders and be rewarded for doing so. In addition, thanks to the lucrative compensation plan associated with LIFE, the majority of a person’s income will come from the MLM, not the training system. The bigger the community the bigger the leader must be. Building large numbers requires grace, to love people where they are at, long enough for them to want to get better. However, no community is perfect. When issues arise, we have a culture that teaches conflict resolution, gaining “teachable moments,” from every issue, making each leader grow and improve. This is a TEAM difference.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone in Network Marketing. I have met some of my best friends in network marketing, as they are some of the hardest working, best attitude people on the planet.  In the West’s current leadership crisis, who knows but that some of the top networking leaders will stand up and do something about this mess. Many Americans and Canadians citizens are are wary of more Big Governments solutions to the problems facing us. Maybe it’s time for communities to grow large enough to solve these issues through social power, not State power. LIFE is a plan for citizens to join together, improving ourselves so we can improve our communities, ultimately improving the world. By combining world-class credibility, compensation, and community together, all at the lowest cost/price, we have designed the 4C’s for your success. If a person chooses to believe rumor, hearsay, and popular opinion, then all I can say is good luck and God bless you. But if a person is truly looking for an opportunity, an opportunity that the LIFE leaders invested millions to gain the freedom to offer, then your journey has ended. Welcome to the LIFE TEAM, and your destiny. It’s time to move on to 1 million people, what part will you play?

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8F’S – Friendship

Posted by Orrin Woodward on September 19, 2011

Here is a portion of the Friendship Resolution from the soon to be released book RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions For LIFE. Sincerely, Orrin Woodward

A trusted friend is loyal to his friends, in front of them, but more importantly, when they are not present. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Loyalty to a friendship doesn’t mean taking the friend’s side on any issue – right or wrong, but it does mean he is a friend right or wrong. Friends must defend the other’s character, honor and reputation as far as truth allows, while helping to resolve any issue privately and promptly. Lincoln said, “A friend is one who has the same enemies as you have,” which is true as long as truth is on the side of one’s friend. The key principle to follow is, “Loyalty to the Absent,” protecting the character of those not present to protect themselves. For example, if a person isn’t willing to say something with the person in the room, then why is he saying it when the person isn’t in the room? Sadly, when this principle is abused, a person quickly gains the reputation as a gossiping tale-bearer, who can no longer be respected or trusted as a person’s true friend.  But what if two friends fall into conflict, placing their mutual friends in the middle of unresolved conflict?  In this situation, a true friend would bring them together in a spirit of reconciliation. Both parties must follow the conflict resolution principles (to be covered in Conflict Resolution), but if either side refuses to follow the guidelines, then he has violated the trust of all parties involved. What good is it to have principles, if they are not followed when needed?  Self-deception can blind a friend, as Maxwell writes, “If you are not honest with yourself, you will not be capable of honesty with others. Self-deception is the enemy of relationships. It also undermines personal growth. If a person does not admit his shortcomings, he cannot improve.” At this point, a friend must be addressed privately and promptly, hoping to point out his blind spot error, praying that he returns to the principles espoused by virtue and expected by all true friends. Friends are loyal to one another, only abandoning a friendship when the friend refuses, after numerous attempts to return to the principles of virtue and honor. Simply put, loyalty to a friend only ends where untruth begins. Even in this sad situation, former friends should maintain confidences where possible, holding onto the hope that in the future, restoration is possible when principles of virtue are restored to the lost individual.  Loyalty, fidelity and honor are seldom used in today’s society, but life-long friendships are founded upon them. Next to truth itself, loyalty is the most valued principle for friendship, forming the glue that holds friendships together during the storms of life.

True friendship is a lost art in today’s “Me” generation, but that only increases the value of a friend when he is found. The best way to find friends of this caliber is to be one, which is why friendship is one of the 13 resolutions. If someone dies having had several friends of this quality, then he is a blessed man.  Make a commitment to give more to each relationship than one receives. Although simple in theory, this is much tougher to do in practice, especially with true friends. Friendship brings so much joy and fun into life, that it should be cultivated as a fine art.  Conversely, damaged relationships bring so much pain into life, that conflict should be resolved promptly. Resolve the issues, not dissolve the friendship, if at all possible. The real wealth in life isn’t in a person’s net worth, but in his relationships with God, family, and friends.  No amount of money can mend damaged relationship or purchase the joy and happiness experienced within a true friendship. Regardless of the fickleness and fecklessness witnessed in the world, resolve today to give others the fidelity and faithfulness of a true friend.

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