Orrin Woodward on LIFE & Leadership

Inc Magazine Top 20 Leader shares his personal, professional, and financial secrets.

  • Orrin Woodward

    Former Guinness World Record Holder for largest book signing ever, Orrin Woodward is a NY Times bestselling author of And Justice For All along with RESOLVED & coauthor of LeaderShift and Launching a Leadership Revolution. His books have sold over one million copies in the financial, leadership and liberty fields. RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions For LIFE made the Top 100 All-Time Best Leadership Books and the 13 Resolutions are the framework for the top selling Mental Fitness Challenge personal development program.

    Orrin made the Top 20 Inc. Magazine Leadership list & has co-founded two multi-million dollar leadership companies. Currently, he serves as the Chairman of the Board of the LIFE. He has a B.S. degree from GMI-EMI (now Kettering University) in manufacturing systems engineering. He holds four U.S. patents, and won an exclusive National Technical Benchmarking Award.

    This blog is an Alltop selection and ranked in HR's Top 100 Blogs for Management & Leadership.

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Henry Hazlitt – Economics in One Lesson

Posted by Orrin Woodward on January 19, 2009

Here is one of the classic economic books of all-time.  Henry Hazlitt was a journalist with a keen mind for economic issues.  I recommend Economic in One Lesson to all readers as an introduction to everyday economics.  Here is a long video with interviews from the top Austrian school economists reviewing each chapter of Hazlitt’s book.  You can watch this video in 15 minutes snippets and it would be well worth your time.  Turn off the TV and tune in to real learning from the top economic minds.  God Bless, Orrin Woodward


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Ravi Zacharias – Can Man Live Without God ?

Posted by Orrin Woodward on January 18, 2009

Dr. Ravi Zacharias is one of the best theologians/philosophers in the world today.  His writings have encouraged my heart and stretched my mind many times over the years.  I want to share with you, on this Sunday morning, one of Dr. Zacharias’s most discussed lectures.  The video is over an hour, but I can’t think of a better hour of your time on this Lord’s day.  People will take time to watch hours of sports, movies, or other entertainment today, but will say they do not have time to learn about God.  Each of us is accountable personally for their lives, whether we admit it or not. This lecture will start you thinking on the meaninglessness of the postmodern condition and the meaning that Christ brings to a person’s life in the present & in the eternal.   Thank you Dr. Zacharias for making your life count and sharing truth to inspire others!  God Bless, Orrin Woodward 

I would encourage you to get a pen and notepad to take notes on this video.


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Accept, Approve, Appreciate, Validate & Smile

Posted by Orrin Woodward on January 16, 2009

I watched the most incredible 15 minute video of my entire life.  The lessons in this short 15 minutes cover a range from joy to depression, victories to setbacks, naive positivity to chosen positivity, self to others, individual to team, living small to living large, hopeless to hopeful, taking to giving, paycheck to significance, and many more. 


The longer I live, the more I realize the essential hunger inside of everyone to be accepted, approved and appreciated.  If we, as human beings, could all learn to focus on others before focusing on ourselves, we would overcome so many of the problems that plague our society today.  If we desire acceptance in life, then we must give acceptance.  If we desire approval in life, then we must give approval.  If we desire appreciation in life, then we must give appreciation.  If we desire validation in life then we must give validation and if we desire smiles then give others your smile. 


I know people can accuse me, an engineer, of losing my rationality and falling into sentimentality, but I know what I speak is true.  A sincerely thought out and spoken or written comment can fuel a person for a week.  I know many high achievers and it is as true for them as it is for a young child.  Recognition: grown men die for it and babies cry for it.  Do not hoard this precious gift.  Do not feel that complimenting and praising others takes from you.  Appreciation is one of the few gifts that the more you give it away, the more it returns to you.  You will gather more bees with honey than vinegar.  There is a shortage of honey and stockpiles of vinegar in life.  This short film has inspired me to share my thanks with you.


I want to thank all of my friends and family for the many kind words and encouraging statements.  I will never be able to share how much they have meant to me over the last year.  The world tends to beat the joy out of you, but you still have the choice of whether to surrender your joy.  If you lost your joy in 2008, then choose now to reclaim it by giving away joy to others.  Start a virtuous cycle of sincere praise and appreciation and let’s change the world one life at a time!  Can you imagine if every person at every open encourage the other people at our opens like Hugh Newman?  The Team would be well past one million people in no time at all!  God Bless, Orrin Woodward


Assignment: Please share the names of people who have brought joy to your life through their encouraging words of appreciation and validation.


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Nick Vujicic – Life Without Limbs or Life Without Limits?

Posted by Orrin Woodward on January 15, 2009

Nick Vujicic and his attitude is another example of the celebration of life over limitations.  If we could all learn that God puts us in situations to build our character not destroy us.  If we could learn that tensions in our life are there to strengthen our convictions not bowl us over.  Nick shares that if he fails, he tries again and again.  If you fail, are you going to try again?  The human spirit can handle much more than we realize.  When we know why we are doing what we do, rejection is just fodder for future growth.  Do you know why you do what you do?  Nick does and that is why his life is such an inspiration to others.  Nick is thankful for what he has and not bitter for what he doesn’t have.  I have never met a bitter person who was thankful and I have never met a thankful person who was bitter.  In life you have a choice – Bitter or Better?  As for me and my family, we choose bettter – just like Nick Vujicic!  God Bless, Orrin Woodward


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Partial Birth Abortions – The Crime Against Conscience?

Posted by Orrin Woodward on January 14, 2009

The following discussions is designed to get people to think and examine their beliefs and values.  We may disagree, but we can disagree respectfully as human beings with different thoughts on the issues.  I feel our society loses when we lose the ability to dialogue and reason.  Today’s post is an issue that is heated on both sides.  We need cooler heads to discuss and not name call either side of the issue.

Our post modern culture is good at casting aspersions on our forefathers for their hypocrisy.  I will use just three examples to share my point.  Have you ever heard any of the following?


1. Founding Fathers were hypocrites to say that all men were equal, but some had slaves.


2. Manifest Destiny was just a nice way of saying we are going to steal the land away from the Indians who could not stand against American firepower.


3. America needs to bring its troops home and let the countries that are defenseless against our firepower make their own decisions in government.


I believe each of these points has some validity and that we should discuss the ideals and the realities in each case.  What concerns me is that our post-modern culture can clearly see the fault of past generations, but never seems to look inward at our own hearts.  Jesus said, “Before you remove the speck from your brother’s eye, remover the beam from your own eye.”  The Bible is clear that Christians should defend the defenseless, ensure justice to the weak against the strong, and stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.


The slaves during the American Revolution could not stand up for themselves and even though individual founding fathers did make stands, it took a Civil War to finally settle the slavery issue.  The founding fathers had ideals, but could not implement without risking the entire American Experiment.  Were they right or wrong to do so?  Great questions and great topics of discussion that will be discusses for as long as people reason.


The Indians on our great plains could not stand up to the land hungry Americans moving west.  Did individual American’s attempt to enforce the Indian nations rights?  Yes, some did, but justice was trampled for expediency and Indians were herded off to plantations instead of being assimilated into the American experiment.  Should America not have headed west at all?  These are great questions for ongoing dialogue that will be discussed for as long as people reason together.


The sovereignty of other countries is intervened by our powerful military and political machines.  Does America have the right and responsibility to ensure justice for the oppressed around the world?  These are more intelligent discussions with well reasoned argument on all sides.  If America is threatened, do we have the right to intervene?  There must be limits and principles applied to each situation. 


The point is that we should always examine the past and the present to ensure our hearts are right on these matters.  The goal of studying history is to learn the past so we can apply the right principles at the right time in the future.  As Harry Truman said, “There is nothing new under the sun, only the history that you do not know.”


I have said all of this to bring you to our post-modern culture’s biggest hypocrisy and crime, in my opinion.  How can we deftly point out the hypocrisy in our past and not blush with shame with our culture’s stand on abortion?  Isn’t the American creed to stand up for those that are defenseless?  Isn’t it the blatant hypocrisy that gets our gander up when we see the double standards from our past of (free men & slavery), (right to own property & land grabbing migrations), and (national sovereignty & empire building government)?  How is it that we see their hypocrisy, but miss our own? 


Can we truly say we are concerned about the welfare and rights of our defenseless brothers and sisters when we allow partial birth abortions?  What more defenseless human being can there be than a baby in their mother’s womb?  I can see future generations looking back on this generation with disdain.  They will mock our hypocrisy that we were so concerned about the defenseless until it called for a personal sacrifice.  Yes the modern God is the God of convenience and we are for doing right until it hurts.


It has been said that integrity is not doing wrong, but character is doing right.  You may not support partial birth abortions nor have had one and so you have integrity.  But I would submit to you that character would go the next mile and defend in a constitutional way the rights and the justice our speechless defenseless brothers and sisters.  America’s ideals have always stood for coming to the aid of the defenseless against injustice.  Please consider your positions and examine your own heart.  Do you have a double standard when it comes to judging the past and the present?  Do you, like our forefathers, use misleading arguments to justify the hypocrisy?  Like attempting to show that babies in the womb are not really human babies yet?  Doesn’t this sound frighteningly similar to bogus argument about Blacks not being fully human in an attempt to justify slavery?  Does it sound like bogus arguments that Indians could not be fully civilized in an attempt to justify rapaciousness?  Does it sound like fallacious arguments that the weaker countries need us to force upon them our form of government even though we would fight to the death to not allow a foreign power to do the same to us? 


The Bible compels us to go beyond integrity and into character.  I have made stands in my life that have cost me plenty.  Money, friends, reputation must all be put on the line before you surrender your character and your principles.  Can it be tough at times to stand for truth?  Sure, but not as tough as looking in the mirror and knowing that you are a hypocrite.  John Wooden said, “The softest pillow is a good conscience.”  Is your pillow soft at night?  Please watch the videos and think on these things.  God Bless, Orrin Woodward


The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) would eliminate every restriction on abortion nationwide.

  • FOCA will do away with state laws on parental involvement, on partial birth abortion, and on all other protections.
  • FOCA will compel taxpayer funding of abortions.
  • FOCA will force faith-based hospitals and healthcare facilities to perform abortions.

FOCA Would Wipe Away Every Restriction on Abortion Nationwide

This would eradicate state and federal laws that the majority of Americans support, such as:

  • Bans on Partial Birth Abortion
  • Requirements that women be given information about the risks of getting an abortion
  • Only licensed physicians can perform abortions
  • Parents must be informed and give consent to their minor daughter’s abortion

FOCA would erase these laws and prevent states from enacting similar protective measures in the future.


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Boise State – Underdogs can Overcome!

Posted by Orrin Woodward on January 13, 2009


I watched this video and it brought tears to my eyes.  This describes exactly the mentality of a true MonaVie Team leader.  Success principles are success principles in any high level team achievement. To win as a team, you must buy into a bigger cause than yourself and play your part.  Boise State, a smaller school, in 2006 finished an undefeated season by beating Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl. Listen to the video and read these quotes that were shared! God Bless, Orrin Woodward

1. We were playing for anyone who feels that they didn’t stand a chance.

2. We talked about setting goals and meeting expectations by taking it one game at a time.

3. We bought into the system.

4. You have to believe in something bigger than youself.

5. We are going to win as a team and family or die as a bunch of individuals.

6. You need to have a Blue Collar mentality – You tough it out and do what you need to do in order to be successful.

7. If we finish, play hard and keep doing that consistently, obviously, we are going to win some games.

8. A sense of belief just because of the preparation we put in.  A sense of belief that these guys don’t know what’s coming to them.

9. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

10. Do not take counsel of our fears, our naysayers or the unknown.

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Charlie “Tremendous” Jones – A Masterpiece Life

Posted by Orrin Woodward on January 9, 2009

Today’s post is on one of the best communicators in America’s history, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones.  I read Charlie’s book Life is Tremendous very early in my leadership journey and it made a significant impact.  Charlie’s style of speaking is focused on helping you to think through the issues for yourself.  After 14 years of knowing and learning from “Tremendous” Jones from afar, I was finally blessed with getting to know him personally.  No communicator can lift me up when I am down like Charlie Jones!  I bought a tape of his in 1998 and literally wore it out by listening to it nearly a hundred times.  When I felt that I couldn’t go on, I would pop in Charlie Jones and he would tell me to quit quitting!!  One of my favorite quotes was, “It is time to stop listening and memorizing and start thinking and realizing.” I listened to a greatest hits CD from Charlie Jones three times yesterday!  The last time, I had my children listen to it also because it was so impactful.  Charlie told all of us to stop having a hard heart and soft skin and learn to have a soft heart and hard skin.  Life is too short to be offended all the time.  Plus, offended people cannot serve others because they are too focused on themselves.


Charlie passed away a few months ago, but his message lives on in the hearts and minds of the millions of people that he affected in a positive way.   The world needs more men like Charlie Jones, men who will stand for truth and encourage others to learn truth for themselves.  Charlie was a true Christian and the lived his life by the principles of the Good Book.  He fought cancer for over a decade, but you would never hear him complain.  He thanked God everyday for another day to share his teaching with his fellow human beings.  Charlie’s spirit of empathy for others would never allow him to have sympathy for himself.  That is an attitude of gratitude and a spirit that all leaders must develop.  If possible, I am going to get the best of Charlie Jones and offer it as a CD selection in the Team.  It is too good not to share with the incredible leaders on the Team! 


I thank you Charlie, for leading a life worth emulating.  There will never be another Charlie Jones, but his example will inspire others to be an original in a world of copies.  God Bless, Orrin Woodward 


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Michael Jordan – Excuses are Useless

Posted by Orrin Woodward on January 7, 2009

Words of wisdom from the greatest basketball player of all-time! God Bless, Orrin Woodward


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Paul Pilzer – MonaVie Team – Health & Wellness

Posted by Orrin Woodward on January 6, 2009

I am in the community building business today thanks to Paul Pilzer.  I listened to a 1993 tape from Paul Pilzer on Economic Paradigms and was hooked.  I loved the idea of building my own business and Having Fun, Making Money and Making a Difference.  I went from a broke engineer to a multi-millionaire business owner by becoming a student and doing the work.  Thank you Paul Pilzer for sharing the dream of a better future with a young man who was losing hope in his future.  I spend my life focusing on helping the next generation of hungry students have the same opportunity that I was blessed with.  Paul Pilzer states that the Health & Wellness field is the fastest growing field for community builders.  Paul has never led me wrong and the MonaVie Team plans on playing a big part in helping the 500 billion industry hit 1 trillion over the next fives years, like Pilzer says.  What part are you going to play in the next generation of millionaires and the Health & Wellness revolution?  Enjoy the video and make a decision to shine in 2009!  God Bless, Orrin Woodward


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Money, Banking & the Federal Reserve

Posted by Orrin Woodward on January 2, 2009

I have one more post on the money supply and the Federal Reserve.  2009 is going to be a big year and knowledge applied is the key.  Here is another fantastic video that will arm you with the facts as you go out into the world.  Today is the first day of the rest of your life.  Make your decision to day to live a life of excellence.  Reading, listening, thinking and praying everyday are habits worth cultivating.   This video is from the Ludwig Von Mises Institute and is another classic. God Bless, Orrin Woodward


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