Orrin Woodward on LIFE & Leadership

Inc Magazine Top 20 Leader shares his personal, professional, and financial secrets.

  • Orrin Woodward

    Former Guinness World Record Holder for largest book signing ever, Orrin Woodward is a NY Times bestselling author of And Justice For All along with RESOLVED & coauthor of LeaderShift and Launching a Leadership Revolution. His books have sold over one million copies in the financial, leadership and liberty fields. RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions For LIFE made the Top 100 All-Time Best Leadership Books and the 13 Resolutions are the framework for the top selling Mental Fitness Challenge personal development program.

    Orrin made the Top 20 Inc. Magazine Leadership list & has co-founded two multi-million dollar leadership companies. Currently, he serves as the Chairman of the Board of the LIFE. He has a B.S. degree from GMI-EMI (now Kettering University) in manufacturing systems engineering. He holds four U.S. patents, and won an exclusive National Technical Benchmarking Award.

    This blog is an Alltop selection and ranked in HR's Top 100 Blogs for Management & Leadership.

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Multi-Tasking – Outliers and Jack Crevalle

Posted by Orrin Woodward on December 19, 2008

I love what I do for a living and the people I am blessed to work with.  Every once in a while the water is too enticing and I have to go out and catch some fish.  But as all of us know, fishing can be a hit or miss affair.  In case of miss, I always pack a book or two to read and enjoy the sunshine.  It was 80 degrees and sunny in Port St. Lucie.  I wanted to go fishing and the kids wanted a bullet ride.  We did both!  I took the kids out for the bullet ride while Captain Billy cast net and captured the bait fish.  When the kids were worn out, I dropped them off, picked up Captain Billy and went to a new spot in search of tarpon or jack crevalles.  I packed Malcolm Gladwell’s new book Outliers and had a ball.  I am three chapters into the book and it is phenomenal.  Malcolm states that mastery in any area requires 10,000 hours of investment.  For me and all the people that I mentor, I know that Malcolm speaks a true statement! 

What I love about Florida is that I can multi-task by investing time in reading to grow myself and catch three jack crevalles over 15 pounds in the same afternoon.  The biggest jack was 30 inches and approximately 25 pounds!  A stellar day indeed.  Are you investing in yourself and your business and building your 10,000 hours to master your profession?  Laurie and I from 25 through 31 years of age invested over 10,000 hours and mastered the skills of networking.  We were fanatics (what unsuccessful people call a winners commitment) 🙂 for that period of time and built the lifestyle of our dreams.  It has made all the difference in our thinking, lives and leadership.  If you choose to be a Master Network, I have a few words of advice. 

Success is three things.

One, what do you want? 

Two, what does it cost? 

Three, pay it! 

So many people wait for success/mastery to go on sale, but success/mastery will never be discounted.  They put in a 1,000 hours here and a 1,000 hours there.  They get bored and begin to dabble all over losing the focus necessary to finish what they start.  They are always on the lookout for that proverbial success coupon.  Decide now to pay in full and quit haggling over the price!  If you are new, you have 10,000 hours and counting down to mastery.  The picture below does not do justice to the size of this big boy, but if you imagine flipping the fish vertical, it would almost blot me out of the picture! God Bless, Orrin Woodward

Jack Crevalle picture

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The Art Jonak Show

Posted by Orrin Woodward on December 19, 2008

I had the privilege to be invited as a guest on the Art Jonak Show, a video program for Network Marketing.  I was introduced to Art through an interview that Chris Brady and I did for Networking Times.  Art has quickly become a good friend and his vision for taking the Network Marketing field mainstream is in line with the leaders of the Team.  Art has accomplished many things in life, but what impressed me most was his heart for people and his humility to learn and grow.  Art’s show brings the best of the best in the Networking field and discusses the principles that build and unite large organizations.  I met some incredible leaders in both the Network Marketing and the Social Networking field.  Talk about a Mastermind group!   On Wednesday night, the group met for dinner and discussed the industry and the leadership challenges to take networking mainstream.  Then on Thursday, Art interviewed the top leaders, one after the other.  Art had a full day of interviewing the best minds in networking for his show.

Art Jonak Show picture


When you meet Art, it doesn’t take long to realize that he is the consummate professional.  His ability to focus on what is relevant during the interview and what will resonate with the audience is impressive.  There is a fine art to proper interviewing and Art has mastered not only the art, but the science of a good interview also.  By asking the right questions and creating the right atmosphere, Art draws out the leader to share their key ingredients that lead to success.  I am now officially calling Art Jonak – Networking’s Networker.  Art has built key relationships with the biggest and best leaders in the entire industry to serve in taking the networking field mainstream.  The MonaVie Team community plans on playing a huge part in helping to carry this vision to fruition.  We must focus on building numbers, building volume, and building solid win-win relationships throughout our teams.  Are you ready to take Network Marketing mainstream?  Then it is time to sell out to your dreams, the pattern and personal development to become the person necessary to live your dreams!  God Bless, Orrin Woodward

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Government Spending, Keynesian Economics, & Political Responsibility

Posted by Orrin Woodward on December 18, 2008

Since World War II, Keynesian economics has been the main current in economic thought in America.   I have taught that “Ideas have Consequences” for years and we are now reaping the bitter harvest of this poor set of ideas.  Anyone that would take a cursory look at the economic indicators and our government’s budget would have to admit something has gone drastically wrong since World War II.  Deficit spending has skyrocketed; savings for Americans are at all-time low numbers, government spending makes up 25% plus of our economy and many more.  The numbers are a dismal reminder that no one can overturn economic law, not even the largest government in the world.  America’s politicians have been on a spending spree since WWII and have financed it with the American taxpayers’ money.   Marrying a defective economics system that glorifies government spending with power hungry politicians that are looking for any excuse to spend our money is a recipe for disaster. 


Why is it that every responsible American family must balance their budget monthly or run the risk of serious consequences, but our elected officials cannot seem to master this standard requirement?   Chris Brady did a post on the 545 people that are responsible to run our government.  He attached some thoughts by Charlie Reese


There are one hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president, and nine Supreme Court justices. A total of 545 human beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.


Are you telling me that in America, there is not 545 people who can learn to balance the budget and tell their constituents, no, when they have to?  You cannot have the proverbial cake and eat it too.  The government continues to spend billions more in dollars than it is taking in which makes it the least effectively run business in America.  Yet I hear people all the time that state, “What we need is more government involvement.”  Ok, let me get this straight.  The government that cannot balance its own budget (even though it has the largest revenue stream) will now be teaching its techniques for success (failure) to the rest of the private economy?  That is like going to the homeless shelter and assigning one of the unfortunates to teach their business acumen to the Chamber of Commerce. 


We are systematically robbing our children of their birthright in an orgy of spending and irresponsibility.  Americans need to demand responsibility in their government and find 545 people with the following skills and character: budgeting, ability to say no, integrity, principle centered, confronting reality, economic principles, historical understanding, vision casting and leadership.  I refuse to be part of the generation that sat by idly and allowed our great nation to spend itself into poverty!  Every businessman is held responsible to the bottom line by the market and profit and loss.  As Americans we must hold our politicians responsible for the bottom line.  We can right this ship, but we need less rhetoric and more confronting reality on the issues.  Here are just a few suggestions.


1. A government amendment to balance the budget yearly.  Leadership requires tough choices and without this amendment tough choices are put off by borrowing money and leaving a bigger problem to the next generation of leaders.


2. Back to a Gold standard or a hybrid system that only produces money when real value is produced in this country.  It is too tempting for politicians to artificially produce money and inflate when in a pinch.  Real money is only a measurement of value produced, not something that can be printed by fiat.


3. Reduce our foreign soil commitments of troops.  If countries desire us to be the police force for them, then they must foot the bill.  Who exactly are our troops in Western Germany defending against?  Isn’t this an appendage from the Cold War?  Cannot Germany defend themselves at this point?


4. Reduce the influence of special interest in the voting process.  The elected officials need to represent the voters, not the special interest.  Until we can have elected officials that are not owned by special interest, real change will be slow in coming.


Here is an educational video on Keynesian economics that is a must see for all responsible Americans that are concerned about our present financial crisis.  Thank you Vince for sending me the link to this video! Please share your thoughts to clean up our government’s mess.  God Bless, Orrin Woodward


Posted in Finances, Freedom/Liberty | 1 Comment »

Our American Heritage – Educating the Electorate is the Key

Posted by Orrin Woodward on December 16, 2008

Please pass this on to your email list to help educate the American Electorate.

“A nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins.” – Benjamin Franklin


My subject today is on the lowering standards for spiritual, political, economic, and historical literacy in America.  I fear for our country when people can be whipped into a mass frenzy by a speaker’s style more than his substance.  Now don’t misread me here.  I believe strongly in having a pleasing public speaking style, but that should be secondary to the truth of the speaker’s statements.  To follow someone because of their communication skills with no understanding of the underlying message is a breeding ground for disaster.  Without an understanding of our American heritage, how are American voters discerning between the spiritual, economic, political and historical issues?   Without a basic understanding of our American history all decisions are chosen upon how they make people feel, not on what people think.  Sadly, in today’s society, belligerent ignorance is as highly valued as diligent study.  You can look at any comments sections of any public blog to see the truth of this statement.


“Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.” – Thomas Jefferson


Thinking requires a general knowledge of the subject.  I cannot have an educated discussion on Albanian politics, because I do not have all of the issues and their historical relevance at my fingertips.  If I were asked to be involved in a discussion on the subject, I would have to do some homework to get up to speed.  Every four years, people place a vote for the most powerful person in the world.  I have wondered, for years, how much homework they have done to apply this nearly sacred honor.  I am not one of the people who believes that “image is everything.”  In fact, I am one of the people who believes the exact opposite.  Give me character over reputation any day of the week.  I have learned enough about the media to understand their goal is to paint an image.  But as John Wooden says, “Reputation is what people say you are and character is who you are.”  Just like a book, I focus on content of the book, not just its cover.  If I had to choose, I would take great content with a poor cover than the reverse.  In order to understand the content, you must be educated on the principles yourself. 


“Liberty cannot be preserved without general knowledge among the people.” – John Adams


 Here is a phenomenal test given to Americans to determine their knowledge of American Civil Literacy.  Please click on the link and take the test.  There are 33 questions in all and it is closed book with no notes.  Do not click on the comments as some of the answers are discussed there.  Please take the test first.  Let’s determine your American Civil Literacy score currently, to help us focus your reading in the proper areas.  Tyler Libby, a good friend, a great reader and excellent leader in America, sent me this test with this blurb attached.


Are you more knowledgeable than the average citizen? The average score for all 2,508 Americans taking the following test was 49%; college educators scored 55%. Can you do better? Questions were drawn from past ISI surveys, as well as other nationally recognized exams. 


“I know of no safe repository of the ultimate power of society but people. And if we think them not enlightened enough, the remedy is not to take the power from them, but to inform them by education.” – Thomas Jefferson


I knew that people on the Team have probably done more reading than the average population and even the average college educators/professors.  I was concerned that the average scores were coming in around 50%!  How can we play our part in our Republic if we only understand half of the principles behind the specific issues?  I reflected back on the numerous books in our MonaVie Team system designed to educate our teams and excitedly took the test.   I quickly went through the questions and without reviewing them I sent them in for my score.  Here is what I received back.

You answered 33 out of 33 correctly — 100.00 %

Average score for this quiz during November: 78.0%
Average score: 78.0%

You can take the quiz as often as you like, however, your score will only count once toward the monthly average.

Since it was early November, I assume there were not many that had taken the test yet for the month.  I would ask that everyone on the blog take a few minutes and take the test.  Read the questions and answer without using any notes or searching the internet.  See what you know currently and that will give you a baseline as you learn and grow in the Team educational system.  There is no failure, only a beginning point for further growth!  I feel this is one of the most neglected parts of the value of the MonaVie Team training.  We do not just train people to be good networkers.  We educate people to be good citizens of their countries!  Learning and growing should be fun and if it is not then someone took your curiosity from you.  A nation that does not know its past cannot possibly chart a proper course for the future!  Please share what you learned from taking the test and I will recommend different books based upon your comments to help in your education process. 


Here is a website that has some great thoughts on freedom and education.  I will post a few paragraphs here. Our Founding Fathers were extremely aware of the importance in a proper moral education for the people in order to have a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. 


“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never can be.” – Thomas Jefferson


Our founders gave us a nearly perfect form of government, that combined responsibility and accountability. It gave us the responsibility to hold our government accountable for their actions. However, in our prosperity, we have been lulled to sleep.


A system wherein if we shirked our responsibility, then our government would no longer be accountable. Sadly, most of us think the type of government we have is a democracy. The better educated can proudly say that we have a republic. However, among those better educated, not one in a thousand understands the true substantive difference between the two.


There are two main reasons for the dilemma we find ourselves in:


1. We are prosperous—the most prosperous nation on earth, and our prosperity has made us comfortable, and in our comfort, we have abrogated our duties to those who promise to do them for us without any serious scrutiny. And as generation to generation pass, we grow more firm in our lack of understanding, and we do not even know the standards to which our officials should be held.


2. The deliberate dumbing down of our education system in an effort to enslave the public through ignorance and prepare them for world government.


“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams


Don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t score well.  If you make a decision to improve then you are becoming part of the educated electorate.  The question is: are you going to be part of the long-term solution or part of the long-term problem?  Spiritual, economic, historical, and political principles must all be learned if we are to be part of the solution!  God Bless, Orrin Woodward

Posted in Freedom/Liberty | 1 Comment »

Austrian Economics, Peter Schiff, & the Bailouts

Posted by Orrin Woodward on December 15, 2008

In my opinion, economics is the least understood of the sciences.  Economics affects every person that desires to provide for their families, but most people rely on government or the media for their (usually incorrect) snippets on economics.  The Austrian School of economics has the most logical descriptions of what occurs in an economic transaction and aligns with my personal experiences.  I believe that to learn economics properly, you must read and then apply the principles into your business endeavors.  We have watched our government since the 1920’s take over our economic freedoms.  With every loss of economic freedoms, political and religious freedoms are sure to be lost also.  Ludwig Von Mises is my favorite author in economics, but they may be a little deep for your first economics book.  Paul Pilzer wrote a book called Unlimited Wealth, Warren Brookes wrote a book called Economy in Mind, and Friedrich Von Hayek wrote his classic, The Road to Serfdom.  All three of these will give a great foundation for understanding what is happening in our economy today.   Ludwig Von Mises magnum opus, Human Action is the best book on economics ever written in my opinion.


If we go to our economy today, we will see major violations of economic law.  The sad thing is that the government will violate economic law with its interventionist policies and then when it fails – the government blames free enterprise.  This allows the government to do more interventionist policies.  It is like a mad doctor who gives the patient a drug and it makes the patient worse.  The doctor then states the patient is very sick and will need further drug injections.  The process ends only in the death of the patient.  Socialism/Communism has never worked anywhere!  I hear all these poetic words on the joy of government regulations and control to stop the greedy entrepreneur, but in Cuba, North Korea, Soviet Union, etc, they only succeeded in stopping their economy.  The Austrian school of economics recognizes that all economies rise and fall on the economic calculations and predictions of the entrepreneur.  If you kill the entrepreneur then you kill the catalyst for the entire economy.  China has transformed itself into a pseudo-free enterprise country by allowing entrepreneurial profits.  The Chinese totalitarians saw the economic writing on the wall and modified their economics (in a blatant disregard of their Marxian roots) to maintain power.


Peter D. Schiff is the president of Euro Pacific Capital Inc., a brokerage firm based in Darien, Connecticut.  He is a follower of the Austrian school of economics and has predicted our current crisis years in advance.  Peter, by using the logical conclusions drawn from economic analysis, predicted the credit crisis, the housing devaluations and many more of the economic maladies.  Here is video footage of news programs where Peter was laughed and mocked for his economic views.  Notice how he stands his ground and does not give in.  Like the old saying goes, “A man with the facts is not at the mercy of a man with an opinion.”  I salute Peter Schiff for his economic stands against the hysteria of the crowds.  We need more men and women that learn the truth of economics for themselves so we will not be led down rabbit holes by our government and media.  God Bless, Orrin Woodward



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How Shall We Then Live? – Francis Schaeffer

Posted by Orrin Woodward on December 14, 2008

I believe that all leaders have a responsibility to learn truth in their life.  They also have a responsibility to live truth in their life.  Lastly, they have a responsibility to share this truth with others.  I am so thankful that God has blessed our business and given us the opportunity to share truth with others.  Are you learning, living and sharing truth in your leadership journey?  Francis Schaeffer was an explosion of ideas for my leadership journey and I believe will help all of us understand the role we play in the future of our countries.  God will not be mocked and we must surrender our wills to His will if we desire our countries to be blessed.  No one describes the condition of our cultures better than Dr. Schaeffer and his book, How Shall We Then Live? is a classic that all leaders should read, in my opinion. 

Here are a couple of videos that share some of the concepts from the book.  Remember, no one can think for you.  I strongly disagree with any leader who tells someone that they must believe the same as them.  I learned a long time ago that a person convinced against their will is of the same opinion still.  True learning only occurs when someone is open to think through all the sides of the issues.  Not arguments and name calling, but only reasoned discussions guided by the Holy Spirit will help us unite around the Truth and make a difference. Have a blessed Sunday!  Orrin Woodward



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Muskegon Football & Launching a Leadership Revolution

Posted by Orrin Woodward on December 13, 2008

I received an inspirational message from Don Poole, one of the assistant coaches at the Muskegon High School  football team in Michigan.  I had met Don at an open meeting where I was speaking at in Grand Rapids during the summer.  Don read Chris and my #1 Wall Street Journal best selling leadership book and then introduced the book and principles to Head Coach Tony Annese.  The entire coaching staff incorporated the principles from Launching a Leadership Revolution into the culture of their team.  Here is the first email that I received from Don.  Unfortunately, with my schedule booked 30 days in advance – I could not make this speaking engagement at short notice.  I do plan on congratulating this group of young leaders in person at my first opening!


Hello Orrin,

My name is Don Poole, Mark Vanbeek is my upline.  I had the amazing opportunity to hear and meet you this past summer at the Hudsonville open. I coach football at Muskegon High School.  After reading your leadership book, I let my head coach, Tony Annese read it.  He loved it and read it 3 times, we then developed a leadership class based on the book to inspire some young leaders.  In Hudsonville you offered to speak to our team if we made it to the finals. Well this past weekend we beat Lowell (#4 in the nation) and now we face Davidson in the semi-finals.  I feel very confident that if our young leaders show up and play the way they have all year we will be at Ford Field house on Nov. 28th 1:00 pm.  I am just wondering if your offer still stands, and hoping it could work out for you to talk to the team the day of or the night before. If you might be available to speak to our team I can give more concrete places and times.  We usually spend the night before the game some place near Flint. Thank you in advance for your time, wisdom and inspiration that you have given Tony Annese, our team, and lastly myself.


    Don Poole


They generated a study guide from the book and many of the young leaders volunteered to go through the book study to improve their leadership.  The results were phenomenal! The goal of any leadership team is to create a Culture of Excellence.  Muskegon has created this Culture of Excellence through Tony Annese’s leadership!  They started as an unranked team of mostly underclassmen and finished number one in the state of Michigan in their division.  This is an exciting testimonial to the power of leadership in a persons or teams life.  Here is Don’s description of the playoffs. 


A little update about our season.  We were playing Davidson for the semi-final game at Michigan State University.  As I had stated previously if Muskegon showed up and played the way we had against Rockford(Div 1 State Champs) or Lowell (Ranked #1 in the state, top 25 in many national polls) Davidson would be little challenge for us.  Well on that Saturday Nov.22 our kids showed up but just had a combination of adversity, bad luck, poor performance, needless to say we had 6 turnovers, 3 unforced.  The score was 35-19 with 4:30 left to play, our kids were upset and discouraged, nothing was going our way, Davidson was driving on our 20yd line with a 1st down.  Our kids, not wanting their dream to end fought hard and stopped Davidson and got the ball back with about 4 minutes.  On The first play we hit a big pass play 78 yd touchdown.  Now we needed a 2pt conversion, it failed stopped by an 1 inch. 35-25 with 3 minutes left.  We went for an onside kick and got it( we do this every week in practice and only have gotten 1 in about 40 attempts).  Then we went down and scored again, needing an extra point to make it a three point game we missed it score now is 35-31.  Now we had the impossible task of kicking another onside kick, get it and score with less than 2 minutes and no timeouts.  Our kids not wanting to let their dream and season end lined up, knowing this was our only shot.  The kick was bad wasn’t going ten yards but a Davidson player not seeing tried to block our player and the ball hit him in the back and we recovered it. Then with no time outs we went down and scored with 43 seconds remaining. Davidson got the ball back and moved it to our 40yd line then we intercepted it in the end zone on a hail mary to preserve the win. 

We went on to Ford Field and faced Warren Delasalle, Catholic league Champions, 13-0.  We played great and with 3 minutes left the score was 34-7, they scored against our 2’s & 3’s making the final 34-14.  Muskegon is Div. 2 state champions, #25 in USA Today paper, Top 5 in many national prep polls. The cycle of achievement was a part of our success along with some of the leadership lesson’s from Chris and your book.  Thanks again and Maybe something in the future will work for an opportunity to speak to the team.
Don Poole


This has the makings of a movie with the Dream, Struggle and Victory all included.  That is what life is about, getting a big worthwhile dream and spending the rest of your life chasing it.  You will have setbacks, naysayers, fans, coaches, mentors, and heartaches, but you must finish anyway.  With or without the dream, you will have the struggles, but with a dream, you will know that you did something worthwhile to help others.  I salute the Muskegon High School football team from head coach Tony Annese on down for their Dreams, Struggles and Victories.  Take the lesson learned here and apply them to all areas of your life for the rest of your life.  God Bless, Orrin Woodward


Are you applying the principles from Launching a Leadership Revolution in your life so you can launch your revolution?

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The Soul of Network Marketing

Posted by Orrin Woodward on December 3, 2008

There is an ideological battle blazing in the Network Marketing industry.  At stake is the Soul of an entire industry and whether it retains its free enterprise roots or morphs into a totalitarian control by the few.  On one side are the totalitarians that demand control and obeisance from the “proprietary trade secrets” otherwise, known as your friends and families.  On the other side are the libertarians that believe in free enterprise and the “right to own your own business.”  There can be no middle position here.  Either you are for companies owning the people who freely join their business, but are not free to leave or you are for the free enterprise principle that customers will stay only if you serve them.  Most people begin in business as libertarians and love freedom until they get a big community and then they want to use coercion to keep them.  I don’t believe this can nor ever will work.  People join networking to get out of the bureaucracies and coercion of a corporate job and are highly disappointed when they find out that some networking companies claim to have more control than their corporate jobs had over them.


Networking companies have always touted free enterprise and personal freedoms.  I have attended years of seminars and have heard speakers share quotes from Ludwig Von Mises, F. A. Hayek, Milton Friedman, Ayn Rand, George Reisman and others on stage for their stand on free enterprise.  I love the Network Marketing/Community Building field and what it can do for people’s thinking and lives.  I read most of the books of these giants of free enterprise and economics and was inspired to build a large free enterprise networking community.  I am now very concerned with the totalitarian direction of many in the networking industry.  Why is the networking field moving away from its free enterprise foundations that drew so many incredible entrepreneurs into the field in the first place?   Is the Direct Sales Association the group that can fix this or do they represent only the company’s perspectives?  Perhaps a field led association needs to be created to ensure that free enterprise reigns throughout Network Marketing?


“To deal with men by force is as impractical as to deal with nature by persuasion.” – Ayn Rand, a free enterprise and founder of the Objectivist school


When Lee Iacocca was fired by Henry Ford II, he simply took his ideas, many of his top leaders and went to a competitor Chrysler.  If Ford thought Lee was not fit for their company then they have every right to fire him.  But to then forbid him from getting another job in the automotive field sounds totalitarian to me.   Ford did not stop him from joining Chrysler and Lee did bring over 25 key lieutenants from Ford to Chrysler.  Any sane company would know that firing a top leader will create havoc in their leadership team.  The totalitarians in Networking desire the right to fire people at will and then sue the fired person.  They sue to steal the years of effort in building a community and deny the fired person the ability to compete against them in a free and open market.  Anytime competition suffers, society suffers.  The DSA should encourage competition as it helps the entire industry.  Currently, if the community chooses to follow the leader and not the totalitarians, the leader is sued by the totalitarians either in a public court or worse yet in a confidential arbitrations proceeding.  It may be only a couple of hundred dollars to join most networks, but whoever said it would be several million dollars for the right to leave even after you are fired?  This is not an idle discussion as big corporations are suing numerous top leaders in the networking industry as we speak.  There are multiple top leaders that are being sued for requesting the right to join another network.


The truth is that economic competition is the very opposite of competition in the animal kingdom. It is not a competition in the grabbing off of scarce nature-given supplies, as it is in the animal kingdom. Rather, it is a competition in the positive creation of new and additional wealth. – George Reisman, professor of Economics


Are networking field leader’s chattel or independent business owners with the right to choose where to ply their trade?  I am not for dabbling in numerous enterprises because I strongly believe that focus is essential for success.   Having a “free agency” mentality in our industry I believe is the key.  People should have the ability to come and go as they please, to work with companies and leaders that will serve them.  This ensures that all companies and leaders will serve their communities and put the customer’s best interests first.  If they don’t, just like every other market, their customers will leave and buy product and services from a competitor that does a better job.  Isn’t this what free enterprise is all about?  When a big company decides to insert rules into contracts and sue their top performers rather than serve them, I believe it puts the whole basis of Network Marketing at risk.  Big companies with good will can lose it quickly by inserting rules into existing contracts and destroying the free enterprise principles the company was founded upon.  No other market or industry in the free world operates like this.  To see the devastation of this type of mentality, you have to look no further than the economies of Cuba or North Korea.


“The role which good will plays on the market does not impair or restrict competition. Everybody is free to acquire good will, and every bearer of good will can lose good will once acquired.” – Ludwig Von Mises, the greatest economist of the 20th century


Networking has always been about free enterprise and business ownership. The totalitarians are turning the meaning of these words into Orwellian double speak.  They want to be the only true business owners and everyone else they label business owners even though they are their “proprietary trade secrets”!   What is proprietary to a Networking Company about your neighbor or you friends at church?  Why haven’t the big leaders that are more like prisoners than business owners done anything to rectify this abuse for themselves and their groups?  In corporate America they called this golden handcuffs.  Not happy with the situation, but unsure of what to do.  Many big leaders are stuck in totalitarian organizations and would leave, but are afraid of being sued and bankrupted.  What kind of compassionate capitalism is this?


“Capitalism demands the best of every man – his rationality – and rewards him accordingly. It leaves every man free to choose the work he likes, to specialize in it, to trade his product for the products of others, and to go as far on the road of achievement as his ability and ambition will carry him.” – Ayn Rand


The whole argument sounds frighteningly familiar to the history of Major League Baseball before the reserve clause was eliminated.  A player could play out his contract and be a free agent, but the owners of the team has a reserve clause that allowed them to still own the player.  Players would leave the game and have to get side jobs to survive because the owner raked in the profits at the players’ expense.  Curtis Flood fought over this reserve clause and eventually won.  The owners argued that it would destroy the game of baseball by having free agency and that there would be no stability in teams.  Economics theorized that free competition for the best players would raise all salaries and it did.  History has proven the owners wrong and all the major league players have benefited by higher pay and better retirement packages and the owners still make big money.  Freedom of movement for entrepreneurs is essential to create true competition. 


“If we wish to preserve a free society, it is essential that we recognize that the desirability of a particular object is not sufficient justification for the use of coercion” – F. A. Hayek, Nobel Prize winner in economics


People in sports and networks do not come to see the owners, but do come to see the leaders.  In rare instances, this is the same person.  But many times the owners make the vast majority of the profits and the leaders handle the heavy load of leading and being controlled by bureaucrats.  Just as Curtis Flood stood for all of his fellow players and sacrificed personally for their future gain, I believe the key leaders in the Networking field must stand for the right to freely join or leave a company if they are not being served.  Any leader worth his salt would understand that jumping companies on a regular basis will hurt their credibility and raiding others people’s groups is just poor character.  People have the right to choose who they wish to be in business with and should make these choices with character and integrity in mind.  But adding reserve clauses and threatening to sue any top leader who is not being served properly only hurts the whole industry.  Reserve clauses made the players chattel of the owners with no freedom to leave one team for another.  Non-competes and “proprietary trades secret” clauses make distributors no longer owners of their own business, but “owned” by the company they are in business with. 


“I think that nothing is so important for freedom as recognizing in the law each individual’s natural right to property, and giving individuals a sense that they own something that they’re responsible for, that they have control over, and that they can dispose of.” – Milton Friedman, professor of economics and one of Ronald Reagan’s favorite economists


As a leader, I am moving in the direction that I know will help millions of people have their victory, if they choose to do the work.  If a Networking company is not serving their customers or if I am not serving my team then I have no right to demand anyone to stay.  The ethical way to leave any company is to sit down with them and share your issues.  Perhaps they were unaware there were issues.  If they address and fix the issues then you both are better off.  If you sit down and they tell you to beat feet, then you should be free to pursue other opportunities not get sued.  Everyone ought to have the right to start their own business! Any time the freedom of action is hindered by totalitarians, by that same proportion free enterprise is hindered.  The catalyst for all free enterprise is the entrepreneurs and by denying freedom to entrepreneurs, you lose the competition that brings out the best practices for the end consumers.


“Entrance into the ranks of the entrepreneurs in a market society, not sabotaged by the interference of government or other agencies resorting to violence, is open to everybody.” – Ludwig Von Mises


The totalitarians desire control so they can pay less than their competitors and still fence in the unwilling distributors by fear and intimidation.   We freely join and we should be free to leave any community that is not meeting our needs.  Anything else is not free enterprise and you certainly cannot say that distributors own their own business if they are not free to sell their business and move on.  Totalitarians are unwilling to satisfy the consumers, but unwilling to lose their power.  In order to achieve these contrary principles, coercion is inserted into the contracts by non-competes, costly arbitrations, “trade secrets” language, etc, to restrict competition and maintain power.  My thoughts are: Let free enterprise reign!


Big business depends entirely on the patronage of those who buy its products: the biggest enterprise loses its power and its influence when it loses its customers. – Ludwig Von Mises


These are my opinions, what are your opinions?  God Bless, Orrin Woodward


This is not a bash networks discussion, but a discussion to make the networking field the best for entrepreneurs to enter.  If you won’t post under your real identity then why should I post your opinions?

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Networking Times – Launching a Leadership Revolution

Posted by Orrin Woodward on December 2, 2008

Here is an article from the Networking Times called Launching a Leadership Revolution on the Brady’s and Woodward’s community building principles.  Josephine Gross Phd. wrote the article and did a fantastic job capturing the facts.  I love the community building field and was very impressed by all the great people over at Networking Times.  They have the same goal as Chris and I do – to take Networking/Community Building mainstream.  Copies of the Networking Times with the LLR article inside are available on the Team shopping cart.  I also made a new friend in Art Jonak, an industry expert in the Networking field. 

By building numbers, moving product, and serving people using the principles discussed yesterday in the Go-Giver, we can accomplish the task.   The MonaVie Team is exploding in several markets and will be going worldwide.  The MonaVie Team is aligning with leaders across the world to do what has never been done in the Networking field before – go to 1 million people in the seats on a Saturday training session.  Are you part of that million that is Having Fun, Making Money and Making a Difference?  Enjoy the article by a super writer about a world class leadership community in the Networking field.  God Bless, Orrin Woodward

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The Go-Giver by Bob Burg

Posted by Orrin Woodward on December 1, 2008

The Team Book of the Month, “The Go Giver” by Bob Burg and John David Mann is an instant classic.  If you are not on the Team Direct Fulfillment system for book of the month and CDs of the month, then you are missing out big time!  I met Bob Burg many years ago when I was just beginning in community building.  I wasn’t making any money yet, but was hungry to learn.  Bob gave an inspiring talk that kept me going while I was learning to be effective.  Every single one of the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success is a must to learn.  Let me share the 5 Laws with some thoughts on each one.


1. Law of Value – Your true worth is determined by how much you give in value than you take in payment.


I have taught for years to give more than you receive.  The goal should be to deposit more into each relationship that you have than can possibly be given back.  This becomes harder the more relationships that you have and the more servant leaders that you have on your team.  With that said, the goal is still to give more than you receive.  When you add true value into people’s lives, people will want to add value into your life.  Are you giving more in value than you require in payment?


2. Law of Compensation – Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.


Service comes first and rewards come later.  When you have a small team, you will receive a small reward in community building.  When you learn to serve a larger community though leveraging information and systems, you will receive larger rewards.  If you don’t like the money you are making, give yourself a pay raise by serving more people.  It is like Cavett Roberts said along time ago, “Your pay raise becomes effective as soon as you do.”  Are you serving all the people that you can and meeting your true potential?


3. Law of Influence – Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interest first.


You cannot have true influence with people until they know how much you care.  They will know how much you care by focusing on their interest first.  Your value, compensation, and influence are all related to taking your eyes off yourself and focusing on others needs, dreams and goals.  This is why a self centered person never achieves or maintains a high level of Leadership because they will never keep other people’s interest ahead of their own interest.  Are you placing others interest ahead of your own?


4. Law of Authenticity – The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.


This is one of the hardest laws as it requires character and integrity to give of yourself.  Many people hide their true character behind an image of invulnerability.  With all the incredible gadgets to communicate in our modern world, people have never been more alone.  There are many ways to communicate, but it takes a listener to be really heard.  Everyone is talking, but few are listening.  Offering yourself requires a willingness to be the true you and not an image or a spin job.  Listen to others and be willing to be vulnerable by dropping your guard so they will drop their guard and true communication will result.  Are you a true friend to others or do you see them as objects for your own ends?


5. Law of Receptivity – The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.


This is the toughest law for me personally.  I love serving others, but to be on the receiving end of someone else’s service is tough.  I have had to learn to receive and thank the giver who generously served.  My wife is an incredible server and it is very tough to out serve her.  I have a generous group of leaders surrounding me who may it tough to out serve them.  This is beyond, you scratch my back and I will scratch yours.  This is give because you have the ability to give and receive because others desire to give to you.  What make a team unstoppable is this servant spirit amongst all the leaders, where we can focus on giving all we have and sometimes receiving more back though the miracle of God’s Grace.  Can you accept others service and grace with a genuine thankful spirit?


These laws applied consistently into your life will have a transformational effect.  I believe all of these laws come out of Christ’s teachings and would bless our culture radically by implementing them in our personal and professional lives.  Let each person examine themselves.  Please share your thoughts where you have seen these laws at work in your life.  God Bless, Orrin Woodward

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